work flow analysis

[wɚk flo əˈnælɪsɪs][wə:k fləu əˈnæləsis]

[经] 工作流转分析

  • Various methods including 3P discussions BEI interviews and work flow analysis are used comprehensively .

    然后综合运用了多种方法构建企业能力素质模型,包括3P研讨法、BEI访谈法和 工作 流程 分析 等。

  • A complete administrative system of the work plan not only needs a reasonable administrative system of the work plan flow but also needs a matching statistical analysis system of work plan .

    一个完整的工作计划管理系统不仅需要一个合理的 工作计划 流程管理系统,更需要一个与之配套的工作计划统计 分析系统。

  • And introduces a new idea which is from work flow to database design . Analysis of this system can offer reference to design of database application system .

    提出了一种从 工作 流程到数据库设计的新思路,对一般的数据库应用系统的设计具有较好的借鉴和指导 意义

  • Case and practice with the specific application system a detailed analysis system on the basis of functional requirements discussed the work flow software based on the practice of case design and database system design analysis of the work flow engine structure and the function of Principle .

    并结合案例实训系统的具体应用,在详细分析系统功能需求的基础上,讨论了基于 工作流的软件案例实训系统的总体设计及数据库设计, 分析了工作流引擎的功能结构和实现原理。

  • This paper make function demand analysis work process analysis and data flow analysis by means of information system on the basis of which this paper design the total system structure .

    本文按照信息系统工程的方法对该系统作了功能需求分析、 业务流程分析及信息 流程 分析,在系统 分析的基础上设计出整个系统总体结构。

  • Different work flow chats are provided on the basis of work flow analysis system analysis basic system structure build and the business analysis .

    通过深入分析 业务 流程,并在此基础上通过系统 分析,建立系统基本的结构,在业务分析的基础之上给出了各个业务的流程图。

  • And then it introduces the J2EE based logistics management teaching simulation system : order management work flow of the system and the need for detailed analysis .

    然后重点介绍了基于J2EE架构的物流管理教学模拟系统的一个子系统:订单管理系统的 工作 流程,并对其需求进行了详细 分析

  • Demand for research and analysis phase will develop research plans research methods and tools selection data collection mapping counselors work flow management based on the needs analysis to determine the reporting requirements and uses UML modeling techniques described in the relevant requirements .

    需求调研与分析阶段将制定调研计划、选择调研方法和工具、资料收集、绘制辅导员管理 工作 流程图,在需求 分析的基础上确定需求报告,并采用UML建模技术对相关需求进行了描述。

  • And the method of the slipper theory is the main work of this paper . This kind of computation can display the flow field easily and which is easy to be analysis .

    其中应用滑移理论对流场进行分析和研究是本文的特色 之处,这种方法不仅容易理解,而且能够定量地对 流场进行 分析

  • The work content and work flow are variable ; the requirement analysis is difficult because the requirements are so complex .

    问题管理是一项繁杂的工作,工作内容, 工作 流程可变性强,需求的多样化导致系统在需求 分析上有一定的难度。

  • This thesis 's research and work focus on short message implementation theory system modeling business work flow analysis design and implementation of the key technologies and testing practice on that application system using software testing technology .

    本文的研究重点和主要工作是对短信系统的实现原理、系统建模、 业务 流程、关键技术进行的 分析、设计与实现,以及使用软件测试技术对该应用系统进行的测试实践。

  • First paper introduce the driven machine of linear motor hoisting system the basic structure classification working principle characteristics etc. Then talk about the structure of hoisting system work flow analysis .

    首先从直线电机提升系统所采用的驱动电机&永磁直线同步电动机的基本结构、分类、工作原理及特点等方面进行介绍,进而对提升系统的结构、 工作 流程进行 分析

  • A New Work Flow of VLSI Circuit Analysis

    一种VLSI 分析的新 流程

  • This paper designs system structure according to pipeline information work flow and the key technology involved such as hyperlink analysis searching strategy and page rank sort technology is discussed in detail .

    根据管道信息 业务 流程,设计了系统的组成架构,探讨超链 分析、搜索策略、网页评级排序等关键技术。

  • Second the systematic introduction of exon array design principles and work flow provides technical support for analysis .

    第二,系统地介绍了外显子芯片的设计原理和 分析 流程,具体说明了利用外显子芯片数据 分析可变剪接事件的 方法,为可变剪接的 特征 分析提供了技术支持。

  • The theory and work flow of the method are illustrated by analysis of STS security protocol .

    并且通过对STS协议在特定攻击模式下的 分析演示了该方法的 工作原理和 流程

  • In the article to which produced the B2C business procedure has established the model based on the Work Flow net ( WF net ) might carry on the analysis and the confirmation in this foundation is advantageous in the further system design .

    文中对给出的B2C(企业到客户)业务流程建立了基于 工作 流网的模型,可在此基础上进行 分析和验证,有利于进一步的系统设计。

  • The paper presents the algorithm for the minimal work flow transmission angle γ gmin by the means of the motional analysis of crank sliding block mechanism .

    通过对曲柄滑块机构的运动 分析,得出了最小 工作 行程传动角γgmin的求法。

  • Firstly this paper comprehensively analyses the work flow modeling theory and technology assessment of the specific business a technology assessment work flow modeling framework and the work flow of each model of each sub-model for analysis .

    首先,本论文综合分析了工作流建模理论和科技项目评审的具体业务,提出了科技项目评审的工作流建模框架,并且逐一对 工作流模型中的各个子模型进行 分析

  • This paper discusses how to use the Petri Net in the model construction and simulation of work flow putting forward the detailed methods in the analysis of the work flow network .

    本文将Petri网应用于工作流建模和仿真,提出了用Petri网描述 工作 流程的详细过程以及 分析工作流网的详细方法。

  • The objective of this work is to design characterize a coulometric detector based on the porous carbon felt as the working electrode and to demonstrate its application in flow injection analysis .

    本文设计了一个以多孔碳毡(Porouscarbonfelt)为工作电极的库仑检测器并将其用于 流动注射 分析

  • In the analysis of the meaning of knowledge management features and content structure with the combination of the characteristics of the coal industry production and work flow analysis we study knowledge management thinking of building construction principles the main job and organization structure .

    在分析知识管理的含义、特点和内容结构的基础上,结合煤炭行业生产的特点及 工作 流程 分析 ,研究了知识管理的建设思路、建设原则、主要活动和组织结构。

  • With the analysis of the application of Protocols Chip in a electrical monitoring and control system the article illustrates the architecture and work flow of the communication module based on Protocols Chip and makes a quantitative analysis on the Real-time quality of the Protocols Chip .

    结合协议芯片在一个数字电力监控网中的应用,阐述了它的系统结构和 工作 流程,并对基于协议芯片的通信机制进行了实时性定量 分析

  • The work by predecessors on the subject is reviewed By means of the separated flow momentum model a theoretical analysis of the gas-liquid two-phase flow through sharp-edged orifices is made .

    本文对前人的 工作作了综述。作者采用 分相动量模型对于气液双相流体通过锐缘孔板时的 流动特性作了理论 分析

  • The major work is : running analysis file that contains the order flow with software ANSYS initializing the probability of design and building date-base which for design probability of the finite element analysis . 2 .

    在ANSYS环境中执行分析文件包含的命令 ,并进行初始化概率设计,建立概率设计的有限元 分析数据库。

  • Based on the work flow model and management skills some workflow management cases need analysis .

    基于 工作流模型及管理技术对部分子系统的工作流实例进行了 分析

  • At present the research work of water and steam flow resistance in thermal equipments are mainly in experiment and simulation not much for the theoretical study of the flow process thermodynamic analysis .

    目前,对热力设备中水和水蒸气 流动阻力的研究 工作多以实验和模拟为主,对于流动过程热力学 分析的理论研究不多。

  • It describes the whole work flow of precision analytical process especially the automated analysis & record phase and the notional arithmetic of three key analyses : execution infection propagation and gives frame diagram of the tool .

    文中描述了软件代码精细分析的全过程,重点讲述自动 分析记录的 工作 流程及执行、感染和传播这三个关键分析的概念性算法,并给出了工具的框架图解。

  • The logical model ( work process ) of the new system is accurately described with the data flow diagram ( DFD ) and data dictionary which are the essential tools for systematic analysis .

    使用系统 分析的重要工具&数据 流程图和数据字典对新系统逻辑模型(即 工作流程)进行了规范化的精确描述。