


  • Trees have been inspected in the nursery for trueness to name .

    在苗圃内 所有的苗木都检查过是 名实相符的。

  • In the16th century Ben Johnson wrote Blueness doth express trueness because blue also means patrician .

    十六世纪时,本·琼生写道:“蓝色确实表示 真实”,因为蓝色还意味着高贵的。

  • Thesis paper and defense work test the trueness and credibility of the teaching quality system of a university .

    毕业论文和答辩工作检验着学校教学质量体系的 真实 和信誉度。

  • Result It is law and self-discipline to ensure the objectiveness trueness and completeness of the medical record management .

    结果保证病案管理客观、 真实、完整,一靠法律, 自律。

  • On the different levels of forest aesthetics the concepts of trueness are different .

    在森林审美的不同层次中,“ 表达各不相同。

  • The Dialectical Relation between Falseness and Trueness in the Poetical Artistic Conception ; Differential expression of adiponectin in different Chinese medicine syndrome of central obesity and its correlation with obesity character

    诗歌意境 虚与实的辩证关系腹型肥胖患者中医虚实证型脂联素表达差异及与肥胖特征相关性研究

  • This paper by analyzing the application of the accounting system in small enterprises in China puts forward the measures to further simplify and adjust the small-enterprise accounting system aiming at better regulation of book records for the trueness of accounting information .

    通过对我国小企业会计工作的实际运用情况分析,提出了对小企业会计制度的进一步简化调整措施,从而更好地规范小企业的会计核算,保证会计信息的 真实

  • Causes of Missing Trueness in Chinese Traditional Culture

    中国传统文化中 的缺失的原因

  • Chuang Tzu argued that universe exists under the chaotic condition so common description is not enough to describe its trueness .

    庄子认为这个宇宙是在一种浑沌的状态下存在,用普通的描述方式是不足以表达其 真实 的。

  • Separation and Identification of Vaccinium Uliginosum Anthocyanins and Quantitative Analysis of Cultivated Vaccinium Anthocyanins ; accuracy ( trueness and precision ) of measurement methods and results-part 1 : general principles and definitions

    笃斯越橘花色素的分离鉴定及栽培种花色素的定量分析测量方法和结果的精确性( 精度和精确度)-一般原则和定义

  • From the viewpoint of forest image trueness is represented by people 's sincere emotion which means the fusion of people 's emotion and forest landscape .

    在森林意象 层次 表现为人的真心 真爱 真实情感(情景交融);

  • The related technical problems the dynamic measuring stability of the instrument and the setting of the sampling window directly effecting the signal trueness are discussed .

    讨论了有关的测试技术问题,特别对仪器动态测试稳定性问题进行了讨论,还对直接影响信号 真实 的采样窗口设定问题进行了讨论。

  • An openness - trueness matrix is brought forward to estimate the state of interface .

    然后,就 如何对界面状态进行评价的问题,提出了评价界面的开放度- 真实 矩阵。

  • At the same time it oppugned on trueness which was pursued by Easel Art .

    同时,也对架上艺术所追求的 真实提出了质疑。

  • The trueness and validity of the methods is verified based on the testing and analyzing .

    在试验和分析的基础上,证明了 特征 数据 提取方法的 正确 和有效性。

  • Case has the characteristics of trueness and naturalness and case teaching can play the role as simulation .

    病案具有 真实、自然的特点,病案教学可起到模拟直观教学的作用。

  • Key points and application for testing trueness and purity of apple varieties of AFLP techniques were discussed .

    对AFLP分析的关键步骤进行了讨论,并对生产上应用AFLP技术检测苹果品种 真实 和纯度作了展望。

  • Accuracy ( trueness and precision ) of measurement methods and results-part 2 : basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method

    测量方法和测量结果的 精确性-第2部分;标准测量方法的重复性和再现性测定的基本方法

  • Analysis and summary are carried out for evaluation results to ensure the trueness of evaluation results in reflecting doctors featuring in high trueness .

    是对评价结果进行了分析和汇总,保证评价结果 切实反映医生的 真实面貌,具有真实性强的特点。

  • The last part puts forward a improved brand evaluation method by combing the advantages of traditional evaluation methods and overcoming the disadvantages and to start from the operability and trueness which is income-fact method and to explain the method by examples .

    第四部分结合传统评估方法的优点,克服其不足,从评估的可操作性和 真实 出发,提出了品牌评估的改进方法:收益一实际法,并举例说明。

  • The evaluation of paper document service from evaluation mostly part target to touchstone is based on readers'vision and reflect the trueness felling of readers .

    纸质文献服务质量评价,从评价主体、对象到评价的标准,都要求从读者的角度进行,以反映读者的 真实感受。

  • Party B pledges the trueness legitimacy sufficiency and continuous effectiveness of relevant qualification documents displayed to Party A for performance of the Contract .

    乙方保证为履行本协议而向甲方出示的相关资质文件 真实、合法、充分并持续有效。

  • Return to trueness means getting rid of exterior trimming and returning to reality of a thing .

    返璞归真是指去掉事物的外饰,还其 原始 淳朴本真 状态

  • Through their study the authors pointed out that physical education pursues trueness as well as goodness and competitive sports pursues goodness as well as trueness .

    通过研究提出:身体教育 求真也向善、竞技运动向善也求真。

  • Trueness is not only the logic origination of forest aesthetics but also run through the whole process of forest aesthetics and embodies the form content and spirit of forest aesthetics .


  • Accuracy ( trueness and precision ) of measurement methods and results-part 1 : general principles and definitions

    测量方法和结果的精确性( 精度和精确度)-一般原则和定义

  • Abandoning the flesh firmly setting our polymorphous perversity behind us we will have instead the trueness of each other 's purity knowing each other as one soul knows another .

    放弃肉吧,坚决地放弃我们的变态反常行为吧,取而代之,我们将拥有彼此的纯洁,象心灵互通一样地相识 相知

  • The trueness of corporation capital provides security protection for the opposing party of the transaction reduces the transaction cost and improves the efficiency .

    公司资本的 真实 为公司交易的相对人提供了安全保护,降低了交易成本提高了效率。

  • Simultaneous acquisition precision reflects the trueness of acquired seismic data that affects the processing and interpretation of seismic data and is an important technical index of distributed seismic data acquisition system .

    采集同步精度反映了所采集的地震数据的 真实 ,影响地震资料的处理和解释,是 当今分布式地震数据采集系统的一项重要技术指标。

  • The system that has high trueness shows that the virtual technology is valuable in materials science experiment .

    设计 达到了较好的 真实 效果,显示了虚拟现实技术在材料学试验中的 广泛应用前景。