volt ampere

[volt ˈæmˌpɪr][vəult ˈæmˌpɪə]


  • A unit of electrical power in an AC circuit equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere .

    电功率单位在交流电路中 伏特 电压产生 安培 电流时消耗的功率。

  • A unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistance between two points on a conductor when a potential difference of one volt between them produces a current of one ampere .

    电阻单位导体电压是一 伏特通过电流是一 安培时导体的电阻是一 欧姆

  • The results show that the composite exhibits percolation threshold effect positive temperature effect and nonlinear volt ampere characteristics .

    实验结果表明,材料具有明显的渗滤效应、正温度系数效应和非线性 伏安特性。

  • In this paper the application of PIC single chip connected with 7135 by 3 serial interface is introduced in the intelligent Volt and Ampere meter . Detailed idea of design operation principle problems and the solutions in design are introduced too .

    本文介绍了7135与PIC单片机通过简单的3线串行接口,应用于高精度智能 电压/ 电流表中,并阐述了详细的设计思路、工作原理以及设计中遇到的一些问题、解决方法等。

  • Plotting of volt - ampere characteristics of light bulb and related experiments

    灯泡与灯光( 英文)测绘小灯泡的 伏安特性曲线和相关的实验

  • The effect of the environmental magnetic waves to the experiment of the volt - ampere method and diode

    环境电磁波对 伏安法测二极管特性实验的影响

  • The Synchronous and Asynchronous Method of volt - Ampere

    同异步 伏安

  • In order to obtain volt ampere characteristic and related parameters of ZnO nonlinear varistor the method by which the charged capacitor release energy to ZnO elements is applied the element ′ s current and voltage are sampled and processed rapidly by microcomputer .

    为得到阀片的 伏安特性曲线和有关特征参数,用储能电容方式对ZnO阀片进行放电,应用微机技术对放电电压、电流进行快速采样处理。

  • The volt ampere properties of electrolyte in pulse electrochemical finish machining ( PEFM ) are investigated in this paper .

    对脉冲电化学光整加工( PEFM)中所采用的一种电解液的伏安特性进行了实验研究。

  • To study the influence of Qi blood change on the functions of the acupoints self made acupoint volt amperemeter is employed to dynamically measure the volt ampere curve in 25 university students after blood donation .

    为研究人体气血变化对穴位功能、特性的影响,以自制智能型经穴伏安特性检测仪,动态测定25名献血后大学生 穴位 伏安曲线。

  • Based on the previous achievements in arc modeling this paper describes an ideal long arc volt - ampere characteristic and its equivalent circuit and presents a new method for locating arcing faults on HV long transmission lines with single - terminal voltage and current signals .

    文中借鉴其他学者对电弧的研究成果,建立了电弧的理想 电压& 电流 转移特性曲线和对应的电弧等效模型,提出了一种 耦合高压输电线路故障测距单端信息时域的新方法。

  • Application of 7135 in the Intelligent Volt and Ampere Instrument

    7135在智能 电压/电流表中的应用

  • The units in which we show voltage and current are volt and ampere respectively .

    我们用以表示电压和电流的单位分别为 伏特 安培

  • This paper illustrates the power - transferring diagram of any element in the T - type nonlinear resistance network using the volt - ampere characteristic of nonlinear resistance .

    本文论述了利用非线性电阻的 伏安特性, 作出T型非线性电阻网络中任一元件的功率转移图的图解法。

  • The equivalent impedances of inductor and capacitor in transient response were deduced from the exponential transient solution and the volt ampere relation of these elements .

    从逆变器等效输出阻抗的角度,对基于输出 电压和滤波电感 电流 闭环瞬时反馈控制技术的逆变器并联系统的环流特性进行了研究。

  • A unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second .

    电感单位当电路中的电流强度在一 秒钟 的变化为一 安培产生的电动势为一 伏特时电感为一 亨利

  • Objective To study the specificity of the volt ampere characteristics of acupoints in reflecting the physiological and pathological changes of the human body .

    目的研究穴位 伏安特性在反映人体生理病理变化上的特异性。

  • Under the high-frequency and large-current TVS has the positive volt - ampere characteristics .

    TVS电弧在高频大电流下具有正的 伏安特性。

  • It is discussed in this paper that using Volt - ampere method to measure power supply electromotive force and inner resistance .

    文章讨论了用 伏安法则测量电源电动势和内电阻的误差。

  • Use the volt - ampere method and measure the insertion loss of the coil inductance to obtain the curves of H ~ μ r and f ~ μ r of ferrite in bias magnetic field .

    用插入损耗法和 伏安法得出偏磁状态下的铁氧体磁芯的H~μr和f~μr曲线。

  • It is significant to research on improving the conversion efficiency of PV from its Volt - Ampere Characteristics .

    从太阳能电池的 光伏特性出发,来研究如何提高太阳能的转换效率无疑是很有现实意义的。

  • The volt - ( ampere ) characteristics can be used as a quantitative index to study on the change of Qi and blood .

    穴位 伏安特性有可能作为研究气血变化的定量指标。

  • The running voltage of smelting furnace is about 140 volt and electrode current is as high as several thousands ampere . The contact technology and the control exist much difficult problem when the reactive power compensation is used to so large current .

    矿热炉工作在 140V左右的 电压下,并且电极电流高达几万 安培,要对这么大的电流进行无功补偿,不仅存在许多接触工艺上的困难, 还给控制上提出许多难题。