transfer the power

[trænsˈfɚ ði ˈpaʊɚ][trænsˈfə: ðə ˈpauə]

[法] 让与代理权

  • An uniform treatment of parts moving at high speed requires high efficiency energy transfer from the power source to the discharge region .

    一个统一处理的部分移动高速需要高效率能量 转移 动力源的排放区域。

  • According to the frequency-shift characteristics of frequency-domain convolution the transfer function of the power outer loop is derived . The open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions of the whole system are also obtained .

    利用频域卷积的频移特性,推导了 功率环的 传递函数,并得出了整个系统开环和闭环传递函数。

  • The legislative cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands .

    立法机关不能把立 法权 转让给其他任何人。

  • Piston-linkage mechanism as the mechanism to transfer the power of engine bearing the heavy gas-explosive force inertial force etc is easy to arise vibration and noise .

    作为内燃机 动力 传递机构的活塞连杆机构,由于在周期性的工作循环中,承受着强大的气体作用力,往复惯性力、离心惯性力等的冲击,极易引起振动和噪音;

  • By developing the think tank with district features the combination of media and cooperation with other nonprofit organizations to transfer the power of the whole society .

    通过发展具有地区特色的非营利思想库、与传媒相结合、与其它非营利组织合作等方式来 调动全社会 力量

  • The effects of various design parameters on the heat transfer and the maximum power density and the relations between the optimal distribution of heat transfer and the optimal pressure ratio are shown by numerical examples .

    由数值算例给出了循环的一些主要特征参数对 热导率最优分配和最大 功率密度的影响,以及 功率密度最大时的最佳热导率分配与最佳压比之间的对应关系。

  • The research and development in this paper provides theory and technical basis to the practical application of the Available Transfer Capability of the Power System ( ATC ) .

    本文的研究开发为 电网可用 输电能力(ATC)的实际应用提供了理论和技术基础。

  • In this transfer the power source protection has also experienced from point to entire area as well as from expansion of the hardware and the data protection to the entire network usability protection process .

    在这个 变化中, 电源保护也经历了由点到面的转变,以及从对硬件和数据的保护扩展到对整个网络可用性的保护。

  • Optimization of Load Transfer Technique for the Power Using System of Plant

    厂用 系统负荷 转移法的优化

  • For wide voltage range input Buck converter a method is proposed that input voltage is used as compensation value to balance the value of Vin in the transfer function of the power stage .

    针对宽电压输入范围的Buck型变流器,提出了采用输入电压作为小信号传函的补偿量的方法,起到抵消 功率函中Vin分量的作用 使得环路增益不随输入电压改变而改变。

  • During the period when China is shifting the model the spreading of underlying rules has not been controlled effectively because the reformation of the administration system which is oriented to transfer the power to a lower level has not been successful completely .

    处在 转型时期的中国,由于以下放 权力为导向的行政体制改革不完善,使得潜规则的蔓延并未得到有效控制。

  • The transfer capability of the Power system has great influence on the security and reliability of the entire system .

    电力系统 输电能力对于整个系统的安全可靠性有着很大的影响。

  • The transducer rotates in a high speed together with machining tool in the ultrasonic assisted machining . It is a premise and difficulty that how to transfer the ultrasonic power into the transducer .

    超声辅助加工中换能器随加工工具一起高速转动,如何将高频超声电信号 传输到高速旋转 超声振动单元的换能器上是实现超声辅助加工的一个前提和难点。

  • A dexterous finger based on closed link mechanism is developed which can transfer the power knuckles need efficiently and provide stiff transfer .

    设计了一种基于闭式链连杆机构的灵巧手指,可以有效地 传递关节 动力,而且能够提供刚性传递;

  • In the hardware design the analog PWM control integrate circuit is used to achieve the control of the resonant phase shifted full bridge DC / DC converter to transfer the power and regulator the output voltage .

    在硬件设计上,本文采用了模拟PWM控制集成电路来实现移相全桥软开关DC/DC变换器的控制,实现 功率 传递和稳压。

  • The nature of reforming governance structure is to transfer the management power from government to public hospitals .

    公立医院治理结构的改革,又是公立医院改革 一个重要 环节,是 实行分离的重要内容。

  • So their shoulders get incredibly strong . They develop powerful rotator cuffs to control the shoulder and lats to transfer the power from the hands through to the body .

    他们练出强大的肩袖来控制肩膀和背阔肌,从而 力量从双手传到全身。

  • In the process of struggling for local power they unconsciously played different roles . Thus it had completed the transfer of the power of local elites between the new and the old groups in shanghai .

    在争夺地方事务的话语权的过程中,他们不自觉地扮演了不同角色,从而完成了上海地方精英 内部的新旧群体 权势 转移

  • Ship propulsion shaft connect with main engine and propeller play a role of transfer the power of main engine and pushing the ship forward the effects of shafting alignment have a significant influence on the stable and long-term operation .

    船舶推进轴系连接着主机与螺旋桨,起着 传递主机 功率、推动船舶前进的双重作用,其校中质量的好坏直接影响着船舶能否稳定而长期地正常运转。

  • Power Transmission : Another important consideration is the system 's ability to transfer the RF power from instrument to DUT .

    功率传输:另一个重要事项就是系统从仪器向DUT 传输RF 功率的能力。

  • The recent emphasis on the transfer of the power of school management to a lower level requires us to focus on the strategic planning and implementation of the school districts .

    在日益强调学校管理 下移 今天,关注并做好学区层面学校管理的规划和实施将是一个研究亮点或是焦点。

  • The system can not only support load and transfer the power but also has the features of detection action and changing the structure .

    这个整体不仅具有承受载荷、 传递运动 能力,而且具有检测、动作、改变结构的特性。

  • The parameters of the driving system were reasonably selected and it can transfer the power to each framework and meet each movement framework demand .

    整机传动系统参数选择合理,能有效实现 动力 传递且满足各动作机构要求。

  • Transfer the Financial Power and Development of West Area

    财政 分权和西部地区的发展

  • The transfer function of the power line networks is figured out using the multi-path model the transmission matrix model and the multi conductor theory .

    应用多径传输模型,传输矩阵模型以及多导体传输线理论导出了 室内 电力线网络和室外配电网络的 传递函数。

  • The main points of the reform is to perfect the artificial person governing structure and transfer the management power to the local government to enhance the responsible of local government on the reform of rural credit cooperatives .

    改革的主要内容是完善农村信用合作社法人治理结构,并 管理 职责 移交地方政府,增强地方政府在农村信用合作社改革发展和风险防范中的责任。

  • The drum is the main components of the conveyor belts . It is used to transfer the power of the conveyor and change the direction of the belts .

    滚筒是带式输送机的主要部件,承担着输送机 动力 传递及胶带的改向等作用。

  • We test and analyze the low voltage power line topology instruct of UCM and its transfer characteristic . The power line is a complex and slow time-varying line which has strong noise and distinct multi-path effect .

    通过对煤矿井下低压电力线拓扑结构和 传输特性的测试和分析,指出煤矿井下低压 电力线是一条复杂的、具有高噪声、多径效应明显的慢时变信道。

  • It studies the two stage decision-making problem under asymmetric demand information and puts forward the idea of compensated transfer of the decision-making power of the wholesale price from the supplier to the retailer . The profit distribution is also studied by using decision-making entropy weight .

    本文通过研究不对称信息下的两阶段决策问题,提出了基于批发价格决策 有偿 转让的思想,并运用决策熵权来协调利润分配。