transient motion

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈmoʃən][ˈtrænziənt ˈməuʃən]


  • A concept of added mass force in viscous flows is introduced through rigorous analysis of a particle transient motion at low particle Reynolds number .

    从分析低颗粒雷诺数下刚性小颗粒的 恒定 运动出发,给出了粘性流中附加质量力的概念;

  • A lumped parameter model was developed for predicting the transient motion of mirrors taking into account electrostatic and tensile forces and viscous air damping via squeeze film theory .

    考虑静电驱动力、张力和空气阻尼衰减对变形镜回复过程的影响,建立一种复合参数模型来预测变形镜的 瞬态 行为

  • The transient pressure equation of fluid and motion equation of moving plate in Reynolds ' lubrication system are derived . The transient response and relative damping coefficient and eigenvalues are analyzed .

    文章建立了雷诺润滑系统中的流体 瞬态压力方程和镜板的 运动方程,分析了该系统的瞬态响应和相对阻尼系数以及特征值。

  • Research on Transient Vibration of a System under the Input of Harmonic Ground Motion

    简谐地面 运动作用下系统 瞬态振动的研究

  • The steady motion and the transient motion of the controlled multibody system with delay and without delay are computed with examples .

    实例计算延迟和无延迟受控多体系统的稳态运动和 瞬态 运动

  • We observed the effect of anisodamine on contractile function and calcium transient in isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes by edge motion detect system .

    利用单细胞 缘探测系统我们观察了山莨菪碱对正常离体大鼠心室肌细胞收缩功能和钙 的作用。

  • This paper presents a model for transient pressure analysis which includes the analysis of propellant burning stemming liquid motion fluid drainage through perforation and fluid flow in fractures .

    本文提出了一个高能气体压裂 瞬态压力分析模型,包括火药燃烧、压井液体 运动、井筒流体通过射孔孔眼的泄流和裂缝中流体流动等分析内容。

  • The model predicts the transient variations of gun chamber pressure projectile motion and the decomposition rate of propellant .

    模型可以预测发射过程中药室内压力、弹丸 运动及工质的分解速率的 瞬时变化。

  • It is analytically demonstrated that at high particle Reynolds number the particle transient motion equation is a nonlinear integral equation with singularity while it is simplified to the second Volterra integral equation when particle Reynolds number is smaller than unit .

    分析表明,高颗粒雷诺数下的粒子 恒定 运动方程为非线性奇异积分方程,而当颗粒雷诺数小于1时,则线性化为第二类渥尔特拉(Volterra)积分方程。

  • An analysis on one-dimensional transient wave motion in saturated porous media

    饱和多孔介质一维 瞬态 波动问题的解析分析

  • It is concluded that the transient response to a high frequency harmonic ground motion can increase greatly the displacement response of structures particularly for the long period structures .

    研究结果表明:在简谐地面 加速度 作用下,高频地 震动也可以引起长周期结构产生很大的位移反应,且最大 位移反应出现在结构的 瞬态 自由振动阶段。

  • But the variation of Young 's modulus would not change the characteristics of motion of burden in blast furnace that is composed of the steady motion and the transient motion of burden .

    但弹性模量的变化并没有改变高炉内炉料的运动特征,其运动仍然是由稳态下降运动与 瞬态 运动组成。

  • Transient motion of interface dislocation and self-similar propagation of interface crack

    界面位错的 瞬态 运动和界面裂纹的自相似扩展

  • Transient theoretical analysis of the triggering system of the engineering strong motion seismographs and designing of their modified versions

    工程 强震仪触发系统的 瞬态理论分析及其改型设计

  • Analytical solutions are obtained using Laplace transform and convolution theorem for the transient wave motion in saturated porous media under arbitrary stress boundary condition and displacement boundary condition respectively .

    利用拉氏变换和卷积定理,分别得到了边界自由排水时在任意应力边界条件和任意位移边界条件下 瞬态 波动 过程的解析表达。

  • Some problems about the transient vibration of SDOF under simple harmonic load and ground motion was researched . The rule of the transient vibration was generalized .

    在已有研究工作的基础下,深入研究了简谐荷载和简谐地面 运动 作用下单自由度体系的 位移反应、加速度反应和内力反应中的伴生自由振动反应情况,总结其中 伴生自由振动的 运动规律。

  • The asymptotic formula of moment generating function for occupation time of transient Brownian motion and symmetric stable process discussed by Dembo and Peres etc.

    Dembo和Peres等学者讨论了非常返布朗 运动和对称稳定过程的逗留 的矩母函数的极限表达式,并将所得结果用于解决逗留时的粗重分形谱问题。

  • Transient chaotic motion was analyzed with FFT power spectrum and Lyapunov exponent spectrum .

    运用FFT、功率谱、Lyapunov指数谱分析了 系统 响应 瞬态 混沌 现象

  • Through several illustrative numerical examples the displacement and stress fields of solid skeleton as well as the velocity and pore pressure fields of interstitial fluid in transient wave motion under the two types of boundary conditions are discussed .

    几种典型的数值算例同时给出了两类边界条件下 瞬态 波动 过程中多孔固体的位移场、应力场和孔隙流体的速度场、压力场。

  • One-dimensional transient wave motion in saturated porous media under stress boundary condition

    应力边界条件下饱和多孔介质的一维 瞬态 波动

  • The transient motion parameter of every coordinate axes can be calculated to monitor the locus motion .

    可以计算出各坐标轴的 瞬态 运动参数,对轨迹运动动态监控。

  • As the transient analysis method takes the peak ground motion spectrum characteristics and duration into account it can be used to get the entire process of the structure reaction in the strong earthquake completely and accurately .

    由于时 分析考虑了地 震动的峰值,频谱特性和持续时间三要素,因而该方法能比较完整准确地反映出结构在强烈地震作用下反应的全过程状况。

  • In order to study the effect of tire cornering stiffness on vehicle body 's yaw angular velocity transient response when there is a front wheel step steer input a two DOF planar model of vehicle 's motion is estab - lished and the transient response expression is given .

    为了分析轮胎侧偏刚度对汽车前轮角阶跃输入下车身横摆角速度 瞬态响应的影响,建立汽车 运动的二自由度平面模型,解析分析了轮胎侧偏刚度对瞬态响应的影响。

  • On Transient Motion of Particles in Dilute Two Phase Flow

    稀疏两相流中颗粒 恒定 运动 积分 变换分析

  • The tail probability estimates for the occupation time of Brownian sheet are discussed . It is verified that N-parameter d dimension Brownian sheet with d > 2N also possesses the property called as the localization phenomenon just as transient Brownian motion does .

    讨论瞬时(即d>2N情形)的N指标d维布朗单逗留时的尾概率估计,证明了瞬时的布朗单同样具有 瞬时(即d≥3情形)的布朗 运动逗留时所具有的局部化现象的特征。

  • Transient Throttle Control System of Spark - ignited Engines Based on Motion Control Card

    基于 运动控制卡的汽油机节气门 瞬态控制器

  • In particular the influence exerted by oil viscosity and gap extension on the rattle characteristics is investigated through the analysis of the transient response of the driven gear by imposing a harmonic motion to the driving gear .

    特别通过用对传动齿轮谐和 运动的影响分析从动齿轮的 瞬态响应来研究油粘度和间隙延展对敲击特性施加的影响。

  • Its geometrical parameter and planning parameter should be followed in calculating the transient motion parameters of all coordinate axes .

    根据轨迹函数、规划参数可以计算出各坐标轴的 瞬态 运动参数。

  • Mathematical expression of longitudinal transient deformation of tyre tread imprint under motion condition has been derived .

    计算出 运动状态下轮胎印迹纵向 瞬时变形的数学表达式。

  • The transient time function of the transducer motion can be determined by applying the residue law .

    换能器 运动 瞬态时间 响应可以通过留数定律 解析而得。