


  • And the constant re-typing of the GetElem function 's syntax is wordy and annoying .

    在GetElem函数的语法中,常数的重复输入 显得 冗长而烦人。

  • Vague wordy and often meaningless talk or writing

    (含糊、 冗长而常无内容的)谈话或文字

  • She acted wonderfully in the play but he looked a bit wooden and his remarks were too wordy .

    她在剧中的表演很精彩,但他看上去有点呆板,语言太 冗长

  • This let me believe I am a wordy person .

    这使我觉得我像一个 唠唠叨叨的人。

  • I thought it was wordy in the middle .

    我觉得中间有 冗长

  • Easy : Your letter to promote the language must be concise not wordy Rory .

    简单:你推广信的语言一定要简练,不要罗里 罗嗦

  • The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric .

    这一章多为 冗长的华丽词藻。

  • I try for simplicity . I am often too wordy .

    越简单越好。我平常太 罗嗦

  • Every time I participate in various activities that you run after strong run for me busy not too sensible of you I sometimes wordy and now I really regret it .

    每次我参加各种活动时是您跑强跑后的为我忙碌,不懂事的我有时还 罗嗦,现在我真的很后悔。

  • For one thing the type parameter declarations can easily become wordy .

    首先,类型参数声明很容易变得 冗长

  • Practice helps you make your points clearly and helps you avoid being too wordy or meandering .

    练习可以使你的 谈话要点更清晰,从而避免 说话罗嗦

  • Notice how the exact wording of the use-case steps isn 't used because the steps are often too wordy to fit nicely on a diagram .

    请注意,由于步骤的描述往往太过 冗长,以至于无法恰当地放在一张图上,因此并没有对用例步骤使用确切的措辞。

  • The third solution can be wordy but it has many advantages .

    第三种解决方案可能有 繁琐,但是它有许多优点。

  • 397 . The wordy lord left his sword on the world .


  • This very wordy book on biology .

    这本非常 冗长的生物学专著。

  • In the case of warning shorter is definitely better ! If you struggle with a long wordy warning it may be too late !

    至于警告,当然是越短越好!如果你非要 冗长,这个警告可能就太迟了!

  • Many of the top brands simply went from wordy and boring to short and sweet with their name changes .

    许多顶级品牌通过改名字就实现了由 冗长而乏味向简洁 友好 形象的转变。

  • This is very wordy code .

    该代码 有些 冗长

  • The essay is too wordy you 'd better condense it .

    这篇文章太过 冗长,要简缩一下。

  • His wordy and empty speech was a frost .

    他的 冗长空洞的讲话 使人厌烦。

  • The article is good in content only it 's a bit wordy .

    这篇文章内容不错,只是 文字 略嫌 罗唆

  • As usual she gave a reply which was wordy and didn 't answer the question .

    像往常一样,她写了一封 冗长的回信,却没有回答这个问题。

  • People who are furrowing their brows over weighty arithmetic puzzles or sweating over wordy text books might want to take note .

    对超难度算术题皱眉头或对 冗长的课本冒汗的人需要记笔记。

  • This restriction doesn 't have the same potential pitfalls as what we just discussed but it can make your code pretty wordy .

    和我们刚才讨论的不同,这一限制没有同样的潜在缺陷,但它会使您的代码非常 冗长

  • I feel that English is a little more wordy than Chinese .

    我感觉英语比汉语 罗嗦些。

  • Then once women open up they can be too wordy with too many qualifiers . I think . I know there are a lot of people who have opinions more valuable than mine .

    另一个问题是,一旦女性 终于开口 发言,她们就有可能 絮絮叨叨 太多的客套 &我觉得,我知道在座诸位的意见比我的看法更有价值。

  • NO.1 Well Well know really wordy !

    好了,好了,知道,真 罗嗦

  • The professor is a rather wordy man .

    教授是一位 说话 颇为 的人。

  • A wordy gossipy account of a simple incident ; a redundant text crammed with amplifications of the obvious .

    对简单的事件的冗长、 罗嗦的描述;填满了对明显事物进行详细叙述的冗长课文。

  • In sum this Lei Fong is sensitive to the extent that he is pedantic and wordy .

    总而言之,这“雷锋”已经细致到有点迂腐和 罗嗦了。