


  • Article 5 Commercial banks follow the principles of equality voluntariness fair faithfulness and credibility in their services to clients .

    第五条商业银行与客户的业务 往来应当遵循平等、 自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则。

  • With respect to voluntariness for example they see underlying concerns about autonomy and equality and power among individuals in the society .

    例如, 根据 自愿,他们明白了基本的关心 集中在自主、均等和社会上个人之间的力量。

  • Being aimed at the characteristic of voluntariness and dynamics of tugboat working in port This paper sets up a queuing simulation model of tugboat working .

    针对拖船在港口作业的 随机 、动态性的特点,建立了拖船作业的排队仿真模型。

  • Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed . The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is not .

    调解必须遵循 自愿、公平的原则,不得强迫。第一条原则是,人们愿意服从与自己有共同之处的人。

  • It is non-profit autonomous intermediary organization which members of society establish according to law on the basis of their voluntariness .

    社会团体是社会成员在 自愿的基础上,依法成立的非营利性的自治中介组织。

  • To encourage and support the reciprocal cooperation between guarantee agencies and financial institutions based on the principles of equality voluntariness fairness making compensation for equal value honesty and credibility .

    按照平等、 自愿、公平及等价有偿、诚实信用的原则,鼓励、支持金融机构与担保机构加强互利合作。

  • Article3The technical services for family planning shall follow the principle of combining the government guidance with individual voluntariness .

    第三条计划生育技术服务实行国家指导和个人 自愿相结合的原则。

  • In guaranty activities the principles of equality voluntariness fairness honesty and credibility shall be observed .

    担保活动应当遵循平等、 自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。

  • During the conclusion of the labor contract the two parties to the contract must abide by the principles of equality voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation .

    在订立劳动合同过程中,劳动关系双方必须遵循平等 自愿、协商一致的原则。

  • The basic feature of positive comity is its voluntariness .

    积极礼让的基本特征是它的 自愿性

  • Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed .

    调解必须遵循 自愿、公平的原则,不得强迫。

  • Its principles are voluntariness equality and mutual benefit .

    自愿、平等、互利是 企业 营销 合作的原则。

  • In handling savings businesses savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing freedom of withdrawal interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors .

    储蓄机构办理储蓄业务,必须遵循“存款 自愿,取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密”的原则。

  • Such mediation shall be in compliance with the principle of voluntariness of both parties concerned and the amount of compensation shall be computed according to the provisions of these Regulations .

    调解时,应当遵循当事人双方 自愿原则,并应当依据本条例的规定计算赔偿数额。

  • I.The charging of lawyer service fees shall follow the principles of fair competition voluntariness making compensation good quality and favorable price and payment by the clients .

    律师服务收费应遵循公平竞争、 自愿 有偿、优质优价、委托人付费的原则。

  • Abide by voluntariness legality and efficiency ;

    遵循 自愿、合法与效率的 原则

  • However from the view of comprehensive capability operations experience and voluntariness China Mobile should be the definitive candidate to receive TD-SCDMA licenses .

    但是,如果从综合能力、运营经验和 自愿性上来看,中国移动应该是获得TD-SCDMA牌照的不二人选。

  • The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance .

    农业保险实行 自愿原则。