under penalty of

[ˈʌndɚ ˈpɛnəlti ʌv][ˈʌndə ˈpenəlti ɔv]


  • However the protection of patent ownership under Penalty Law in China still has some vacancy items say the unlawful use of patent is beyond its scope .

    但是,中国 刑法针对侵犯专利权的 犯罪 规定尚有空白之处,非法实施专利权的行为竟然没有纳入 刑法 规制的范围。

  • Employees are forbidden to smoke on these premises under penalty of instant dismissal . Determination of Forbidden Drug-Olaquindox in Feed by HPLC

    严禁雇员在这些建筑物内吸烟, 则立即开除。高效液相色谱法测定饲料中违禁药物喹乙醇

  • The simulation shows that under the optimal conditions the power penalty induced by space optical coupling of receiver is less than 2 dB when the product of receiving antenna diameter and the rms pointing error of receiver is less than 0.15 waves .

    仿真表明: 最优条件下,当接收天线直径与接收端瞄准误差标准差之乘积小于0.15个波长时,由接收端空间光耦合引起的功率 损失小于2μrad。

  • The State Council may authorize the departments directly under it that have the power of administrative penalty to formulate provisions on administrative penalty in accordance with the first and second paragraph of this Article .

    国务院可以授权具有行政 处罚权的 直属机构依照本条第一款、二款的规定,规定行政处罚。

  • Where a futures commission merchant or clearing member repeats an infraction under any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph within a half year of the previous infraction this corporation may impose a penalty of nt $ 500000 .

    期货商、结算会员于最近半年内再次发生 前项各款违规情事之一者,本公司得 处以新台币50万元之违约金。

  • This paper is devoted to the penalty finite element methods for the station-ary Navier-Stokes equations . Under certain conditions the author shows that the penalty finite element solutions can approximate the nonsingular solutions simple limit points and nondegenerate turning points of Navier-Stokes equations .

    本文讨论定常Navier-Stokes方程组的惩罚有限元方法, 一定条件下,证明了 函数有限元解能够逼近Navier-stokes方程组的非奇异解,单极限点和非退化拐点等。

  • Under the influence of ideology of harsh sentences in China imprisonment penalty becomes an important means of punishing crime while non-imprisonment penalty is not paid attention so there rarely is non-custodial sentence for unpremeditated crime .

    我国 重刑主义思想的影响 ,监禁 成为惩治犯罪的重要手段,非监禁刑一直得不到重视,对过失犯罪非监禁的研究较为少见。

  • Under the stern situation of combat corruption and build a clean government seeking scientifically penalty policy becomes imperative . We must analyze the characteristics of the phenomenon of light punishment and its causes in-depth .

    当前反腐倡廉形势依然严峻的情形 ,深入分析渎职犯罪量刑偏轻现象的特点及其成因,寻求科学 适用 刑罚政策,已成为当务之急。

  • Aggregate production planning with multi-product under fuzzy environment is studied and a fuzzy optimal model with penalty factor is proposed in order to find a kind of optimal combination and minimize the total cost and penalty cost .

    研究基于模糊环境 的集约生产计划问题,并设计了带有 惩罚因子的模糊优化模型,以实现生产费用和惩罚费用之和最小。

  • How at probe to learn the crime psychology and penal codes learn the angle comprehension inductivity crime and under the penalty principle how accurate affirm the right processing inductivity crime become an important topic worthy of consider by us then .

    如何在侦察学、犯罪心理学和刑法学角度理解诱导性犯罪,以及 刑罚理念 如何准确认定、正确处理诱导性犯罪,便成为值得我们思考的一个重要课题。

  • Declaration of server : I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing information contained in the return of service and statement of service fees is true and correct .

    送达人声明:根据美国法律有关 伪证罪的 规定,本人声明前述包含于送达回执和送达费用声明中的信息是真实和正确的。

  • Under the guidance of the principle . the text made a reconstruction of involving tax-related criminal law from the design of criminal penalty to the perfection of one-crime .

    原则的指导 ,从 刑罚的设计到个罪的完善,提出了完善涉税犯罪刑法的重构思路。

  • Under a suitable assumption on the constraint set it is proved that for a given nonsmooth convex optimization problem under the conditions of Lipschitz and sufficiently large penalty parameters any trajectory of the neural network can reach the feasible region in finite time and stays there thereafter .

    在对约束集合适的假设下,证明了对一类非光滑凸规划问题 Lipschitz及 补偿参数足够大的条件 ,任何神经网络的轨道可以在有限时间内到达可行域,并且不再跑出可行域。

  • Therefore under the premise of retaining the death penalty system and gradually find from the criminal law to punish and prevent crime France Italy on the hopes of finding alternatives to the death penalty is the only way to avoid the death penalty abuse .

    所以, 保留 死刑制度的前提下,逐步寻找能够从刑法惩治和预防犯罪的法意上寻到死刑替代措施,才是避免死刑滥用的必由之路。

  • All statements and representations are made without any omission of material fact and with full corporate and personal with legal responsibility under penalty of perjury .

    任何说明和表示将不取消既成事实,都将依法人和个人的法律责任和 作伪 受罚的原则来 执行本合约。

  • It had been expressly agreed that Pontmercy should never attempt to see his son nor to speak to him under penalty of having the latter handed over to him disowned and disinherited .

    他们已经明确约定,彭眉 永远不得探望他的儿子,否则就要把那孩子撵走,取消他的财产承继权,送还给父亲。

  • Therefore while retaining the death penalty system in our country under the existing State how to reduce the loss of humanity of the death penalty itself avoiding the death penalty abuses cause social panic is the current issues of concern .

    因此,在保留我国死刑制度现有的状态 ,如何减少 死刑本身带来的人道损失,避免死刑滥用导致的社会恐慌才是现今值得关注的议题。

  • Those who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment who are undergoing criminal detention or who are under public surveillance without the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights ;

    判处有期徒刑、拘役,管制而没有附加 剥夺政治权利的;

  • Prison tortured under repeated Manny decided to escape the penalty to be full of Baker also into trouble boarded a freight train bound for Alaskas escape .

    剧情描述在美国西北的监狱,重犯曼尼 饱受折磨 之下决定越狱, 刑期将满的贝克也被拖下水,登上一列开往阿拉斯加的运货火车逃狱。

  • Under a fairly week condition some results are explored concerned with an exact penalty function formulation of the problem ( LFBP ) .

    然后 较弱的条件 给出了问题(LFBP)的一些有关恰当 函数的结果;

  • Married women could not view the Olympic Games in ancient Greece under penalty of death .

    在古希腊如果已婚妇女去看奥林匹克运动会,就会 处以 极刑

  • Its person ( s ) - in-charge-designate is ( are ) under or has ( have ) been subjected to criminal penalty of deprivation of political rights or have no complete civil capacity ; and .

    拟任负责人 正在或者曾经受到剥夺政治权利的刑事 处罚,或者不具有完全民事行为能力的;