volume recognition

[ˈvɑljum ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən][ˈvɔlju:m ˌrekəɡˈniʃən]

[计] 卷识别

  • Automatic Allocation of Correlation Peaks of Large Capacity Volume Holographic Correlation Recognition Systems photoelectric multipurpose water-level meter

    大容量 全息相关 识别系统的相关峰光斑自动定位(英文)光电式多功能水位计

  • An optical image recognition system based on the volume holographic storage technology is constructed . It is applied to an electronic guard system based on the real time human face recognition .

    构建了基于 全息存储技术的光学图像识别系统,应用在以实时人脸 识别为基础的电子门卫系统中。

  • Firstly forest stand mean height and volume were estimated based on low-density airborne LiDAR ( 0.39 points / m2 ) using the improved crown recognition algorithm .

    首先,基于低密度机载激光雷达数据(0.39个点/m2)利用改进的树冠 识别算法进行了林分平均高、 蓄积 估测试验。

  • Using the joint best basis selection based eigen-images correlation recognition method the optical iris recognition is implemented in a volume holographic opto-electronic hybrid recognition system .

    对基于 全息的光电混合虹膜 识别系统进行了研究,采用基于联合最优小波包基的特征图像相关识别方法实现虹膜的光学识别。

  • Research on Adjustment of Speech Velocity Volume and Tone in Chinese Speech Recognition

    在汉语语音 识别中语速、 音量和音调调整的研究

  • RFID chips have advantages of high volume high security high interference resistance short recognition time as time as well as low cost so RFID chips have very good application foregrounds .

    RFID芯片具有 数据 ,保密性高,抗干扰能力强, 识别时间短,费用较低等优点,具有很好的应用前景。

  • A novel classification measure based on matrix volume according to the high dimensional geometry theory is proposed for face recognition .

    本文提出一种符合高维几何空间理论的矩阵 体积度量分类准则用于人脸 识别

  • The simulation results show that the algorithm not only inherits the advantages of the original algorithm but also both volume of the navigation star database and recognition time are equivalent to 1 / 4 that of the original algorithm .

    仿真结果表明本算法不但继承了原算法的优点,而且导航星库的 容量 识别时间都是原算法的1/4。

  • Volume Holographic Correlation Recognition System Based on Wavelet Transform

    基于小波变换的 全息相关 识别系统

  • The volume of the navigation star database is large when star map recognition is carried out by KMP algorithm .

    用kmp算法进行星图 识别时,制定的导航星库 容量大。

  • Through the theoretical and practical ways verify the possibility of applying the Wiener filter in the volume holographic storage correlation recognition . 3 .

    将维纳滤波器应用到 全息相关 识别当中,理论上推导出改进的维纳滤波器,并在实验上验证了该方法的 识别效果。

  • The Microphone Wizard adjusts your microphone volume for use with speech recognition .

    麦克风向导调整您的麦克风 音量用于语音 识别

  • It changes the conventional discriminating rule according to the intensities of the correlation peaks in volume holographic storage correlator and uses the multivariate discriminant analysis based classification method so that the distortion invariance recognition ability is improved .

    改变了传统的 全息存储相关器中以相关峰值强度作为判别依据的做法,采用基于多元鉴别分析的分类识别,增强了系统的畸变不变性 识别能力。

  • Based on the volume holographic storage a novel and easy method is proposed to realize rotation and shift invariance in pattern recognition system .

    介绍一种在 全息相关 识别中实现旋转不变性和位移不变性的一种简便方法。

  • An automatic volume control system used in the audio system of broadcast is introduced . In this system different adjusting speeds are provided according to the alteration of speakers by using the technique of speaker recognition .

    一种利用说话人 识别技术的广播音响自动 音量控制系统,通过 识别出说话人的变更或语音的突变,从而给出在不同情况下 音量的不同调节速度,有利地改善了伴音大小不一的现象。

  • Volume Holographic Rotation-invariant Pattern Recognition with the Matched Filters Based on Synthetic Discriminant Function

    多重 全息匹配滤波器旋转不变相关 识别

  • But the widely used meteorological facsimile receiver the entire volume is big the receive reliability is lower the precision is not high it is very difficult to satisfy the following recognition works .

    但目前广泛使用的气象传真接收机存在整机 体积大、接收可靠性较低、精度不高等缺点,很难满足传真图 识别、气象 信息 提取等工作的要求。

  • In order to reduce the negative impact caused by passenger flow volume it put forward some new suggestions such as proper recognition of Wulingyuan landscape eligible control tourism development etc.

    为减少客 流量波动的负面影响,从正确 认识武陵源的景观涵义到适当控制旅游服务业发展等5个方面提出了建议。

  • Accordingly the correlator based on volume hologram is a rising optical pattern recognition technology .

    而基于 全息的相关识别技术是一种新兴的光学模式 识别技术。

  • Volume Holographic Wavelet Correlation Pattern Recognition System

    折变晶体体全息子波相关图象 识别系统

  • After joint best basis selection eigen-images are generated and applied in a volume holographic correlation recognition system to implement optical iris recognition .

    生成最优基的特征图像,采用 全息相关 识别系统实现虹膜的光学识别,实验取得较好的效果。

  • The dissertation is based on the project of the System for Electret Condenser Microphone Performance Test and adopts automatic visual inspection technology to solve the problem of micro volume accessory 's angle detection and polar recognition .

    本文以驻极体麦克风在线综合性能测试系统为背景,采用自动视觉检测技术解决微小 体积零件表面角度测量和正负极性 识别的问题。

  • An Automatic Volume Control System Based on Speaker Recognition

    一种基于说话人 识别 技术的自动 音量控制系统