


  • And the transferor company shall thereupon register the transferee company as the holder of those shares ; but no instrument of transfer shall be required for any share for which a share warrant is for the time being outstanding .

    出让 公司须随即将受让人公司登记为该等股份的持有人;但当其时未 行使认购 的认股权证关于的股份,则不需要转让文书。

  • Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee .

    赠与是指 转让 将土地使用权无偿转移给受让人的行为。

  • In the event of a transfer of a state-owned enterprise the congress of workers and staff and the trade union of the transferor shall be consulted for their opinion before a decision is made .

    出让国有企业的,在作出 出让决定之前,应当 取出 企业职工代表大会、工会的意见。

  • A transferor by delivery is not liable on the instrument .

    交付 让与 ”不必对汇票负责。

  • In the process of share transfer if the transferor at the dominant position of share and corporate information hides the information it will restrict the purpose of share transfer contract .

    股权转让过程中,因 出让 处于信息上的优势地位,其对股权和公司信息的隐瞒,会直接影响着受让 对股权价格的 判断和合同目的实现。

  • This part mainly probes into time limit declaration of will duty of disclosure for stock interest transferor the exercise of preemptive right in stock interest grant and bona fide third party .

    该部分主要探讨优先购买权的行使期限、优先购买权行使的意思 表示 形式股权 出让 的告知义务以及股权赠与和善意第三 受让时优先购买权的 行使

  • Persistent transferor penalty rule 2 . Having transferred its investment quota ;

    持续性配额 转让 罚则(二)已转让投资额度;

  • Real property changes both in relation to changes in relations in the interests of the parties ( including the transferor and the transferee ) the other based on the world of property rights and exclusive features property changes may also be related to outside parties third party interests .

    物权变动一方面涉及到物权变动关系中的当事人利益(包括 出让 与受让人),另一方面基于物权的对世性与排他性特征,物权变动还可能涉及到当事人之外的第三人的利益。

  • For drugs having obtained drug approval numbers before the technical transfer the original drug approval numbers issued to the transferor shall be written off simultaneously .

    转让前已取得药品批准文号的,应同时注销 转让 原药品批准文号。

  • Other matters stipulated by the transferor and the transferee .

    出让 和受让方约定的其他事项。

  • Under an offshore share transfer the transferor shall pay enterprise income tax in China on its income from the transfer .

    在离岸股权转让项下, 股权 出让 应就其转让所得在中国缴纳企业所得税。

  • Name and domicile of the transferor and the transferee ;

    出让 和受让方的名称、住所;

  • If the competent examination and approval authority for foreign-invested enterprises has approved such equity transfer contract the people 's court shall support the transferor 's legal action ;

    该股权转让合同获得外商投资企业审批机关批准的,对 转让 的诉讼请求,人民法院应予支持;

  • The transferor and the transferee shall be accountable for the completeness and truthfulness of the material for property rights transaction both of them furnished .

    出让 、受让方对其提供的产权交易材料的完整性、真实性负责。

  • A valid ownership certificate of transferor 's property rights ;

    出让 产权权属的有效证明;

  • A Transferring Bank shall be under no obligation to effect such transfer except to the extent and in the manner expressly consented to by such Bank . What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings ?

    除非经转让银行明确同意转让范围和转让方式,否则它无义务办理转让。在 转让 雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?

  • Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferor ( s ) and the transferee ( s ) if this form is completed .

    如已填妥本表格, 转让 承让人须缴纳从价印花税。

  • The content of the contract of water rights transfer include the right and duty of water right transferor and transferee .

    水权转一让合同的内容包括水权 转让 和受让人的权利和义务以及第三人的权利。

  • This paper pointed out the shortcomings of the present technical commodity pricing methods through the analysis of the existing technical commodity pricing models then established the transferor 's and transferor 's pricing models separately .

    摘要本文通过现有的几类技术商品定价模型,指出了现行的技术商品定价方法存在的问题,然后分别建立 转让 定价模型和受让方定价模型进行研究。

  • The transferor of a credit asset may transfer the credit asset only after obtaining the consent of the borrower except as otherwise provided for in the originally signed loan contract .

    信贷资产的 转出 征得借款人同意方可进行信贷资产的转让,但原先签订的借款合同中另有约定的除外。

  • During the process of green GT transferring a co-existence game interest coordination mechanism appears between transferor and transferee .

    绿色技术转移过程中, 授受 双方 企业 更多地体现出一种共生博弈的利益协调机制。

  • Part two : the legal analysis on the transferor of the transaction of state - owned share .

    第二部分对国有股权转让中的 出让 主体进行法律分析。

  • In case the transferor did not obtain a drug approval number the reference drug shall be selected in accordance with the Drug Registration Regulation and relevant technical guidelines .

    转让 仅获得《新药证书》的,对照药品的选择应当按照《药品注册管理办法》的规定及有关技术指导原则执行。

  • The transferor and the transferee after arriving at the intention to make a deal shall enter into a contract of property rights transaction which shall be signed and sealed .

    出让 和受让方达成成交意向后,应当签订产权交易合同,并签字、盖章。

  • If a state-owned one-man company acts as a transferor ( transferee ) the gratuitous transfer shall be deliberated by the board of directors .

    国有一人公司作为 划入 (划出方)的,无偿划转事项由董事会审议;

  • The obligations and responsibilities of the transferor and transferee in the transfer are made clear and there are detailed ways of right relief for other parties . I hope this can help with regulating the transfer of defective equity at some degree .

    明确 出让 和受让人在 股权转让中的义务和责任,并且对其他主体的权利救济有了具体的方式,希望对出资瑕疵股权的出让能起到一定的规范作用。

  • Stock transfer contract signed by the transferor and the investor ;

    转让 与投资者签订股份转让协议;

  • What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings ?

    转让 雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?

  • In this case the Mining Company ( transferor ) and the assignee will have the power to circumvent the law strictly .

    在这种情形下,矿业公司股东( 转让 )与受让人便产生了规避法律严格限制的动力。