work design

[wɚk dɪˈzaɪn][wə:k diˈzain]


  • For me fabric is 90 per cent of the mental work in design she says .

    对我来说,面料在 设计上占去了90%的脑力 劳动

  • During the pre-construction phase highly trained engineers work to design a system that meets the needs of producers and shippers in moving their product to the marketplace .

    在建设的早期,具有丰富经验的工程 人员需要 设计一套系统以满足生产者和运输者能够把它们所生产的产品安全的运送到市场地的需要。

  • Each bidding work 's design proposal shall be submitted on its own for the convenience of assigning its reference number .

    为方便独立编号,每件应征 作品必须单独提交 设计方案。

  • Design for the general layout civil work design for the project .

    总平面布置图的设计,工程项目的 土建 设计

  • All Design work of Design Consultant will be performed in the USA in the Los Angeles Office of Design Consultant .

    设计顾问的所有设计 工作都在美国境内、设计顾问的洛杉矶事务所完成。

  • The structure work principle and design way of spring safety link were introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了弹簧安全连杆的结构、 工作原理及其 设计方法。

  • Relative to traditional design analysis means CAE technology has many advantages . It offers a very good platform of analysis and calculation for engineer to finish the work of design and simulation .

    相对于传统设计分析手段,CAE技术具有极大的优势,为广大工程设计人员提供了一个很好的计算设计分析平台,完成 产品 设计仿真 工作

  • He is responsible for the work of design drawings and audit .

    他的 工作是负责 设计图纸和审核。

  • This may be related to ergonomic aspects of furniture design equipment set-up improper lighting work design or work habits .

    这与办公用具的人体工学设计、设备的安装、不良的光线照明、 工作 安排或工作习惯都有关系。

  • The following section describes how the user roles work together to design develop and run this solution .

    下面的部分描述用户角色如何一起 工作,以 设计、开发和运行此解决方案。

  • It lets you work at design time with full HTML pages using all the drag and drop tools that Visual Studio users expect .

    它可以让你在 设计时通过VisualStudio所习惯的拖拽工具来 编写完全的HTML页面。

  • Suggest that from now on design supervision mechanism should be established in the feasibility study stage in order to supervise the design product in advance and the standardization work of design supervision also should be made at the same time .

    建议今后在可研(初设)阶段就建立设计监理机制,提前对设计产品进行监督,同时着手进行 设计监理规范化 工作

  • The fully enclosed-safety work space design the protection function good insure the machine accuracy and service life .


  • As you work on design keep your domain-relevant variations at the back of your mind !

    当你进行 设计 工作时,必须随时考虑相关领域的变化。

  • The work design and structure of o ring conveying rubber belts for special continuity were studied in this paper .

    研究了有特殊连续性要求的环形输送带带芯的结构 设计施工设计。

  • This article lays out an approach that won 't turn your inherited sites into design winners but it will free you up to work on design winners .

    本文展示了一种方法,它不会让您继承的站点变为设计冠军,但它允许您利用 设计冠军。

  • This part library reduces product design to standard component tedious and repeated work in the design .

    该零件库减少了产品设计中对于标准件 设计中繁琐且重复性的 工作

  • Calculate the work in design which has finished the executive system and wrist part ;

    选用直角坐标系,结构简单,操作灵活,完成了执行系统和手腕部分的 设计计算 工作

  • This article introduces the visual aids describes what each visual aid does and shows you how to quickly show or hide them when you work in design view .

    本文将介绍这些视觉帮助,讲述每个视觉帮助的用途,并且会演示在 设计视图中 操作时如何快速显示或隐藏这些视觉帮助。

  • Searching for practicality and balance between brand marketing and design planning is the extraordinary of Work Design Partnership as an integral commercial design team .

    构建品牌营销和设计规划过程之间求取务实平衡,正是 美作为“商业整合设计团队”的独到之处。

  • Can be explained as work for design of individual whether salaried or individual designers Or in whatever form work for design of the unit .

    可解释作 从事 设计工作之个体,不论受薪或个别设计师;或不论以何种形式从事设计工作的单位。

  • Clearly a lot of work design and programming went into the site .

    显然,这个网站涉及很多 工作设计和编程。

  • You must accept a certain amount of work to design and implement systems based on free software just as you must do when evaluating proprietary software .

    您必须在免费软件的基础上付出一定的 劳动设计和实现系统,就好象您在开发专有软件时所必须做的工作一样。

  • The DeveLopment of CAD Software Package for Pipe Work Design

    配管 加工 设计CAD软件包的开发

  • Keywords : EPC Contract Scope of Work Design Subcontract .

    主题词:EPC合同, 工作范围, 设计分包。

  • EPC contractor : general contracting enterprises responsible for such work as design purchase construction and commissioning services of engineering project as per contract agreements and full responsibility of quality safety construction period and cost of the contracting works .

    设计采购施工(epc)承包商:按照合同约定,承担工程项目的 设计、采购、施工、试运行服务等 工作,并对承包工程的质量、安全、工期、造价全面负责的工程总承包企业。

  • Decision on the professional dedication of our consistent approach to their work : design user division ;

    对专业的执着决定了我们始终如一的 工作态度: 设计,以用户为师;

  • Most XPers are fluent in UML and periodically draw UML diagrams on marker boards to work out design issues .

    大部分XP开发人员对UML很熟悉,并且随时地在记事板上画一些UML图表以便 能够想出更好的 设计 方案