under night

[ˈʌndɚ naɪt][ˈʌndə nait]


  • They broke into our house under cloud of night .

    他们 闯进了我们的房子。

  • Nothing then was altered in the plan and orders were given to get under weigh next night and wind and weather permitting to make the neutral island by the following day .

    所以商定的计划决不再做变更,大家同意:第二 夜里就出发,假如风向和天气允许的话,就设法 第三天傍晚到达那个中立小岛的海面上。

  • We attacked the enemy under cover of night .

    夜幕的掩护 我们袭击了敌人。

  • On a fine evening spread a blanket under the night sky and drink in the beauty and quiet of your surroundings together .

    找个天气不错的晚上, 夜空下铺条毯子,在美丽安静的环境下一起喝点酒。

  • The village came under attack last night .

    村庄 昨夜 遭到了袭击。

  • Final talks were under way last night .

    最终谈判 昨晚 进行中。

  • Vehicle Detection under Night Illumination


  • Results showed that the dry matter accumulation of plants was restrained under low night temperature .

    结果表明: 夜间 低温抑制了植株总干物质的积累;

  • By using the simulation analysis software-Dest the room temperature changes of a residential building in Urumchi under three different night ventilation modes are simulated and the influences of natural ventilation to room temperature are analyzed .

    文章采用模拟分析软件Dest,模拟乌鲁木齐地区某住宅建筑在采用三种不同的 夜间通风模式的 条件 ,室温变化情况,分析了自然通风对室温的影响。

  • Under low night temperature condition the area of green leaves increased the senescence of the lower leaves was retarded the respiratory activities of leaves were lower in the night .

    温低 处理绿色叶面积大、下部叶片衰亡较慢、叶片夜间呼吸强度低,有利于干物质的积累。

  • He tried to escape under cloud of night .

    他想 逃跑。

  • In contrast the photosynthetic rate under the high day temperature stress had no significant change and it reduced significantly under high night temperature stress condition .

    与此相对,在高日温胁迫 条件下的光合速率未见明显的变化,高 温胁迫条件 则可见明显的下降。

  • Everything looked quite romantic under the night sky dotted with thousands of stars .

    繁星点点的 夜空 ,一切都显得很浪漫。

  • Under cover of the night they crossed over .

    夜色掩护 ,他们投奔到我们这边来了。

  • The LED lights also illuminate when someone walks under them at night or merely wants a night light .

    如果夜间有人在它们 下面走过,或者只是想要一个 夜间灯光的时候,这个LED灯也会发光。

  • Under the curtain of night Shanghai is charming .

    夜幕 的上海,风采迷人。

  • Desperately remember fifteen years ago in Qingdao the beach under the starry night sky scene suddenly there has been the impulse to want to go there once just do not know the Star is still there .

    拼命回想十五年前在青岛海边 夜空 群星璀璨的情景,忽而又有了想再一次去那里的冲动,只是不知道那里的星空是否依旧。

  • The platoon was under fire all night long .

    那个排 遭受 炮火攻击。

  • Many slaves traveled under cover of night their faces sometimes caked with white powder .

    许多黑奴 夜色掩护 赶路,有时脸上涂着厚厚的白粉。

  • Caption : : Under moon night moon bright and stars dim . Brilliant moon light shine on the ground turn darkness into brightness .

    月夜 ,月明星稀,月亮的光芒映照在大地上,使本应漆黑的大地变得光明。

  • The prisoner escaped under the cover of night .

    囚犯 夜色的掩护逃跑了。

  • The attack was made under favour of night .

    进攻是 黑夜的掩护 进行的。

  • Seven are most colored in riotous profusion strange and unusual be not the gambling house under dark night be life

    最七彩缤纷、光怪陆离的,不是 黑夜 的赌场,是人生

  • Some buildings are under fire last night .

    一些建筑物 昨天 晚上遭到 炮火袭击。

  • But this time is different I can see you in Kunming under the night sky to sing the whole Kunming intoxicated in your voice very excited and very happy !

    但这一次不一样了,我可以看着你在昆明的 夜空 唱歌,整个昆明都在听你的声音,很激动,很开心!

  • Under low night temperature treatment the content of mineral element in tomato leaves decreased sharply .

    条件 ,叶片中各种矿质元素含量均降低。

  • You sleep with a gun under your pillow every night ?

    每晚睡觉都 枕头下放把枪?

  • I have seen the magic things under night skies .

    我所看到的 夜空 的神奇。

  • What a fellow ! He tried to escape under cloud of night .

    好家伙,竟想 天黑逃跑!

  • The chlorophyll a b content and chlorophyll a / b in two genotypes tomato leaves were significantly decreased under low night temperature stress and the chlorophyll a and b content in Moneymaker significantly decreased than control after 1d low night temperature treated .

    夜间低温 两种类型番茄幼苗叶片的叶绿素a、b含量及叶绿素a/b值均随着温度降低而呈下降趋势,夜间低温处理1d后,Moneymaker的叶绿素a和b含量均显著低于对照。