voltage divider


  • High-voltage DC measurements usually involve a high-resistance voltage divider which usually forms a high resistance to the circuit being measured and thus draws infinitesimal current .

    高压直流测量通常需要一个高阻抗的 ,它对被测量的电路通常形成一个高电阻以便只有极小的电流被 分流

  • Application of Multi-disk Inductive Voltage Divider in the Test of Mutual Induction

    多盘感应 在互感 测试中的应用

  • In the parafeed circuit the power supply ripple forms a voltage divider across the choke and is not coupled to the output . A Research on Push-pull Converter with Coupled Inductor

    在旁馈耦合中,电源 涟波被扼流圈 ,而不再耦合进输出。采用耦合电感均流的推挽式直流变换器的研究

  • The technical index and calibration level of the DC resistance voltage divider are analyzed the uniform calibration method is proposed the uncertainty is analyzed and the checking method is given .

    分析了直流电阻 的技术指标和校准水平,提出了等分 测量的校准方法,进行了不确定度分析,给出了验证方法。

  • It gives the principle and method of design that coaxial capacitive voltage divider by the invar alloy .

    给出了以因瓦合金为材料的同轴电容分 的原理和设计方法。

  • Development of Precise Capacitive Voltage Divider for Optical Voltage Transformer

    光学电压互感器精密电容 的研制

  • A highly insulated hand-held probe containing the voltage divider is often used and comes as an accessory from some manufacturers .

    一种高度绝缘的包括 的手持式探头经常被使用而且作为某些设备的附件来配备。

  • HVDC voltage transducer ; Voltage divider ; Transient behavior ; Step response ; Response time ; Non-uniformity of voltage distribution .

    直流电压传感器; ;暂态特性;阶跃响应;响应时间;电位分布不均度。

  • Analysis and Treatment of Impulse Voltage Divider Failure

    一起冲击 电压 故障缺陷的分析和处理

  • Each team builds a voltage divider with nom . 3.3 V output and measure Vout .

    每一组建立一个输出为3。3伏特的 ,测量输出 电压

  • The developed piezoelectric pump can be driven directly by the utility electric power supply system and its flow rate can be adjusted by a resistor voltage divider .

    所设计的压电泵可直接利用日常照明电驱动,可通过电阻 的方法实现 电泵的流量调节。

  • The divider consists of a pulsed resistor voltage divider and a high voltage mica capacitor .

    在脉冲电容器充电过程中,高压云母电容 承受电压

  • This paper introduces a 220 kV inductive voltage divider with digital outputs using optoelectronic modules .


  • The traditional equivalent circuit of CVT ( Capacitor Voltage Transformer ) neglects the influence of initial capacitor voltage value of capacitor voltage divider but it is not neglectable in CVT transient process .

    电容式电压互感器(CVT)的传统等效电路模型中忽略了电容 电容电压初值对 等效 电路模型的影响,然而在CVT暂态时这一因素的影响不能简单地看成是一个误差问题。

  • The necessary condition of differential type and self integrate type of capacitive voltage divider under nanosecond pulse is analyzed .

    分析了纳秒脉冲条件下微分型、自积分型电容分 的必要条件。

  • Through the analyses of high voltage potential transformer a mathematic model based on high voltage insulation theory of capacitor voltage divider varied with temperature are built .

    通过对高压电压互感器分析,建立了基于高压绝缘理论的电容 随温度变化的数学模型;

  • A design of capacitive resistor voltage divider is provided for the experimental research of pulse capacitor discharge characteristics .

    该文设计了一种包括 脉冲电阻 高压 云母电容 的阻容型 ,用于脉冲电容器放电特性的实验研究。

  • A Rogowski coil and a capacitive voltage divider are used as current sensor and voltage sensor respectively in the transducer and optic fibers are used to transmit signal .

    该互感器以罗柯夫斯基线圈作为电流传感元件,以电容 作为电压传感元件,以光纤作为信号传输通道,借助有源 电子 调制和信号处理技术实现电流、电压的 测量

  • Application of Capacitive Resistor Voltage Divider in the Research on Pulse Capacitor Discharge Characteristics

    阻容型 在脉冲电容器放电特性研究中的应用

  • Mathematical model of capacitor voltage divider underthe high voltage insulation condition is derived ;

    推导出在高压绝缘条件下,建立电容 的数学模型;

  • Research on Electronic Voltage Transformer Based on Capacitive Voltage Divider ; Application of EVT in digitalized substation

    基于电容 的数字式 电压 互感器的研究电子式电压互感器在数字化变电站中的应用

  • Study and Design of High Voltage Potential Transformer Using Precise Capacitive Voltage Divider

    高压电压互感器精密电容 的研究与设计

  • The power contains the DC power supply high voltage divider and spark gap switching .

    该电源包括直流电源、 高压 、和火花间隙开关。

  • The data collecting unit collects the electric voltage signal by use of a resistive voltage divider .

    数据采集单元采用电阻分 采集电压信号。

  • Feedback loop consists of a voltage divider an effective value demodulation circuit and an AD converting circuit .

    反馈回路主要由 电路,有效值检波电路和AD转换电路三部分组成。

  • The Design of A Bandgap Reference Applied in the RFID Chip Improving Frequency Characteristic of Resistance-based Voltage Divider

    射频识别标签芯片中基准电压源的设计静电 高压标准装置电阻 频率特性改进方法研究

  • The effect of pulse forming circuit on rising time is investigated and a coaxial pulse forming circuit composed of pulse capacitors gaps switch capacitive voltage divider and matched load is presented in this paper .

    分析了脉冲形成电路参数对脉冲上升时间的影响,设计了一种集脉冲电容器、脉冲整形器、电容分 和匹配负载为 一体的ns级脉冲形成电路。

  • Capacitor voltage divider is the voltage sensor . The influence of stray capacitor to measurement is discussed and the influence of transient element to the divider is analyzed .

    电容 是所采用的电压传感元件,本文讨论了杂散电容对测量误差的影响,分析了电网暂态现象对分压器的影响。

  • The electromagnetic device which is the base of voltage divider is made up of intermediate transformer compensation reactor and damper .

    电磁装置由中间变压器、偿电抗器和阻尼器组成,作为 底座。