true time system

[计] 实时系统

  • The probability is that this will remain true for a long time partly because the Chinese financial system confronts many challenges in managing its exit from a gigantic credit boom .

    这种现状 可能会维持很长 时间,部分原因是中国金融 体系需要成功退出巨大的信贷繁荣,在此过程中它将面临不少挑战。

  • True time delay technology used by fiber gratings has the advantages of wide band 、 good select frequency character 、 small cubage and flexible design but it cannot integrate other array units and makes system complex .

    光栅的选频特性优良、体积小,采用光纤光栅的 延时技术设计灵活,可实现大带宽工作,但是 系统复杂,难以封装。

  • However over the past modern times country political situation turbulent war natural calamities the long-term goal of nature finance system changes was very difficult to come true in a short time so mandatory changes with dominant government including finance system have occurred without turning back .

    然而,近代以来国家政局的动荡不安, 兵燹天灾屡相为害,诱致性金融制度变迁的长期目标很难在 短期 实现,因此以政府主导的包括金融 制度在内的强制性变迁不可避免地发生了。

  • The true core of a real-time environment is that the system will guarantee to perform some task within a pre-defined time so that the system 's behaviour becomes fully deterministic .

    实时环境的 真正核心在于,系统必须保证在预定义的 时间内执行完指定的任务,这样 的行为才是完全确定的。

  • The True Response Time in Voltage Divider Measuring System

    分压器测量 系统 响应 时间

  • This is especially true if you have run time bugs in your production system .

    当您的生产 系统中有运行 错误时,情况尤其是 如此

  • Optical true - time delay for phased array antenna system

    应用在相控阵 雷达上的光学 实时延迟线

  • This is particularly true at a time when the social and economic system is undergoing fundamental change .

    在社会经济 制度发生根本变革的 时期,尤其是 这样

  • We prove that the error order is O ( h2 + r ) in finite time then we also prove that the result is true by using contractive mapping theory in long time under properly assumption conditions . Furthermore we obtain the convergence theory of the discrete system .

    首先,在有限时间内我们得到了误差阶为O( h~2+r),然后在适当的假设条件下,利用压缩映射原理把这一结果递推到长 时间上去,从而得到离散 系统的收敛性定理。