voltage gain


  • A Low-Voltage Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifier with Constant Voltage Gain

    电压 增益的低电压Rail-to-Rail运算放大器

  • Analyzed the circuit working principles in different frequency range established the fundamental equivalent circuit the LLC resonant circuit voltage gain characteristics input impedance characteristics has been analyzed through fundamental analysis method determined the soft-switching working range .

    分析了不同开关频率范围内电路工作原理,并建立了基波等效电路,采用基波分析方法对LLC谐振电路的 电压 增益特性、输入阻抗特性进行了研究,确定了电路软开关工作范围。

  • The PSR of LDO is decided by the voltage gain and bandwidth of error amplifier .

    误差放大器的 增益和带宽决定了 LDO的PSR。

  • The voltage gain reaches the maximal value theoretically ;

    电压 增益 可以达到了理论上的最大值;

  • Many practical amplifiers chain together a series of analog amplifier stages to obtain a high overall voltage gain .

    许多实际的放大器将多个放大器级联起来,以获得较高的 电压 增益

  • Using the concept of virtual short circuit and virtual open circuit the voltage gain of depth negative feedback circuit can be estimated .

    利用虚短和虚断的概念来估算深度负反馈电路的 电压 增益

  • According to second stage the equivalent circuit model of the converter was obtained by fundamental analysis and the voltage gain characteristic curve was deduced .

    对后级LLC电路,运用基波分析法得到LLC电路的等效模型,推导出 电压 增益特性曲线。

  • The performances include the existence of the original switch the maximum voltage gain and waveform of the input current .

    这些特性包括原点开关的存在性、最大 电压 增益及输入电流波形。

  • Combined Two-Transistor Forward Converter with Output Coupled-Inductor and High Voltage Gain

    具有输出耦合电感的 高压 增益双管正激组合变换器

  • In addition the study of TLT we not only take into account the voltage gain problem but also take into account the current issue which had not taken into account in the tradition research of the TLT .

    此外,在对TLT的研究中,我们不仅考虑到 电压 升压 问题,还考虑到电流的问题,这也是在传统TLT研究中所不曾考虑到的。

  • Experimental results show that the device can precisely measure many parameters of IOA such as input offset voltage input offset current open loop differential AC voltage gain and AC common mode rejection ratio .

    实验结果表明该测试仪能准确测量运算放大器的输入失调电压、输入失调电流、交流差模开环 电压 增益和交流共模抑制比等参数。

  • This requires an overall voltage gain of109 so a number of voltage gain stages will be required .

    这就要求 电压的总 增益达到109,因此就需要很多放大器级联起来。

  • The simulation results show that the amplifier of improved control circuit not only solve the question of output DC offset but also keep the voltage gain lowered by voltage compensation technique .

    仿真结果表明,改进控制电路后的系统不但解决了输出直流偏置问题,而且解决了 电压补偿方法所造成的放大器 增益下降问题。

  • Active inductors are employed as loads to expand the bandwidth and to get stable DC operation points and the direct-coupled technique is used to increase voltage gain and reduce power dissipation .

    电路采用有源电感负载来拓展带宽、稳定直流工作点,通过直接耦合技术来提高 增益、降低功耗。

  • Only transformer coupling can contribute to the voltage gain of an amplifier by virtue of a stepup turns ratio .

    只有放大器耦合方能通过开压匝数比提高变压器 电压 增益

  • The second is that the voltage gain is increased to the extent of maximum value in theory .

    电压 增益提高到了理论上的最大值。

  • The common detector output pulse signal scope is several dozens millivolts but the multichannel pulse analyzer input pulse amplitude request is 1-15V therefore the pulse linear amplifier must have the certain voltage gain about ten times to several times .

    一般探测器输出脉冲信号幅度为几十毫伏,而多道脉冲幅度分析器输入脉冲幅度要求为1-10V,所以脉冲线性放大器必须具有一定的 电压 放大 增益,为数倍到上百倍。

  • The proposed limiter has 72 dB voltage gain and can amplify the 1.5 MHz intermediate frequency signal with 1 MHz bandwidth .

    设计的限幅器具有72dB的 电压 增益,可以对载波为1.5MHz、带宽为1MHz的中频信号进行放大;

  • They are used to enhance the gain of amplifier and realize the impedance matching improve the current copying precision decrease the tolerance of voltage gain .

    它们用于提高放大电路的增益和实现输出阻抗匹配,提高电流复制精度,减小 电压 增益误差。

  • The main design work as follow : the former disposal circuits were designed and the circuit possesses very high input resistance common-mode rejection and voltage gain ;

    具体设计内容包括:设计具有输入阻抗大、高 增益和高共模抑制比的脑电信号调理电路;

  • First the working principle of the full-bridge LLC resonant circuit is researched . Based on this the DC voltage gain the resonance parameters impact on the converter no-load and short circuit characteristics are analyzed and the design method of the resonance parameters is given .

    首先研究了全桥LLC谐振电路的工作原理,在此基础上分析了其直流 电压 增益,谐振参数对变换器的影响,空载和短路特性,并给出了谐振参数的设计方法。

  • In order to improve the noise ratio and stability of the amplified small-signal in microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography an amplifying circuit with wide band and high voltage gain is designed in this paper .

    为有效改善微波热声成像中微弱信号放大的信噪比和稳定性,设计了一种具有宽频带和高 增益的低噪声弱信号放大电路。

  • The differences are mainly focused on dc voltage gain dc offset small signal frequency response slew rate and bandwidth limitation .

    其研究工作主要集中在直流 电压 增益、直流失调、小信号频率响应、转换速率和带宽的限制等五个方面。

  • The relationship between maximum charge voltage gain and circuit resistance battery resistance is found in theory and the minimum charge voltage can be ascertained under the difference work current .

    从理论上建立了最大充电 电压 增益与电路内阻、电池内阻的关系,并以此来确定不同工作电流下的最低充电电压值。

  • The paper analyzes in detail the synthetical method the voltage gain and the switch action sequence of matrix converter based on the zero-output commutation strategy .

    该文对零输出换相策略、 电压 增益及开关动作顺序进行了详细的分析,并与双 电压合成控制策略下共模 电压的最大瞬时 进行了对比。

  • Normalized analytic expressions in the simple form are derived in the second chapter reflecting DCM LCC-SPRC circuit characteristics and containing only two parameters the equivalent voltage gain and the ratio of the parallel resonant capacitor to the series resonant capacitor .

    基于此,论文第二章推导了反映DCMLCC-SPRC电路特性的归一化解析表达式,其形式简单,仅含有等效 电压 增益和并联谐振电容与串联谐振电容比值两个参数。

  • This article briefly introduced the development history of radial vibration mode piezoelectric ceramic transformer elaborated its principle of operation basic structure and its equivalent circuit and analyzed the performance in detail of its efficiency resonance frequency output power voltage gain and so on .

    本文简要介绍了径向压电陶瓷变压器的发展历史,阐述了它的工作原理、基本结构及它的等效电路,并详细分析了它的效率、共振频率、输出功率、 电压 变比等性能。

  • Study on a Combined Converter With Natural Sharing Input-Current and High Voltage Gain

    一种输入端自然均流/高 电压 增益组合式变换器研究

  • And the influence that secondary quality factor and the coupling coefficient impact on voltage gain the current gain and transmission power gain is analyzed . 4 .

    并分析了次级品质因数和耦合系数对 电压 增益、电流增益和传输功率的影响。

  • According to the analysis of testing result reach the two circuits of having practical value one operational amplifier 's circuits feedback network by the T-shaped resistance the others voltage gain be controlled by digital system have been designed .

    根据对试验结果的分析,得出了两种有实用价值的电路&采用T型电阻反馈网络的放大电路和由数字系统控制 电压 增益的运放电路。