work week

[wɚk wik][wə:k wi:k]

[经] 工作周,一周的总工时

  • Meetings have taken up way too much of our work week already .

    会议已经占据了我们一 当中太多的 工作时间。

  • The average work week held steady at 34.4 hours while average hourly earnings edged up to $ 24.21 .

    平均 每周 工作 时间保持在34.4小时,而平均时薪微幅升至24.21美元。

  • You 'll also enjoy life insurance and health insurance a two-week paid vacation a year a five-day work week .

    你将享受人寿保险和健康保险,一年一次为期两周的带薪假, 每周 工作五天。

  • Many Saturdays are occupied by a hangover and Sunday well even though its a day off it can feel like one of the most dreadful because another work week is around the corner .

    周六大多都是在宿醉中度过的,周日,好了,虽然这天也休息,但是却可能是感觉最糟的一天因为下一 不远了。

  • Management gave in to the strikers'demands and agreed to a shortened work week .

    资方屈服于罢工者所提出来的要求,同意缩短 每周 工时

  • Do you jump out of bed on Monday mornings and look forward to the work week ?

    在每周一的早上,你能不能利索的爬起来并且对 工作 充满期待?

  • Select the days that you want included in the work week .

    选择要包含到 工作 中的日期。

  • He turns the40 - 60 - or80-hour work week on its head by asking key questions that force the reader to focus and prioritize .

    他转了40-,60-,或80小时 工作 的头部,要求部队读者重点和优先考虑的重要问题。

  • Employees on a flexible schedule may work a condensed work week or may work a regular work week .

    按弹性制度表工作的职员可以按压缩式 工作 的上班制度,也可以按正常工作周的制度上班。

  • Vacations have lengthened and the work week has shortened

    假期延长, 工作 就缩短了。

  • Each was a different hat that I had to wear at different times in my work week .

    工作 时期,我就试着在不同的时间承担着不同的责任。

  • How would variation of traffic over a typical work week or floor or time of day affect this ?

    超过天的一典型的 工作 还是地板还是时间的交通的变化将怎样影响这?

  • The traditional work week is dead . In a ROWE those who have been working hard all week can go home early .

    传统的 工作 已经过时了,在ROWE中,那些一整周都用功工作的人能早点回家。

  • Office management primarily on the work plan work week and work arrangements system log management ;

    办公管理主要是对工作计划、 工作日志和 工作安排进行系统的管理;

  • The possibility of a four-day work week is now being seriously considered ;

    每周 工作四天的可能性,现正受到慎重的考虑;

  • The35-hour government mandated work week surely hasn 't helped matters much but it goes deeper .

    政府规定的 每周35小时 工作制自然是个问题,但情况要比这复杂得多。

  • 40-Hour Work Week : Programmers go home on time .

    每周4 40小时:让开发人员按时回家。

  • And we have a35-hour work week that we can reduce to28 hours .

    我们一 工作35个小时,现在可以减到28小时。

  • Doing so will provide you with an extra 75 minutes in your work week .

    这么做可以让你每个 工作 多出75分钟。

  • This usually occurs after a breakup or a rough work week .

    这种情况通常在遭遇分手或者经过一 艰苦 工作后出现。

  • Isn 't this bring your daughterto work week ?

    这周不是“带女儿 上班吗?

  • This adds on several hours to my work week .

    这给我增加了数个小时的 工作 时间

  • They are now discussing the idea of a four-day work week .

    他们现在正讨论一 工作四天的想法。

  • The union had sought a wage increase and a shorter work week .

    工会寻求增加工资,缩短 每周 工作时间。