


  • The ancient city Troy is no more .

    特洛伊 已不复 存在了。

  • Troy : Man I 'm for the team !


  • You pretty much have the school wired don 't you troy ?

    你把学校连在了一起,对吗, 特洛伊

  • We just arrived but troy 's already tapped into the city cameras .

    我们刚到,但是 乔尼已经接上城市监视系统了。

  • ' Now said Troy you see my problem . I can 't marry them both .

    这下你看到我的问题了吧, 托伊说,我又不能娶她们两个人。

  • So troy I missed you during vacation . what 'd you do ?

    那么, 特洛伊,假期里我挺想你来着。你都干些什么了?

  • You are prince of troy . I know you 'll make me proud .

    你是 特洛伊的王子,是我的骄傲。

  • The first two merely project a polis society upon its extension the Greek army at Troy .

    前两部仅仅是在希腊军队在 特洛伊的这一剧情的延伸中展现了城邦社会。

  • This was not your first offence Troy Cooper .


  • In the king 's absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to Troy .

    趁着国王不在,帕里斯说服海伦与他一起私奔到 特洛伊

  • They want you to fight in troy .

    他们要你到 特洛伊战斗。

  • You can still save troy young prince .

    你还是能挽救 特洛伊的,年轻的王子。

  • A mythical Greek hero ; a warrior who fought against Troy in Homer 's Iliad .

    希腊神话英雄;荷马的伊利亚特中与 特洛伊交战的战士。

  • Did you hear about the kid who 's gonna fight troy ?

    你听说有人要和 特洛 决战了吗?

  • Lucy and Troy have just overheard that conversation .

    露西和 特洛伊刚偷听到那段谈话。

  • Troy was besieged by the Greeks .

    特洛伊 被希腊人包围了。

  • But I am on a date with troy .

    但是我与 troy有个约会。

  • Troy : Am I going left ?


  • You 're a princess of Troy now .

    你现在是 特洛伊的王妃!

  • ( Greek mythology ) the last king of Troy ; father of Hector and Paris and Cassandra .

    (希腊神话) 特洛伊最后一个国王;赫克托、帕里斯和卡桑德拉的父亲。

  • Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her .

    以他的年龄来说 特洛伊非常聪明,早就想到了骗过她的妙计。

  • Three thousand years ago there happened a war in Greece-the Troy War .

    三千年前,希腊发生了场战争&那就是 特洛伊战争。

  • And I am a servant of troy .

    而我是 特洛伊的仆人。

  • Troy 's chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts .

    特洛伊的喋喋不休让我 暂时收起了阴郁思绪。

  • ' I don 't think this Sergeant Troy will ever marry her .

    我认为这个 托伊中士不会和她结婚。

  • Unfortunately my plans have been changed and I will be returning to Troy on Monday .

    令人遗憾的是,我的计划已经改变,星期一我必须返回 特洛伊

  • This was the place where Troy had asked her to meet him .

    这就是 托伊要她和他会面的地方。

  • Was she forgetting her husband so soon ? thought Troy angrily .

    她这么快就把丈夫忘了? 托伊气愤地想。

  • Aphrodite helped Paris of Troy win the beautiful Helen of Greece .

    阿芙罗狄蒂帮助了 特洛伊 王子帕里斯赢得了希腊的美丽的海伦。

  • I thought you wanted peace with troy .

    我原以为你要和 特洛伊和平 相处