transformation of cost

[ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən ʌv kɔst][ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən ɔv kɔst]

[经] 成本的转移

  • Using matrix transformation theory this paper discusses cost drivers combination and the number of cost drivers in implementing ABC system .

    运用矩阵 变换理论,研究ABC系统实施过程中为减少系统复杂性所进行的成本动因合并和最终 成本动因个数的确定问题。

  • Establish compensation mechanism of eco-benefit to realize the transformation of the outer cost on eco-environment construction into inner cost ;

    要建立生态效益补偿机制,实现生态环境外部性 成本内部

  • By utilizing equivalent transformation and polyphase decomposition of the decimation filter both hardware cost and operating power of each sub-decimation filter were also reduced .

    通过利用抽取滤波器的等价 变换和多项分解性质,各滤波器级的硬件电路 开销和运行功耗都得到了降低。

  • Thoughts for Transformation of Learning Curve and Cost Innovation in E-era

    e时代 学习曲线 变革 成本创新启示

  • The paper inquires into criterions for economic evalution of technological transformation and extension project such as profitability incremental index overall index the date of repayment and fix cost etc.

    就技术 改造与扩建项目经济评价中盈利能力分析、增量指标和总量指标、计算范围和计算期、借款偿还期计算、沉没 费用和固定 成本 费用的处理进行了探讨。

  • Through the practice of the technical transformation project of Jinyang Coal Washing Plant this paper probes into the ways of effectively controlling the construction cost of technical transformation project .

    通过晋阳选煤厂技术 改造项目的实践,探讨了有效控制改造项目工程 造价的途径。

  • The traditional cost evaluation index for rural power network power transmission and transformation construction can not meet the requirement of the current project cost management and evaluation gradually an improved index is needed .

    传统的农网 输变电工程 造价指标已逐渐难以满足目前造价水平评价的需要,亟待改进。

  • In order to prevent and slow down the corrosion the suggestion on technical transformation of deoxidation system is put forth to prolong boiler 's life reduce cost of parts and maintenance guarantee gas generation for production and living .

    为防止和减轻这种腐蚀,建议对除氧系统进行技术 改造,以延长锅炉的使用寿命,减少备件 费用和维修 费用,为生产和生活用汽提供可靠保障。

  • Tool wear and tool breakage are inevitably phenomenon occurring in the process of metal cutting the transformation of tool-state directly cause product quality declining production cost increasing and gradually affect the ability of market competition of products .

    刀具作为金属切削过程的直接执行者,在工件的切削加工过程中不可避免地存在着刀具磨损和破损现象,刀具状态的 变化直接导致产品质量下降和生产 成本增加,进而影响产品的市场竞争力。

  • Duo to China lying in transformation period the accessibility fairness and validity of formal control are relatively low which make the cost cheated relatively low so that people have no very strong motive to set up reputation in long term .

    同时由于处在 转型期的中国,正式控制的可获得性、公正性和有效 都相对较低,使得欺骗的 成本较低,人们并没有很强的动机建立(投资)于长期的声誉。

  • With the development of the power grid as well as the improving quality of power transmission and transformation equipment the conventional maintenance mode of equipment cannot meet the requirements for both reliable power supply and low operating cost .

    随着电网规模的发展和 输变电设备质量的提高,传统的检修管理模式越来越不能够满足供电的高可靠性和低运营 成本的需要。

  • This paper introduces the initial measurement of the long-term equity investment under the new accounting standard expounds the applicability accounting methods and mutual transformation of the cost method and equity method and probes into the depreciation processing method for the long-term equity investment .

    介绍了新企业会计准则中长期股权投资的初始计量,阐述了 成本法和权益法的适用范围、核算方式及其相互 转换,探讨了长期股权投资的减值处置方法。

  • In addition according to the shortage of resources in our jail prison crime transformation effect of property penalty execution low cost ease the shortage of judicial resources increase state revenue meeting cost benefit principle .

    另外,针对我国监狱资源的紧缺,监狱犯罪 改造效果不佳的状况,财产刑罚执行 成本低,缓解司法资源的紧缺,增加国家的财政收入,符合成本效益原则。

  • The first big impact of widespread digitisation is likely to be a transformation of the cost base of those banks that embrace it .

    数字化普及带来的第一个影响可能是 改变了支持电子化银行的 成本基础。

  • This paper firstly analyzes the disadvantages and limits of traditional cost management then briefly discusses the changes and developments of modern enterprise and finally discusses how to realize the conception transformation of cost management under the market economy in China .

    本文首先对传统成本管理存在的弊端和局限性进行分析研究之后,简要阐述了现代企业成本管理的变化和发展,并就市场经济条件下我国企业如何实现 成本管理观念的 转变 问题进行了探讨。

  • Wideband MTD based on Coherent-Radon transformation is researched on . This method is optimum for range-cell trace alignment of doppler signal but its computational cost is too high .

    研究了基于Coherent-Radon 变换的宽带MTD方法,这是对齐多普勒距离轨迹的最优方法,但运算 大。

  • In the old-new-system transformation progress there are problems of giant transformation cost . The problem of solving the transformation cost successfully will regard to the problem of the successful transformation of the old-new system .

    新旧制度在 转换过程中存在着巨额转制 成本的问题,转制成本能否得到妥善解决,关系到新旧制度能否实现顺利过渡。

  • Cu-based shape memory alloy has received considerable research for its wide range of transformation temperature broad source of raw materials good electric conduction simple preparation technology low cost and so on .

    Cu基形状记忆合金具有 相变温度可调范围宽、导电 加工性能好、制备工艺简单及 成本低廉等优点,一直是人们研究的重点。

  • This base capability enables a complete transformation of how IT recovers cost from their application owners .

    这一基本功能实现了IT部门如何从应用程序所有者补偿 成本的完整 转换

  • But because of understanding up of deviation to the transformation cost Estimated quantity of the transformation cost differ extremely with as for it can 't be the basis of science decision .

    但由于对养老保险 转轨成本认识上的偏差, 养老保险转轨 成本数量的测算相差悬殊,以至于不能作为科学决策的依据。

  • Through optimization of culture conditions application of genetic transformation and hydrolases-assisted extraction production of carotenoids was greatly improved and the cost reduced facilitating the wider consumption of natural carotenoids as healthy food colorants .

    通过优化培养条件、 转基因和水解酶辅助提取等生物技术手段提高了类胡萝卜素产量,降低了生产 成本,从而使天然类胡萝卜素制品得到更广泛的应用。

  • The total investment in technological transformation of 9.9044 million yuan the annual operating cost of 3.3634 million yuan an increase of 2.0078 million yuan economic benefit . It achieved good social benefits environmental benefits and economic benefits .

    技术 改造工程总投资 990.44万元,年运行 费用为336.34万元,年增加经济效益200.78万元,取得了良好的社会效益、环境效益、经济效益。

  • Process strategy is to accelerate business transformation reform the management mode of branch at the grassroots level innovate the cost allocation methods and implement the level management system .

    过程策略是指加快经营 转型、改革基层营业网点管理模式、创新 费用分配办法、全面推行等级管理制度。

  • The transformation of the design features to the cost estimation features is realized by using multiple domain feature mapping .

    运用多域特征映射 理论 方法,实现了设计特征域到 成本特征域的 映射

  • The proposed encoding procedure can guarantee the feasibility of any structural modification enabling the application of conventionally evolutionary procedure for separation sequence transformation and the use of more rigorous cost model in the optimization .

    该方法能确保任意搜索条件下流程结构的可行性,确保能应用进化调优方法产生分离序列的 相邻 结构,确保能用更严格的方法建立优化问题的 费用模型。

  • Environmental change requires the transformation of cost management pattern .

    环境的变化要求相应的 成本管理模式 发生 变革

  • Base on the analysis of economic character and the transformation mechanism the paper try to put forward a new dimension to distinguish types of knowledge transaction and investigate transaction cost .

    本文在对知识的本体属性和 传播机制分析的基础上,提出了知识资产专用性 研究的新维度,并 知识的交易类型作出区分,以此考察知识交易 成本的变化。

  • The paper reveals the growth drive obtained through the tech merger of enterprises to land an outstanding position with acquisition and transformation of foreign tech for profitable mechanism by tech innovation integration accessibility and usability in lower cost and risk ;

    论文揭示企业技术并购通过获取并 转化并购对象的成长力,取得特殊的规模,以低 成本、低风险实现技术进化和发展轨道变迁获利的机理;

  • With the development of the Vector Transformation Micro Processor Power Semiconductor and the reduction of PMSM cost AC servo has become more popular .

    随着矢量 变换 理论的提出,以及微处理器技术、新型功率半导体元件、电动机永磁材料的发展和 成本的降低,交流伺服电动机得到越来越广泛的应用,交流伺服系统已成为当今发展的主流。