


  • He has managed the $ 8 billion oakmark International Fund ( oakix ) since its founding in 1992 returning 9 % annually over the past 10 years to trounce 98 % of competitors .

    自奥克马克国际基金(OakmarkInternationalFund)于1992年成立以来,希罗一直负责管理其80亿美元的资金,过去十年的年回报率为9%, 高于98%的同业竞争对手。

  • Even if it finds no germs to kill or parasites to trounce or odors to attack it will gradually become two molecules of water which are the same as humidifier fog .

    即使没有找到需要杀死细菌或寄生虫,或者需要 去除的气味,它将逐渐 分解成两分子像 增湿器的雾一样的水汽。

  • Such devices have been tipped as the next big thing in technology after the smartphone yet some think Apple will trounce them all when it launches its iWatch .

    有人预测这类设备是继智能手机之后科技领域的下一 流行 产品,不过也有人认为在苹果发布iWatch之后,上述产品将 全部打败

  • In Rugby League Australia trounced France by sixty points to four .

    在联盟橄榄球赛上,澳大利亚 60:4 比分 大胜法国

  • In view of practical applications based on the paper discussed the establishment of a Bayesian network agricultural systems and establish an expert how to trounce Bayesian network structure and the net every tabulate the table .

    鉴于实际的应用,论文探讨了在构建基于贝叶斯网的农业专家系统时,怎样确立 贝叶斯网的结构和网中每个结点的 条件 概率表。