
[ˈwuzi, ˈwʊzi][ˈwu:zi]


  • Are you woozy ? How many stripes do I have ?


  • The condensation shorts the circuits to your brain and you get all woozy .

    湿气凝结导致大脑短路,你开始 头昏脑胀

  • You used to get woozy from your astringent .

    以前止血 药都能让你 头晕

  • I smiled uncertainly feeling woozy from the whisky .

    喝了威士忌后感到 昏头昏脑的,我犹豫地笑了笑。

  • Jennifer Churchill a spokesperson for Colorado Parks and Wildlife told the Post that the woozy bear was tagged and released in the mountains west of Boulder .

    科罗拉多公园和野生动物 部门的发言人JenniferChurchill告诉记者说这 昏睡的熊 随后会被放归到波尔 西面的山林。

  • Has anything like that ever happened to you ? Have you ever had been woozy at altitude ?

    你曾经遇到过这种情况吗?你曾经在高海拔上 眩晕吗?

  • The fumes made them woozy .

    烟熏得他们 头晕

  • I 'm feeling kinda woozy .

    我觉得有点 头昏眼花

  • The sea was very rough and many of us felt woozy after the boat journey .

    海上颠簸得非常 厉害,在乘船旅行后我们中的许多人都感到 晕乎乎的。

  • Coma Guy : Uh a little woozy but basically okay .

    昏迷男人:嗯,有点 虚弱,不过基本正常。

  • Now you 're gonna feel a little woozy .

    现在,你会慢慢感觉有些 眩晕

  • I couldn 't stand on my left leg and my heAD was woozy from hitting the ground .

    我的左腿不能站立,由于与地面碰撞, 头晕目眩

  • And if you also feel woozy or nauseous you may be suffering from heat exhaustion .

    而且又感到 晕眩恶心,那可能患了热衰竭。