true solution


  • It is of great guiding significance for promoting the true solution to the problem of the development of human beings in China the implementation of the concept of scientific development and the healthy development of quality education .

    它对于推动我国人的发展问题的 正确 解决、对于促进科学发展观的贯彻落实、对于指导素质教育的健康发展,都具有重要的指导意义。

  • How to improve the flameproof structure of YB2 Series flameproof three-phase induction motor is the main topic in this article and tried and true solution has been put out .

    就如何改进 YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机的隔爆结构进行了分析,并提出了行之有效的 解决 方案

  • The true solution to this problem is to improve the access plan for problematic SQL statements by adding the correct indexes .

    这个问题的 正确 解决 方案是通过添加正确的索引改进有问题的SQL语句的存取方案。

  • This paper develops a mixed least-squares finite element method for the Helmholtz equation through casting the equation into a first order system then considering the fact that the true solution minimize the remains of the system .

    通过将Helmholtz方程变化为一阶线性系统,并考虑此线性系统余量与 的关系,给出了对方程的一类最小二乘混合有限元方法。

  • The looming sequestration reflects the fact that a true solution to the present giant budget deficit and record levels of federal debt has not yet been found .

    “强制减支”方案临近生效反映了一个事实,即美国还没有 真正有效的 办法解决当前的巨额预算赤字和创纪录的联邦债务。

  • A swift and reliable means of punishing flops during a game is the only true solution .


  • However the measure of the error between the limit solution and the true solution is not in the pure mathematics sense but in the mechanics sense .

    不过极限解和 之间差别的度量不是纯数学意义的而是在力学意义下的。

  • Furthermore when N is sufficiently large the numerical solution μ N which sufficiently approaches a true solution u is unique .

    而且,当N充分大时,充分靠近某一 u的数值解uN是唯一的。

  • In this paper we study the relationship between the asymptotic behavior of a numerical simulation by 6 method for delay differential equation and that of the true solution itself for fixed step sizes .

    本文研究求解滞时微分方程的θ-方法数值解的渐近性质和方程 真实 的关系。

  • It must be admitted that the true solution so long searched for in the area of social relationships is contained in these simple words : Law is organized justice .

    我们必须承认,在社会关系领域长期苦苦追寻的 真正 解决 办法,就包含在这句简单的话中:法律由正义组成。

  • The difficulty in solving this system of non-linear equations is the choice of an initial value close enough to the true solution to assure convergence .

    求解时遇到的主要困难是选择一组足够靠近 的初值,以保证迭代过程的收敛。

  • Furthermore the true solution may be lost in pseudorange positioning because the linearized pseudorange equations are partial solutions .

    在伪距定位中,由于线性化后的伪距方程是局部解,这有可能丢失 正确

  • Limit analysis takes advantage of the lower-and upper-bound theorems of plasticity theory to provide bounds on the true solution of a stability .

    极限分析理论采用塑性上、下限定理为稳定性的 提供了限界。

  • Based on which application you need to access as defined by your service definition you can route this request through the local ESB providing for a true decoupled SOA solution .

    基于服务定义所定义的、需要访问的应用程序,可以通过本地ESB路由这个请求,提供一个 真正的去耦合SOA 解决 方案

  • The correction factor is nearly equal to the true value ( numerical solution ) the average relative error of66 data is0.04 % .

    校正因子与 真实解(数值 )十分接近,66个数据的平均相对误差为0.04%。

  • In the true solution the solid seems to have disappeared in the clear liquid .


  • The Existence and Solving Methods of The True solution of The Fuzzy Error 2-1 Matrix Equation

    模糊错误二类1矩阵方程 的存在性及其解法

  • Certain organic substances and compounds that are considered soluble in water do not form true solution .

    某些被认为溶于水的有机物和化合物不形成 溶液

  • The following result is proved . The approximate solution by this method approaches the true solution if the number of the steps approaches the infinity .


  • As I noted last week ( Paulson 's plan was not a true solution to the crisis September 23 ) the gross liabilities of the US financial sector have soared from just 21 per cent of gross domestic product in 1980 to 116 per cent in 2007 .

    上周我在文章中提到(《保尔森计划非全面 解危 方案》),美国金融部门总债务占GDP的百分比从1980年的21%,上升到2007年的116%。

  • Leuco vat dye molecules rarely exist in the single-molecule forms mostly in the dozens of molecular aggregates or in the form of hundreds of moleculars indicating that Leuco vat dye solution is not a true solution but mainly in the range of colloid .

    染料隐色体分子很少以单分子状态存在,大都以几十个分子的聚集体或缔合体形式存在,表明还原染料隐色体溶液不是 溶液,而主要是位于胶体范围分布。

  • In recent years people have got the different sense with the true effective solution for example Henig proper solution Benson proper solution Super efficient solution and so on .

    近年来,人们获得了许多不同意义下的 有效 ,如Henig真有效解,Benson真有效解,超有效解等。

  • We are the true low-cost products and integrated solution provider .

    我们的服务 宗旨是提供给客户低成本高质量的产品及 解决 方案

  • A method of minimum mean square deconvolution is proposed and the mean square error of its solution deviating from the true solution is minimum .

    本文提出一种最小均方卷积反演方法,其解偏离 的均方误差为最小。

  • According to the author which of the following is not a true solution to culture shock ?

    根据作者,以下何者不是 真正 解决文化冲击的 方法

  • Then two fast algorithms that can attain the true solution of original equation set under certain evaluation function are put forward .

    在此基础上该文提出了两种 适用于一般情况的且能在规定的评价函数下取得 最优 的快速算法。

  • Some suggestions for developing and agrochemical evaluating of SRF have presented by the ( author ) such as using soil true solution to instead of pure water to determine the dissolving characters of SRF ;

    论文提供了评价缓释肥农化性质的若干建议:如用土壤 溶液替代纯水去测定缓释肥的溶解特性;

  • On the research of solving hitting set we use the improved HS-dag algorithm which would generate less nodes high efficiency and will not lose the true solution .

    本文在研究碰集求解参考的是改进的HS-dag算法,该算法在实现过程中形成的结点数目少,效率高,且不会丢失 真实

  • The result showed that silatrane has better anti-erosion ability and other tribological behaviors when it used as an true solution addition of water-base metalworking fluid .

    实验证明杂氮硅三环作为环保型水基金属加工液添加剂具有良好抗腐蚀性能和 一定的减 抗磨性能。