volume of sales


  • Of the total volume of retail sales the public and non-public sectors take up 38 percent and 62 percent respectively .

    在社会消费品 零售 总额中,公有制经济占38%,非公有制经济占62%。

  • The volume of sales is expected to roll up as the Spring Festival nears .

    春节临近,预计 销售量将逐渐增加。

  • Chinese automobile industry has had a excellent performance since 2001 The volume of auto manufacture and sales in 2007 was top two in the world . But domestic auto finance industry is still in its outset stage in contrast with foreign auto finance situation .

    2001年以来,我国汽车产业高速成长,年产 销量已成为全球第二,但是与国外成熟市场相比,国内汽车金融产业还处于起步阶段,汽车产业对汽车金融的需求更为迫切。

  • The volume of retail sales slumped by11 % in the year to December .

    到12月份为止,去年一年零售 商品 总额下降了11%。

  • There was abundant supply of commodities the level of consumption continued to rise and the total volume of retail sales of consumer goods increased by an average annual rate of 10.6 percent .

    市场商品丰富,居民消费水平不断提高,社会消费品 零售 总额平均每年增长10.6%。

  • In the first quarter the volume of retail sales totaled 925.6 billion yuan up 10.3 percent on last year 's correspond-ing period .

    一季度,社会消费品零售总额 9256亿元,同比增长10.3%。

  • Especially the volume of production and sales of passenger vehicle makes the vehicle logistics as an important part in the automobile industry chain . Therefore vehicle logistics has become one of the most promising logistics industries .

    特别是乘用车产 销量的迅速 增长,使得整车物流成为汽车产业链中重要的环节,整车物流市场已成为我国最具发展前景的物流行业之一。

  • Producibility of hydro electric power station Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost .

    水力发电站最大发电 努力以最低的成本获取最大的 销量

  • Almost a third of smartphone users do not download any apps for their devices in a typical month according to a report by Deloitte that predicts the volume of app store sales is hitting a ceiling .

    德勤(Deloitte)不久前发布的一份报告称,接近三分之一的智能手机用户一个月内未下载任何应用,这预示着应用商店 销售量正在见顶。

  • As the volume of sales is greater than the boundary point the utilization ) of the period cost and the interest will increase the wavy degrees of business income .


  • If we are to continue doing business with you we must ask for a reduction in price in price in order that we may achieve a higher volume of sales .

    假若需要和我们继续做买卖,就得要求你们价格减少7.5%,以使我们的 销售额有所提高。

  • To Move Forward the Service Marketing Strategy and Bring About Increasing the Supply and Enlarging the Volume of Sales

    大力推进服务营销战略实现增供扩 的新 突破

  • Supermarkets normally target on mass consumer goods especially foods which account for over 50 % of the whole consumption level although mostly with low profit consumer goods contribute to the profit growth by the volume of sales .

    超市定位于大众生活消费品,食品占到了50%以上的比重,绝大多数商品利润率较低,利润增长主要依靠 销售量创造。

  • Of this the volume of retail sales in urban areas rose by11.5 percent and that in rural areas by8.3 percent .

    其中,城市消费品 零售 总额增长11.5%;农村 消费品零售总额增长8.3%。

  • All mobile phone companies are facing a tough business environment since 2007 the global economy . The volume of sales is decreased due to consumer reduced purchasing .

    随着2007年全球经济的不景气,各个手机企业都面临着艰难的商业环境,由于消费者购买力下降,购买欲减少,造成 销量不断跌入低谷。

  • Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced .

    高层领导将要讨论 销售量如何削减。

  • Through our subsidiary qianbao we will continue to focus over the next twelve months on developing our Internet distribution platform on qianbao 's website and increasing the volume of our sales of products on such website .

    通过我们的子公司钱保,将在钱保的网站上开发我们的因特网销售平台和在网站上提高产品 销量,对此我们将继续关注接下来的12个月。

  • The development of second industry total volume of retail sales of the social consumer goods increase and the improved urbanization level are the effects of main factors on the land use dynamics .

    第二产业发展、社会消费品 零售 总额增加、城镇化水平提高是土地利用动态变化的主要影响因素。

  • The total volume of retail sales of the social consumer goods is an important sensitive ( government ) statistic .

    社会消费品 零售 总额是一项重要、敏感的政府统计。

  • Both companies could benefit from having a larger global volume of sales over which to spread development costs .

    两家公司都会从增加全球 销量 分散研发成本上受益。

  • What were the volume of sales that you were responsible for ?

    你负责的 销售量是多少?

  • We 're not really envisioning increasing the volume of sales in a short-circuited way he says . Mid-range steady growth is preferable to a short-term surge in sales .

    我们并没有指望在短期内增加 销量,他表示,中期的稳定增长,比短期销量飙升更为可取。

  • Do not fail to consider the indications on Time both from main tops and bottoms also Volume of Sales and position on Geometrical Angles .

    务必考虑从主要顶部和底部的时间指示、 交易 以及几何角度线上的位置。

  • The volume of drug sales has been very strong and combined with cost-cutting has brought companies out of their earnings slump for now .

    结合成本削减,药物 销售量已经很大,并使制药厂目前免于收入下降。

  • The total volume of the actual retail sales for social consumer goods shall be increased by about 9 % .

    社会消费品 零售 总额实际增长9%左右;

  • Honda last month announced double-digit increases in the volume of China sales in the three months to June compared with a 5 per cent fall in the US .

    本田汽车上月宣布,在截至6月份的3个月中,该公司在华汽车 销量出现两位数增长,而它在美国的 销量同期下降了5%。

  • Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost . The sustainable development of fishery resources will be realized if the given optimum economical fishing effort is kept .

    努力以最低的成本获取最大的 销量。保持这样的捕捞努力量,则可实现渔捞业的可持续发展。

  • Sundry grain processing enterprises are basically small and medium-sized with variety and diversity of processed products and integrated processing nature which determine the production to volume of sales by flexible marketing means .

    小杂粮加工企业基本上是种类齐全、加工产品多样的中、小型企业, 以销定产,营销手段灵活,带有粮油综合加工性质;