true carry


  • It is an important measure deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system and coming true four rights of the party members and the masses to carry out the public announcement system before appointing the cadres .

    实行干部任前公示制,是深化干部人事制度改革, 落实党员和群众四权的一项重要举措。

  • Yet true presence or being with another person carries with it a silent power & to bear witness to a passage to help carry an emotional burden or to begin a healing process .

    然而, 真正的“在场”,或者说与另一个人“在一起”,包含着一种无声的力量&见证一段时光, 分担一种精神负担,或是开始一段疗程。

  • Because of characteristics of the satellite network it is not realistic on time and economy to make use of the true space environment to carry on the physical test .

    由于卫星网络本身的特点,利用 真实的空间环境 进行物理测试在时间上和经济上都是不现实的。

  • Viral marketing is not the true way to disseminate the virus to carry out marketing activities but through word-of-mouth propaganda network users such as information dissemination and proliferation of the same virus using rapid way to copy transmitted to thousands of millions of audience .

    病毒营销并非 的以传播病毒的方式 开展营销活动,而是通过用户的口碑宣传网络,信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以干计、数以百万计的受众。

  • Using a given-operation method can but reflect the students information of given-experiment can t reflect the students true experiment ability and cant carry on multicriteria evaluation .

    定题操作方式只能反映学生对某一实验题目的掌握情况,不能反映学生的 真实实验能力,无法对学生 进行综合评判。

  • Finally it is precisely through this kind of planning that we have been better able to ascertain the true situation in the township and to carry out the party 's policy concretely and fully .

    最后,正由于通过这种规划,可以进一步地 摸清农村的底,具体地全面地去 贯彻 执行党的政策。

  • The true sense of the ordinary undergraduate college teaching and carry out more than twenty years this theoretical system from the initial research to assess the practice was constantly improve and enhance our quality of teaching is an important measure .

    我国 真正意义上的普通高校的本科教学工作 开展有二十余年,这项工作从最初的理论体系研究到评估实践的开展是我国不断完善和提高教学质量的一项重要措施。

  • In this paper it is proved true from practice and theory that it 's a effective method to solve the urban environmental problems in China by combining the Chinese traditional garden technique with modern ecology to carry out Chinese landscape constrction .

    文章从理论和实践成果 证明将我国传统园林技术和现代生态学理论结合起来,探索 具有中国特色的园林建设是解决我国城市环境问题的有效途径。

  • Furthermore the system uses the data encrypting to come true the data transfers safely and the digital signature to carry out online approve system .

    此外,本系统还利用数据加密技术, 实现了数据在网络中的安全传输,利用数字签名技术 实现了网上审批功能。

  • This mechanism is able to inspirit the generation companies to bid the true cost effectively and carry out economical operation as well so it can attract the generation capacity investment and configure the social resource reasonably .

    所设计的机制能在 实现经济调度的同时有效的激励发电机组上报 真实成本,以引导发电容量投资,实现社会资源的合理配置。

  • The second is using the jacobinical mode to find a way to carry out the true subjectivity of human to change the dissimilation and carry out the full development of human .

    第二是以激进的方式力图找到一条实现人的 真正的主体性,彻底改变人的异化状态, 实现人的全面发展的途径。

  • Draws the following conclusion : 1 . Dalian City high school sports propaganda the sun is not enough students do not understand the true meaning of sport to carry out the sun .

    得出以下结论:1.大连市中学对阳光体育运动的宣传力度不够,学生没有理解 开展阳光体育运动的 真实意义。

  • It 's a filter and only those elements that pass the filter ( that is evaluate to true ) will in fact carry forward to the body of the loop .

    它是一个过滤器,实际上,只有那些传递给过滤器(即计算 true)的元素“向 前传给”了循环主体。

  • Larry Goldstein : Stem cells are giving us a way for the first time to have true human brain cells in a dish that carry the genetic changes that we know can contribute to or cause disease .

    生物学家对胚胎干细胞的研究从未停止过,通过干细胞,科学家首次 得以方便地制造出人脑细胞,从而研究致病的遗传改变。现在他们在这一方面的进展如何? 且看下文分解。

  • Imitate true model through the mechanical system of the establishment vibration be to kinetics and dynamics characteristic of mechanical system carry on accurately imitating a true calculation .

    通过建立振动机械系统 仿真模型,对机械系统的运动学和动力学特性 进行准确的仿真计算。

  • The nature of strategy is to gain sustainable competitive advantage to create value . However strategic objective has no way to come true if the management cannot carry out effective strategies . The survival and development of the enterprise will be confronted with the great threat and challenge .

    战略的本质是获得持续竞争优势以创造价值,但是若不能对战略 进行有效的管理,战略目标就无法 实现,企业的生存和发展都将面临着巨大的威胁和挑战。

  • The characteristics of the foreign foundation chemistry reform is with the true affairs of student 's experience real life is mutually close is scene let the student carry on science investigation study with the line of action as far as possible .

    国外基础化学改革的特点是,以学生经验、实际生活的 真实事件相密切为情景,尽量以活动方式让学生 进行科学探究性学习。

  • What feelings would no longer be true for you to carry around ?

    有什么你所 执着感觉你会觉得不再 真实存在呢?

  • This is true elsewhere in the world but the burden that Asian women carry is particularly heavy .

    当然在世界其他地方也是 这样的,但亚洲女性所 承受的负担尤其沉重。

  • BE anyplace and canning seem through a network true of face to face carry on exchanges with teacher .

    在任何地方,都能够通过网络好像 真实的与老师面对面 进行交流。

  • Because it is difficult to evaluate and judge whether the accounting information is true or not from the result itself in the fulfillment we can only carry out the oppositely true accounting information which following the true of procedure 's reasonableness .

    由于难以从会计信息结果本身判断和评价会计信息的 真实性,所以在实践中真正 奉行的只能是相对真实的会计信息,遵循程序理性观的真实性。

  • But many enterprises don 't get the anticipant quantity control result with current quantity management system the main reason is those enterprises don 't combine the themselves true to the system to carry on the macro-design and circulate the system in a hurry .

    但是大多数企业现行的质量管理体系并没有得到预期的质量控制效果,主要原因是企业没有结合自身 实情对体系的建设 进行总体设计和规划而匆忙地运行。

  • Awareness is our true nature love is its fragrance-we all carry this intrinsic ability to be in life lovingly and joyfully living our true nature .

    觉知是我们的 真实本性,爱是它的芳香&我们钟情地、喜悦地 这种固有的能力 到生活中,活在我们真实的本性中。

  • A true Marxist-Leninist must understand carry on and develop Marxism-Leninism in light of the current situation .

    真正的马克思列宁主义者必须根据现在的情况,认识、 继承和发展马克思列宁主义。