voyage policy

[ˈvɔɪɪdʒ ˈpɑlɪsi][ˈvɔiidʒ ˈpɔləsi]


  • Disputes on demurrage related to bill of lading under voyage charter party ; It may not include any allowance for expenses or commissions in connection with the issuance of the insurance policy .

    航次租船合同下与提单有关的滞期费纠纷但保险公司签发 保单时所付出的费用或佣金,则未必会计算在内。

  • In the case of a voyage policy the adventure insured must be prosecuted throughout its course with reasonable despatch and if without lawful excuse it is not so prosecuted the insurer is discharged from liabibility as from the time when the delay became unreasonable .

    航次 保险 的情况下,承保的冒险在整个过程中,必须合理迅速地持续进行,若无合法的理由,而未能如此继续进行,保险人自迟延变得不合理之时起免除责任。