work ticket

[wɚk ˈtɪkɪt][wə:k ˈtikit]


  • This article is based on the experiences of research and work in AFC field researches on key technologies such as selecting the ticket medium the device monitor system embedded realtime operation system security of network and system .

    本文以 研究铁路AFC系统的实际经验为基础,研究了AFC系统中的关键技术: 车票介质的选择、组态软件和设备监控的综合运用、嵌入式实时操作系统的应用、系统安全等。

  • Combining the performance of applying work ticket for electric power examining and repairing in Ningxia electric power dispatching center discusses the management of equipment examining and repairing work ticket in electric power system from the point of safety for electric power network .

    结合宁夏电力调度中心电力检修 工作申请 的执行情况,从电网安全的角度讨论电力系统设备检修工作票的管理问题。

  • This thesis mainly discuss the work ticket auto-generation system base on SCADA information .

    本文主要研究了基于远动信息的 工作 自动生成系统。

  • The Work Point Ticket ── An Epitome of the People ` s Commune

    工分 :人民公社的缩影

  • Everyone who commutes to work grows food books a plane ticket or runs a small business feels the squeeze of rising energy prices .

    每一个坐车上 下班、种食物、订飞机 或经营小生意的人都感觉到由于正在上涨的高能源价格所带来的拮据。

  • The special group takes charges of daily debugging work and the system called debugging test ticket is adopted to control start-up of the test items .

    西安脉冲堆调试的日常 活动由调试 领导小组负责,对试验项目启动的控制主要采取调试试验 制度。

  • This person will see the emails but doesn 't necessarily have the right to work on the ticket .

    这个人会看到电子邮件但不必有 工作在该 申请 的权利。

  • It and join in aviation makes work ticket which have the market more ?

    它和加盟航空 售票哪个更有市场啊?

  • Can you work it so that we get free ticket .

    不能给我们弄几 免费

  • At work ticket pricing strategy should be based on cost-plus value-based based on competitive considerations .

    实际 操作中应基于成本加成、基于价值、基于竞争考虑 门票定价策略。

  • I know that sometimes you get that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work & that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star .

    我知道有时候你会从电视上得到这样的印象:你不用做任何艰苦的 工作就能 发财致富并取得成功,唱小调、打篮球或成为真人秀明星是走向成功的途径。

  • I take the train to go to work this morning and the conductor did not want to take my train ticket .

    今晨我程火车 上班,车掌先生不要剪我的 车票

  • I discovered most people are after getting off work buys the lottery ticket thus the bookie is busy in this time interval usually must arrange the very long team .

    我发现大多数人都是在 下班后去买 彩票,因而投注站在这个时段非常忙,通常要排很长的队。

  • ADMINCC : a Cc or Ccs that also gets copies of comments and generally are allowed to work on the ticket .

    一个抄送人或抄送人们,也收到注释的副本,并通常被允许 工作在该申请 上。

  • The MCTA shall work out the uniform CRC ticket that is convenient for the passengers to transfer .

    市交通局应当 制定统一的便于乘客换乘的轨道交通 车票制式。

  • For this exercise you will work on a Driver Ticket Payment System where drivers can pay their traffic tickets either through an Internet process or by phone .

    对于这里的练习,你将会在一个Driver TicketPayment系统上进行 操作,其中驱动器可以通过因特网或者电话来支付他们的交通费用。

  • Introducing workflow technique could solve these application problems and develop work ticket / operation ticket systems that fit actual needs .

    引入工作流技术,可以有针对性的解决这类应用问题,开发 符合实际需要的两 调度系统。

  • Adopting the principle of expect system and based on the actual work the paper presents functions of intelligent operation ticket expert system applied to power network It discusses main components and principle basic appoints control model and accomplished methods

    利用专家系统原理,从实际 工作出发,论述了电力网智能操作 专家系统的功能、主要构成与原理,基本约定、控制模式及实现方法

  • Another variation on this theme was that some-times Daddy would bring the man to our house to do yard work to earn a bus ticket .

    这种情况的另一种变通办法有时候是爸爸会带那个人回家来,让他做一些整理庭院的 活儿,挣一张公共汽车

  • To the work ticket the operation ticket batch answer the execution always are generate electricity one of enterprise production department 's core work .

    工作 、操纵票的批答、执行一直是发电企业出产部门的核心工作之一。

  • Along with the vigorous power development the work ticket management is ment more complicated and the management with computers is imperative .

    随着电力事业的蓬勃发展, 工作 管理日趋复杂, 工作 管理计算机化已势在必行。

  • The Development of Work Ticket Auto-generation System Base on SCADA Information

    基于远动信息的 工作 自动生成系统的开发

  • Management of equipment examining and repairing work ticket for provincial electric power dispatching center

    省调设备检修 工作 管理的探讨

  • In tax law short-term work contract when providing a service and opening sheet of Zhang of ticket setting out affirm the implementation of income .

    税法中短期 劳务合同,在提供了劳务并 开出发票账单时,确认收入的实现。

  • Examination of the Main Aspects of the Work of the Organizations Including the Application The Cost of Collection Examination Test Scheduling Organizing Examinations Ticket Printing Print Seat to Sign Print Sitting the Examination Room and So On .

    考务 工作的环节主要包括组织报名、收缴费用、考场安排、考号编排、组织考试、打印 考证、打印座签、打印考场座位表等。