work sampling

[wɚk ˈsæmplɪŋ][wə:k ˈsæmplɪŋ]


  • All work was finished at the upper computer except sampling and valve activity such as the system control the parameter changing on-line the signal processing the peak recognition the result outputting and so on .

    上位机负责其余所有 工作,如:系统控制、参数在线修改、信号数据处理、峰识别、结果输出等。

  • While the researchers concede that their current work is based on a small sampling of surgeons their findings have garnered the attention of palliative care experts .

    同时研究者也承认存在不足:这 研究是基于小 样本 的外科医生 调查,研究的结果引起了姑息治疗专家的关注。

  • This article proposes that the investigation program must be designed according to the need of the logistic work on the earthquake scene the sampling sizes and the statistical methods must be scientific and in accordance with the specification when the appraisal is carried out .

    本文提出在进行地震应急救援后勤保障质量评价时,调查项目必须根据地震现场后勤 工作的需求特点合理设计, 取样大小、统计方法必须科学规范。

  • Based on the signal discretization and quantization this work analyzes the minimum sampling points for the characteristic magnetization curve . The sampling points are deployed according to the optimal quantization theory .

    同时, 本文还从信号离散化与量化角度分析表征磁化曲线的最小 采样点数,并利用最优量化理论优化布置这些采样点。

  • Three inspection options considered in this work are no inspection full inspection and sampling inspection .

    本文主要考虑三种检验措施: 全数检验、全数不检验及 抽样检验。

  • Traditional method is distillation which is based on sampling . Being limited by the technical conditions this method needs sampling by manual work . It is inefficient in real time sampling and usually results in big error so it is difficult to ensure the measuring accuracy .

    传统的测量是基于取样的蒸馏方法,受技术条件的限制,这种方法需要人工 现场采样,实时性差, 采样误差大,无法保证测量精度。

  • The main work and status of the sampling preparation and analysis management for incoming coal of Guohua Electric Power are introduced and the exist problems and improvement mode are analysed in this paper .

    介绍了国华电力入厂煤 采制化管理主要 工作及其现状,并有针对性地分析了存在的问题及改进方式。

  • This method let CPU and GPU do the collaborative work and let GPU do the light sampling which is a highly parallel process .

    该方法将CPU与GPU进行协同 工作,并将光线 采样这一高度并行的过程交由GPU来处理。

  • A work principle of double oriented sampling by γ - spectrum is discussed . A new project of double orient instrument with oriented detector is put forward .

    本文介绍了γ能谱双重定向辐射 取样 工作原理,提出采用新型定向探测器的双重定向仪方案。

  • The way of receiving harmonic data from harmonic testing instrument is improved and this work greatly increases the sampling speed and the data handling efficiency .

    实践表明这大大提高了谐波测试 样本 采集速度和谐波数据后续分析处理的效率。

  • At the same time relying on the actual measuring data in this area this work also studied the required rational sampling quantities according to the various measurement errors required .

    并结合实测数据所表现出的变异特征来分析不同测量精度下的土壤电阻率 测试 样本合理容量。

  • In this paper the research work on the effect of sampling disturbed soil is summarized . The evaluation index system of sampling disturbed soil is established in order to evaluate the disturbance extent of soil .

    对土体 取样扰动的影响 研究进行了综述,建立了受取样扰动土体特性的评价指标体系,以便对土体取样的扰动程度进行评价。

  • Compared with previous work our sampling conditions of the non-uniform particle system consider both geometrical and physical complexity so that the computation amount decreases greatly without losing realism .

    并且在非均匀系统的粒子 采样规则中,充分考虑了流体几何及物理复杂度,从而使本文算法和前人 工作相比,在不牺牲真实感的前提下,运算速度有了很大的提高。

  • When we do statistical inference work we usually use simple random sampling to get sample from a population with unknown distribution .

    在统计 推断中,从分布未知的总体中获取样本通常采用都是简单随机 抽样

  • The structure of the work corresponds to the structure of sampling and layering in contemporary musical composition .

    作品的架构和当代音乐作品的架构 如出一辙,很好的诠释了当代意识流的分层。

  • Introducing the particle filter algorithm for single object tracking our main work is the analysis of particle sampling and re-sampling . 2 .

    介绍了粒子滤波算法对单目标跟踪的具体 实现,并对粒子的 采样与重采样过程进行了深入分析。

  • New Assessment Projects in Preschool Education : Project Spectrum Preschool Assessment and the Work Sampling System

    两种学前教育评价新方案的对比&多彩光谱评价方案与 作品 取样系统

  • Each functional mode on the designed digital receiver hardware platform is validated to work normally . They realize the sampling in median frequency and DDC and the indices meet all the requirements .

    经验证,最终设计出的硬件系统各部分功能模块正常 工作;完成信号的中频 采样并数字下变频,技术指标符合预期设计。

  • It is a very useful study to expand the operating capacity of the AUV to achieve the autonomous sampling work by equipped with sampling system .

    通过配备 采样系统来实现AUV的自主采样 作业,是扩展AUV作业能力的一项非常有益的研究课题。

  • Point out that the Cross corner phenomenon which appearing in robot 's path planning without collision with the existence of obstacles in the work space has relation with the sampling step h robot speed v and the obstacle shape .

    分析了在二维机器人 工作空间的路线规划中产生的障碍切角现象,指出与这一现象有关的因素有时间 抽样步长h,机器人的运动速度v和障碍物的形态。

  • The separating and flow behaviors of gravity oil-water separator were studied with an oil-water separation simulating system taking white oil and water as work fluid . The separating efficiencies of six sampling outlets oil outlet and water outlet were also analyzed .

    利用重力式分离模拟试验系统,以白油和水作为 工作介质,分析了6个 取样口和油出口、水出口的油水分离效果,进而研究了卧式油水分离器的分离特性和流动规律。

  • For the control system to work sensor sampling and control must be performed at periodic intervals .

    为了保持控制系统的 正常 工作,传感器的 采样与控制必须按照一定的周期间隔。

  • In this work by random sampling we investigated research articles in five main clinical medical journals published by Chinese Medical Association in 1987 making a study of a method of evaluating statistical quality of clinical medical journals that is Mark-Evaluation Method .

    研究通过随机 抽样,调查了1987年中华医学会出版的5种主要临床医学杂志中的309篇临床论著稿,初步探讨了评价临床医学杂志统计质量的方法,即评分-评价方法。

  • The strucure fundamentals of work design parameter of the mechanical sampling device are introduce and is applied in the coking plant .

    介绍机械 取样装置的主要结构, 工作原理,设计参数及在焦化厂的应用。

  • In this work the simple thick-target sampling technique was adopted and a micro-computer was employed for making corrections on the basis o'f the theory .

    工作针对地质 样品的特点,尝试了简单、方便的厚靶制 ,并采用计算机处理技术解决了由此而引起的复杂的理论校正问题。

  • Customs inspection work is a supervisory pattern by sampling imports and exports .

    海关检验是海关对进出口商品进行 抽样 检验的一种监管模式。

  • Activity sampling & An often overlooked tool is activity sampling usually called work sampling by North American IEs .

    活动抽样&一种经常被忽视的工具就是活动抽样,通常被北美的工业工程师们称为 工作 抽样

  • This work is part of the design of500M sampling Digital Storage Oscillograph and the assignment is to develop the GPIB ( General Purpose Interface Bus ) instrument driver .

    由于示波器是自主研发的,要开发示波器仪器驱动器,首要的任务就是实现仪器和测控机的接口通信。我们在总体设计上采用 GPIB通信协议。