


  • Properties of stress relaxation and compression set of vulcanite during isothermal thermo-oxidative aging

    硫化 等温热氧老化时应力松弛和压缩永久 变形性能的研究

  • Instantly the blood crept warmly over her body . Her nervous tension relaxed . Properties of stress relaxation and compression set of vulcanite during isothermal thermo-oxidative aging

    热血立刻悄悄地流遍全身,使她的紧张心情松弛下来。 硫化 等温热氧老化时应力松弛和压缩永久 变形性能的研究

  • Property and Micromorphology of Dynamically Full Vulcanized Thermoplastic Vulcanite under Vibrational Induction

    振动诱导动态全硫化热塑性 硫化 橡胶的性能及微观结构分析

  • On the basis of implementing statistical analysis to the parameters data of each logging response feature the paper determined the probability density function and subordinate functions and gave math model used for lithologic identification by vulcanite fuzzy probability .

    在对各测井响应特征参数数据进行统计分析的基础上,确定了模糊概率的概率密度函数和隶属函数,并给出了用于 火山 模糊概率识别岩性的数学模型。

  • The experimental equipment of vibrational induction for dynamically full vulcanization was designed and used to measure and analyze the property and micromorphology of thermoplastic vulcanite ( TPV ) .

    在开发设计的振动诱导动态全硫化实验装置上,对热塑性 硫化 橡胶(TPV)的性能与微观形态进行了测试与分析。

  • Application of rock flexural strength in prediction of fractural vulcanite reservoir

    岩石龟裂 系数 火山 裂缝储集层预测中的应用

  • At present it includes sand / gravel body vulcanite body deep buried-hill anticline with low amplitude and fractured reservoir etc.

    目前,它主要包括砂砾岩体、 火山 岩体、深部潜山、低幅度背斜和裂缝型油气藏。

  • Starting from the probability theory of fuzzy event the paper briefly introduced the basic thought about application of fuzzy probability vulcanite constructed functional function used for identification of vulcanite fuzzy probability .

    本文从模糊事件概率理论基础入手,简要介绍了应用模糊概率 识别 火山 的基本思路,构建了用于火山岩模糊概率识别功能函数。