work stoppage

[wɚk ˈstɑpɪdʒ][wə:k ˈstɔpɪdʒ]


  • In case of work stoppage due to the above causes and other causes of the Company the Company agrees to pay salaries to the working personnel .

    因上述因素 之外,其他因公司的原因造成 停工 ,公司同意支付工作人员的基本工资。

  • Though it was described as a positive meeting there was also no progress made and the sides have a significant gap to close in order to prevent a work stoppage .

    虽然这是一次积极的会谈,但未取得任何进展。劳资双方还需要 共同 努力以避免 NBA 停摆

  • Absenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly cut into the efficiency of the plant operations .

    旷工和频繁的 停工己经使工厂的工作效率大大减低。

  • The work stoppage was caused by a few malcontents who felt they had been ignored when the promotions were made .


  • The party entrusted with research and development should pay contractual fines or compensate for the losses as the result of work stoppage delay or failure caused thereby .

    因此造成研究开发 工作 停滞、延误、或者失败的,研究开发方应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

  • Purchaser agrees to reimburse Corporation for those additional reasonable costs incurred by Corporation resulting from such work stoppage ( s ) and restart ( s ) .

    买方同意对公司因 停工和重新开工的额外费用作合理补偿。

  • If the cable of B damaged by A C D etc. whose work stoppage by the loss of profits is a case in point .

    如甲将乙的电缆挖断,丙、丁等等受 有的 停工利润损失。

  • Adopt double work position unwinding without stoppage . This can give full play to production efficiency of equipment and decrease the waste product rate of equipment greatly .

    采用双工位不 停机放卷,可以充分发挥设备的生产效率,可以大幅度降低设备的废品率。