true exit


  • Note that the matched function returns stop = true to exit the iteration .

    请注意,匹配的函数返回了 stop=true以便 退出迭代。

  • Object invariant describes the relationship of the object-oriented data structure it always holds true after the object creation and on the entrance and exit of the method invocation .

    对象 不变式描述了面向对象数据结构中元素间的关系,在对象创建后以及方法引用前后它总为

  • As stated in the definition test returns a zero exit value if the expression value was True or a non-zero exit value ( that is 1 ) .

    根据定义,如果表达式值是 True,那么test返回零退出值,否则返回非零 退出值(即1)。

  • Maybe true love can only exit in our dream .

    也许爱只有在 里面

  • You need the inverse node because you want the loop to exit when shippingComplete is true but the loop needs a value of false for the loop to terminate .

    需要inverse节点的原因是您想让循环在shippingComplete为 True退出,但该循环需要False值才能终止。

  • Enter true if the stair is counted for building code exit requirements .

    如果楼梯与建筑物规范中对 出口的要求有关,则输入 true”。

  • This ensures that you get to know if due to a bug in the code in this function the conditions that you expect to be true on exit are not .

    如果由于该函数中代码的错误,您期望 退出时为 的条件并不为 ,那么这些断言能够确保您知道这一点。

  • As the test man page states the test command evaluates expression parameters and if the expression value is True returns a zero ( True ) exit value .

    正如test的手册页指出的,test命令运算表达式参数的值,如果表达式的值是True,就返回零( True退出值。

  • If stop is true then iteration will exit immediately .

    如果stop为 true,则迭代将立即 退出

  • ( The same is true for continue . ) Of course in the cases where breaking out of a loop will also exit the method you can simply use a return .

    当然,若想在中断循环的同时 退出方法,简单地用一个 return即可。

  • In Chinese culture and literature there are probably no true religious beliefs but not genuine religious spirit does exit .

    中国文化和中国文学也许欠缺 真正 意义上的宗教信仰,但却并不 缺乏真正意义上的宗教精神。

  • Just a note about this pattern : By setting daemonic threads to true it allows the main thread or program to exit if only daemonic threads are alive .

    在使用这个模式时需要注意一点:通过将守护线程设置为 true,将允许主线程或者程序仅在守护线程处于活动状态时才能够 退出

  • Therefore a true momentum strategy needs to have solid exit rules to protect profits while still being able to ride as much of the extension move as possible .

    因此, 真正的动量交易策略需要稳定的 出场规则,保护利润但又要尽量地获得更多的利润。

  • The probability is that this will remain true for a long time partly because the Chinese financial system confronts many challenges in managing its exit from a gigantic credit boom .

    这种现状 可能会维持很长时间,部分原因是中国金融体系需要成功 退出巨大的信贷繁荣,在此过程中它将面临不少挑战。