volume positioning


  • The volume of the searching region defined by the confidence interval of each ambiguity parameter is markedly larger than that of the confidence ellipsoid of the ambiguity parameters in GPS fast static positioning because the parameters are highly correlated .

    GPS快速 定位中,由于模糊度参数之间的强相关性,模糊度参数置信区间定义的检索区域比相应的 置信椭球大得多。

  • In recent years with the development of modern science and industry large travelling range high precision small volume and quick response become more common requirements for micro-nano positioning technology . Among these the requirement for positioning accuracy increases to nanometer level .

    近年来,现代科学技术和工业的不断发展,对微纳 定位技术提出了大行程、高精度、小 体积和快速响应等更高的要求,其中对定位精度和分辨率的要求达到了纳米量级。

  • The terminal insertion machine has the advantages of small volume accurate positioning simple structure safe use and so on .

    本实用新型具有 体积小、 定位精确、结构简单,使用安全等优点。