voltage level


  • Determining the voltage level is a very important aspect of high-pressure studies of DC traction power supply system .

    电压 等级的确定,又是研究高压直流牵引供电系统的一个非常重要的方面,本文从多个方面进行了详细的分析和论述。

  • With the improvement of voltage level it is higher request electrical for insulation performance of uhv .

    随着 电压 等级的升高,对特高压电器的绝缘性能提出了更高的要求。

  • Transmission planning is used to determine the voltage level location and installation date for the future network additions through the application of linear programming methods .

    输电规划通过线性规划法来确定电网扩建时的 电压 等级、地点及安装日期。

  • With the increasing complexity of network structure and the higher voltage level reactive power balance is more important .

    随着电力系统的发展,各个区域电网结构的复杂变化和 电压 等级的不断提高,无功的平衡和无功的调节在电网运行中愈发重要。

  • Voltage Level Design for Electric Power System in Development of Offshore Oil Field

    海上油气田工程电力系统 电压 等级的选取

  • Enlightenment of the Resistance Grounding Mode in Zhenjiang Electric Network to the Power Supply of 20 kV Voltage level

    镇江配电网电阻接地方式对 20kV 供电的启示

  • Selection of the voltage level is the most crucial issue in the power distribution network planning especially in the mid-long term power distribution network planning .

    电压 等级的选择是配电网规划中的首要问题,特别是在中长期的配电网规划中。

  • They both have the function to reduce the active power losses and improve nodes ' voltage level .

    这两者都有降低网络有功损耗和提高网络节点 电压的功能。

  • The rapid raise of the voltage level and system capacity requires the high voltage interrupters which are the most important apparatus used to control and protect the power delivery system have better operation performance and higher reliability .

    随我国 电网 电压 等级和系统容量的不断提升,人们对电力系统控制和保护的核心设备一高压断路器的工作性能、可靠性和智能化都提出了更高的要求。

  • Study of Voltage Level of Distribution Network on DEA

    基于数据包络法的配电网 电压 等级优化研究

  • The driving device with output unit has the same value for the output resistance of different voltage level .

    驱动装置结合有输出单元,其对于不同的 电压 电平的输出电阻具有相同的值。

  • Unbalance spreading is mainly made from the higher voltage to the lower voltage level .

    不平衡的扩展主要是从高电压等级向低 电压 等级扩展。

  • Furthermore based on the function of investment and operation cost established above optimization on the voltage level sequence is carried out .

    并且以建立的投资和运行成本函数为基础,对 电压 等级序列进行优化。

  • Measurement of audio-frequency noise voltage level in sound broadcasting

    GB/T17147-1997声音广播中音频噪声 电平的测定

  • The paper derives out the proper power supply voltage of city road lighting according to the illuminance and life span character at different voltage level .

    根据路灯在不同 电压下的照度及寿命特性,推导出城市道路照明灯具的最佳供电电压。

  • Main amplifier is used for amplifying the output signal of preamplifier into digital voltage level .

    主放大器把前置放大器的输出信号放大到数字逻辑 电平,并且保持数字 电平的恒定,以实现限幅的功能。

  • Analysis on Adaptability of 20 kV Voltage Level to the Xi'ning City Electric Grid

    西宁城网20kV 电压 等级适应性分析

  • JEDEC ? The voltage level at an output terminal with input conditions applied that according to the product specification will establish a high level at the output .

    根据产品技术规范,随加到输入 的情况在输出端的 电平,将在输出 建立一个高电平。

  • A new voltage level shifter circuit with thin gate oxide low power consumption and self-returning ability is designed .

    设计了一个新型的薄栅氧、低功耗、自恢复的 电平移位栅 电压控制电路。

  • The transmission distance at certain voltage level is restricted by power line 's voltage loss and transmission capacity .

    某一 电压 等级的输电距离,受输电线路的电压损失及输送容量限制。

  • Experimental result shows that the method makes the operating voltage of electric-light source maintained at the range required voltage level of power saving .

    实验证明,该方法使电光源的工作电压基本保持在所要求的节电 等级 电压范围内。

  • First the topology of the inverter and different output voltage level numbers in the situation of different voltage value ratio of two DC power supplies are analyzed .

    文章中首先分析了逆变器的拓扑结构以及在直流端电压比不同的情况下的输出 电平数。

  • Load-center unit substations where the power is transformed from the medium voltage level to the low voltage level are also powered from the auxiliary buses .

    电压从中压变至低压的电厂 负荷中心单元变电站,也从厂用母线获得电源。

  • Therefore the study simplified substation level and make appropriate distribution voltage level is important practical significance .

    因此,研究简化变电层次和提出合适的配电 电压 等级具有重要的现实意义。

  • Reactive power control in power system affects the system power factor voltage level and load equalization so it is an important issue in electrical power system operation .

    电力系统无功功率的调节影响到系统的功率因数、 电压 水平和负荷平衡,因而是电力系统运行中的一个重要问题。

  • Optimized selection of voltage level in rural medium – voltage power distribution network

    农村中压配电网 电压 等级的优化选择

  • It is important to ensure that the total cell voltage across the string does not exceed the common mode voltage rating and the maximum voltage level of the switch module .

    确保电池串两端的电压不超过开关模块的共模电压额定值和最大 电压是非常重要的。

  • Product input and output voltage level is based on join groups adjust the number of taps winding single-phase capacity allocation and secondary windings the use of purification circuit .

    产品输入,输出的 电压 高低是根据,联接组别,调节抽头多少,绕组容量分配以及次级单相绕组,净化电路的运用。