



  • This wool stapler who is wearing woolen scarf is woolgathering .

    这个戴着 羊毛围巾的 羊毛商心不在焉的。

  • Do you have some good woolen fabric ?

    你有好的 羊毛 织品吗?

  • The shopkeeper said the woolen sweaters your size were .

    店主说你的尺寸的 羊毛衫已售完了。

  • Will this soap shrink woolen clothes ?

    这肥皂会使 织品收缩吗?

  • Your woolen sweater should be competitive not just in price quality but in packaging for woolen sweaters .


  • Who washed Washington 's white woolen underwear when Washington 's washer woman went west ?

    华盛顿的清洁女工去西部的时候,谁洗了华盛顿的白色 羊毛内衣?

  • The woolen sweater shrunk in the wash .


  • I ? I see myself holding a pair of thick woolen socks .

    我?我看到我自己穿着一双厚的 毛袜

  • I bought a woolen sweater yesterday .

    昨天我买了一件 羊毛毛衣。

  • He 's wearing a black leather jacket blue jeans and a green woolen hat .

    他穿着一件皮夹克,蓝色牛仔裤,戴着一顶绿 羊毛帽。

  • Wool fibers are processed into two fabric types : woolen fabrics and worsted fabrics .

    羊毛纤维加工成两种织物类型, 粗纺 织物和精纺毛织物。

  • Her mother bought her a woolen coat .

    她妈妈给她买了 羊毛大衣。

  • A coarse woolen cloth formerly used for undergarments and usually dyed bright red .

    起初用于内衣的通常带有光亮的红染色的粗糙的 毛纺布料。

  • Woolen sweaters are made of wool . Wool comes from sheep .

    絮状的有 绒毛 羊毛 外表 羊毛衫是由羊毛作的。羊毛来源于绵羊。

  • Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed ?


  • Benjamin : I 've got a suit a woolen sweater and a white shirt to wash .

    本杰明:我有一套西服、一件 羊毛衫和一件白色衬衣要洗。

  • I still have a whole basket of woolen clothes and fur coats and a suit to wash .

    我还有一大筐 毛料、皮衣服和西服要洗呢。

  • This white shirt can be washed in water with hands but this suit and the woolen sweater should be dry-cleaned .

    白色衬衣可以用水受洗,但这西服和 羊毛衫得干洗。

  • The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided .

    你们 羊毛衫的交货和我们提供的样品不一致。

  • Quality control of pure woolen Cashmere knitting yarn and its yarn forming requirement


  • Don 't put woolen and silk fabrics in suitcases ; they will be badly crushed .

    不要把 羊毛和真丝织物放进箱子,会被压变形的。

  • They left off their woolen underwear when the weather got warm .

    天气暖了,他们脱去了 羊毛内衣。

  • All three were wearing woolen sweaters .

    三只 兔子都穿着 羊毛衫。

  • Woolen blankets often have fluff on them .


  • Woolen sweaters can be hand knitted producing in most cases a finer and less expensive garment .


  • Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing .

    图4概略表示出 粗纺和精纺毛织物生产的工艺流程。

  • We looked just like military students before the war : woolen shirts cotton trousers high leather boots .

    我们看上去就好象战前的军校学员: 羊毛衬衣,棉裤和高筒靴。

  • I need a woolen sweater like that one over there .

    我要一件 羊毛衫,像那边那件。

  • Bunting : a light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags .

    旗布:用来制作旗帜的轻的棉质或 呢绒布料。

  • They have wash and assisting dyeing effect on cotton woolen fabrics and synthetic fibres .
