work file

[wɚk faɪl][wə:k fail]


  • The companies must also set up internal work structures for file storage screening and deletion which have to be approved by the regulator .

    这些公司还必须建立 文档储存、筛查及删除等内部 作业架构,且须经过监管部门的批准。

  • This information network provides one advanced open and practical network environment by which the automation in office work data file sharing and comprehensive and dynamic management of project can be fulfilled .

    该信息网提供了一个先进、开放、实用的计算机网络环境,实现了企业 办公自动化、数据 文件共享及项目全方位的动态管理。

  • In these operations the majority of the work involved in file storage query access to and so on .

    在这些业务当中,大部分 工作涉及 档案的存放、查询、调阅等。

  • Word cannot create a work file .

    word不能创建 工作 文件

  • File management is a kind of service work . File plays an important role of reference and credence in pedagogy research and management in higher education institutes .

    档案管理是一种服务性 工作档案在服务于高校的教学、科研、管理等 各项 工作中都发挥了重要的参考、借鉴、凭证作用,是学校建设事业的重要组成部分。

  • Technical Secondary School Strengthen the Work of File Construction

    中等专业学校加强 档案 工作建设刍议

  • There are several archive types and several tools that you can use to work with file archives .

    这里有几种您可以用于 文件存档的存档类型和工具。

  • Renewing work file with it 's mirroring in hard disk and renewing its standard data reference rapidly if the encrypted mirroring in hard disk was not demolished .

    若硬盘上的加密备份 文件未被破坏,以该文件快速恢复被破坏的 工作 文件,并更新标准参照数据。

  • In the future the work of file will be more standard and to achieve the sharing of information resources .

    在今后的 档案 管理 工作中, 档案 工作的基础 工作应更为规范化、标准化,才能真正达到信息资源共享的目的。

  • If you think your own contribution is good enough to have further protection you can register it with Beijing 's Copyright Protection Center of China and put your original work on file as evidence .

    但是,如果你认为自己贡献的内容足够优秀,想受到进一步的保护,你可以到北京的中国版权保护中心,把你的原创 作品 存档 做证据。

  • Saving the file to SVG means that any SVG-capable application can read and work with the file .

    保存为SVG意味着任何支持SVG的应用程序都能读取和 处理这些 文件

  • Work of file is one of the indispensable part in university management .

    档案 工作是学校管理 工作中不可缺少的一 工作,档案记载着学校的发展。

  • The XDrive can be mounted as if it were a NTFS formatted hard drive allowing it to work with normal file I / O APIs .

    XDrive能像一块NTFS格式的硬盘那样被挂接,让其 用普通的 文件I/OAPI来访问。

  • With the increasing of peoples law awareness and medical disputes work file management in blood station can not only reflect the quality management level and degree but also have some law efficacy .

    采供血机构 业务 档案管理除反映本单位质量管理的水平和规范程度外,随着人们法律意识的提高和输血医疗纠纷的增加,血站业务档案还发挥着一定法律效力。

  • This might be helpful if you 're partially finished work in one file and don 't want to check in an incomplete change .

    如果您在一个 文件中完成了部分 工作,并且不希望检入未完成的变更,则这种方法非常有用。

  • Compiling file materials is the focal point of work in the file utility service .

    档案资料编研是 开展 档案利用服务的 工作重点。

  • To work with production file draft and implementation .

    制定有关 操作 SOP 文件,并确保严格实施;

  • Founding dossier work of file and datum is the link which relates writ treatment and dossier management .

    文件、资料的立卷 工作是联系文书处理和档案管理的纽带,即文书立卷是文书处理过程中的最后环节,又是档案管理 工作得以顺利 开展的基础,被人们称为咽喉环节。

  • Collect work is the premise work of the file work .

    收集工作是 档案 工作的前提。

  • The work of file management in higher vocational colleges is the composing part of colleges'development .

    高职院校 档案管理 工作是学校发展的组成部分。

  • To work well that work file the manager must attain following MARCH : While expanding the way of thinking more new ideas ;

    要做好该 工作档案管理人员必须做到以下三点:一开拓思路,更新观念;

  • Application software and hardware combination to control the entire system Software part is the work which some file data management and Operational address value and management of effective block table and so on .

    系统通过软件和硬件相结合的方式来实现整个系统控制,其中软件部分主要 进行 文件数据的管理和地址的运算以及有效块表的管理等工作。

  • Micro-Computerized Net-Work for Automatic Office Management of Secretarial Work and file Keeping at Railway Administrations

    铁路机关文秘 办公自动化微机网络系统

  • Webmin has several tools to work with file systems and partitions .

    Webmin有一些工具用于管理 文件系统和分区。

  • If you prefer to work with file streams you can create an instance of the StreamReader class .

    如果希望使用 文件流,则可以创建 streamreader类的实例。

  • To save only the changes to a file select the allow fast saves check box and then continue to save as you work on the file .

    若要只保存文件的更改,请选中“允许快速保存”复选框,然后在 处理 文件的同时继续保存。

  • In particular the final example of translating new line characters to nulls would not work if some file names already contained new line characters .

    尤其是在最后一个例子中,如果一些 文件名已经包含新行字符串,那么将新行字符串转换成null字符串将导致错误。

  • Research work about PE file is mostly concentrated in the area of anti-virus while research of software watermark is still in the initial stage .

    以往对PE 文件的研究 工作大多集中于反病毒领域,基于PE 文件的软件水印的研究还处于起步阶段。

  • JavaScript programmers and scripters work in one file without having to mess with the core HTML .

    JavaScript程序员和脚本设计人员在一个 文件 工作,而不会弄乱核心HTML。