


  • Muddleheaded ideas ; your addled little brain ; woolly thinking ; woolly-headed ideas .

    混乱糊涂的想法;你那混乱的 可怜的大脑;糊涂的思想; 糊涂的想法。

  • A flock of sheep were left feeling rather woolly-headed after accidentally munching on thousands of pounds worth of cannabis plants . The animals began stumbling about after getting high on seven bags of the intoxicating plant which had been dumped in their field .

    一群绵羊感到 头晕目眩,原来 它们不小心嚼食了价值数千英镑的大麻类植物。这些动物误食了被人遗弃在草地上的七袋具有 毒性的植物,出现吸毒后兴奋 症状,走路也开始东倒西歪。