He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless .
他 心平气和地与他们讲话试图使争吵平息,但这却是徒劳的。
It is good fishing in troubled waters .
浑水之中好 摸鱼。
All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters .
他们所要做的就是挑拨离间, 混水摸鱼。
Fish in troubled waters .
趁火打劫 ( 混水摸鱼)。
Eg : If the manager had not poured oil on troubled waters the angry customer might have sued the salesgirl .
幸亏经理 平息了这场 纷争,否则那位愤怒的顾客可能会控告女售货员呢。
Her children were just at that age when they seemed to quarrel all day long so she had to learn very quickly how to pour oil on troubled waters .
她的孩子们正处于似乎整天争吵不休的年龄,因此她得尽快学会如何 平息 风波。
An inadvertent inquiry would have brought us into troubled waters .
一次调查不当心,就会使我们 陷入 混乱 局面。
They were clearly seeking to fish in troubled waters . In his excitement he fell in wetting himself to the waist .
显然他们意图 混水摸鱼。这样水就被搅浑了,没法再看到那条鱼。
They were clearly seeking to fish in troubled waters .
显然他们意图 混水摸鱼。
Many speculator mad money during the decline of the stock market by fishing in troubled waters .
在股票行情看跌期间,许多投机商 混水摸鱼,从中获利。
Like many politicians he was attracted by troubled waters .
像许多政治人物一样,他对 动荡不安 的 局势有兴趣。
You delight to fish in troubled waters .
你喜欢趁机 混水摸鱼。
Superbird scs life on the rise we look up and beard of silver carp we head to look forward to fish in troubled waters .
对神鸟我们一生抬头仰视,而对鲢胡子,我们则低下头来,巴不得 浑水摸鱼。
But at least Robert Zoellick the World Bank president is trying to pour oil on troubled waters by calling for a debate on a new global currency system with an modified gold standard at its heart .
但至少世界银行(worldbank)行长 罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)正设法 平息 风波。他呼吁各国探讨建立一个以经过改良的以金本位制为核心的全球货币新体系。
During the decline of the stock market some people fished in troubled waters and made big money .
在股票市场价格下跌时,一些人 混水摸鱼,赚了大钱。
Design is clearly communicated not to fish in troubled waters .
设计是明确沟通,不是 混水摸鱼。
As I got to know Susan better and heard more of her life story I agreed emphatically that calming troubled waters was indeed her thing .
当我更多地了解到 Susan,并听取更多她的故事后,我 严重地认同解决 麻烦正是她的 “问题”。
Both partners now resent your interference ; that 's what you get when you fish in the troubled waters of marital strife .
现在两方面都对你的干预不满,那是对你的婚姻冲突中 趁火打劫的报应。
They love to fish in troubled waters .
他们喜欢 混水摸鱼。
As the farmers limited knowledge and management systems and rural financial management is very confusing because of this that makes some grass-roots advantage of the loophole fish in troubled waters .
由于农民知识水平有限和经营管理制度不健全,农村财务管理很混乱,也正因为如此才使得一些基层干部钻了空子, 浑水摸鱼。
Never fish in troubled waters .
不要 浑水摸鱼。
He 's always been good at fishing in troubled waters ; he made a lot of money by buying houses that were bombed in the war .
他总是善于乘人之危 而 捞一把,他由购买在战争中遭过轰炸的房子而赚大笔钞票。
The two sides were nearing a bitter quarrel until the chairman poured oil on the troubled waters .
要不是主席 出面调解,双方很快就会大吵起来。
The central bank helicopters are planning a co-ordinated drop of liquidity on troubled market waters .
各国央行的“直升机”群正计划协同行动,向 陷入 困境的市场 投放流动资金。
Now his stately ship of life having weathered the severest storms of a troubled century is anchored in tranquil waters proof that courage and faith and the zest for freedom are truly indestructible .
现在,他人生的艨艟战舰渡过了 忧患世纪以来最凌厉的风暴,停泊在平静的 水面上,证明了他的勇气、信念和对自由的执着真正是颠扑不破的。
The two men were shouting abuse but she did her best to pour oil on the troubled waters .
那两个男人大声 对骂,而她则尽力从中 调解。