volume expansion

[ˈvɑljum ɪkˈspænʃən][ˈvɔlju:m iksˈpænʃən]


  • The release of BNP is directly proportional to left ventricular pressure and volume expansion .

    BNP的释放与左心室 容积 扩张直接成比例。

  • Effect of Volume Expansion of Silica Sand on Castings

    石英砂 体积 膨胀对铸件的影响

  • Effects of esmolol nicardipine combined with volume expansion during induction on sevoflurane requirement during intravenous and inhalational balanced anesthesia

    尼卡地平、 艾司洛尔联合诱导期 容量填充对静-吸复合全身麻醉七氟醚用量的影响

  • With the temperature increased the volume expansion ratio increased gradually ;

    随着温度升高,HfB2复合材料的 体积 膨胀率单调增加;

  • But the huge volume expansion and the large initial irreversible capacity in the process of charging and discharging limit the application of tin-based anode materials in commercial production .

    但其在充放电过程中产生的巨大的 体积 膨胀以及较大的首次不可逆容量限制了锡基负极材料在商业化生产中的应用。

  • Supercritical fluid assisted atomization with a hydrodynamic cavitation mixer ( SAA-HCM ) which was invented by our group had been successfully improved . Using cholesterol as a model drug the relation between microparticles morphology and liquid volume expansion had been established .

    在本课题组已建立的引入水力空化混合器的强化混合超临界流体辅助雾化技术(SAA-HCM)的基础上,以胆固醇为模型药物,建立了胆固醇微粒形貌与液相 体积 膨胀率之间的联系。

  • The effect of salt on microwave vacuum popping of popcorn according to index of the volume expansion ratio was studied in this paper .


  • State assessment on the existing building ; Using the Multiple Volume Expansion method the CO2 content is determined at two different volume expansions of the measuring chamber .

    房屋使用阶段安全状态多层次模糊综合评判使用多次 容积 膨胀法,测量池在两次不同的膨胀中测定CO2含量。

  • The upper and lower abdominal breathing muscles after a lapse of the scope of activities increased so that the greatest range of thoracic volume expansion and retraction .

    腹式呼吸时隔肌上下活动范围加大,使胸腔 容积得到最大范围的 扩展和回缩。

  • But unless it is properly disposed of volume expansion of this new building material would happen .

    但若使用不当,可能会造成这种新型道路建筑材料产生 体积 膨胀 变形

  • The effect of amount of calcium carbonate calcium silicate talc and foaming time on the volume expansion ratio of PVC leather were studied .

    通过对碳酸钙、硅灰石和滑石粉填充聚氯乙烯(PVC)发泡人造革的试验,研究了不同填料 用量及发泡时间对PVC发泡人造革 发泡倍率的影响。

  • The anchoring material will have tiny volume expansion with the age which is beneficial to enhancing the anchoring force .

    所研制的锚固材料随着龄期延长,会产生微小的 体积 膨胀,有利于提高锚固力。

  • Fitting the experimental data into the general effective media ( GEM ) equation a theoretical percolation curve was gained . A mathematical model was proposed which is based on the GEM equation and the dilution effect of filler volume fraction due to thermal volume expansion .

    使用有效介质普适方程(GEM方程)对实验数据进行拟合,得到导电复合材料的理论渗流曲线,根据GEM方程和基体的 体积 膨胀,建立起一个数学模型。

  • Under the constraint effect of the GNS the volume expansion / contraction of the MIO progresses along the vertical direction of the GNS .

    在GNS限制效应的作用下,介孔氧化铁的 体积 膨胀与收缩将沿着垂直于GNS的方向进行。

  • The apparent volume change during curing process was estimated and the volume expansion ratio of the monomer was calculated ( + 10 44 % ) .

    测定了固化过程中的体积变化,估算了该单体的 体积 膨胀率(+10.44%)。

  • A Study on the Volume Expansion and Contraction Characteristics of Gray Cast Iron in Solidification Process

    灰铸铁在凝固过程中 体积 膨胀和收缩特性的研究

  • Based on the corrosion mechanism complex physical and chemical reactions between the corrosive medium and composite of concrete were discussed influence factors of the volume increase of concrete caused by corrosion were analyzed expansion internal stress induced by the volume expansion has been put forward .

    从腐蚀机理出发,讨论腐蚀性介质与混凝土组分之间复杂的物理化学作用,分析由于腐蚀作用引起混凝土组分体积膨胀的影响因素,提出了 体积 膨胀将导致受腐蚀混凝土内部产生膨胀内应力。

  • The aim of this process was to disaggregate rock samples using the volume expansion of water that impregnates samples .

    其改进之处在于利用渗透于岩石样品中的水,在冷冻的情况下 体积 膨胀,而使岩石颗粒自然散开。

  • The volume expansion of expanding cement happens after final set which has little relation with early gas migration .

    膨胀水泥浆主要在终凝后发生 体积 膨胀,对早期气窜影响很小。

  • A small variation of the Verdet constant with temperature that was associated with the volume expansion of the sample was observed .

    观测到费尔德常数随温度的微弱变化,而这种变化是同样品的 体积 膨胀相联系的。

  • The relationship between internal volume expansion of helical screw expander and its structure parameters

    螺杆膨胀机内 体积 膨胀过程与结构参数的关系

  • By changing the carbon and silicon in a proper way at the same time the volume expansion or shrinkage feature in the cast iron solidification can be significantly changed .

    同时调整碳硅含量,可有效地改变灰铸铁凝固转变过程的 体积收缩和 膨胀特性。

  • The effect of process parameters on volume expansion porosity phase response as well as the hole forming were investigated .

    深入研究了制备工艺参数对多孔材料的 体积 膨胀率、孔隙率、物相反应以及孔的成形的影响规律。

  • The lower protein content higher starch content varieties may produce products which have a great volume expansion index .

    蛋白质含量低、淀粉含量高的品种可加工具有较大 体积 膨胀指数的产品。

  • The density and volume expansion rate of the phase change materials selected are tested .

    对于选择的相变材料进行了密度及 体积 膨胀率的测试。

  • The T-R characteristics may originate from the total function of volume expansion and temperature susceptibility of asphalt the deference of volume expansion coefficient with heat between asphalt and graphite and internal stress .

    而温敏产生的原因则为沥青的 体积 膨胀、石墨和沥青的热膨胀系数差异、内部应力和沥青温度敏感性共同作用的结果。

  • When the lateral stress is low strain softening and volume expansion and lateral extrusion can be observed ;

    低侧向应力状态时应变软化、 体胀和侧向挤出;

  • Role of brain cholinergic system on diuresis and natriuresis induced by volume expansion in rats

    大鼠脑胆碱能系统对 血量 扩张引起利尿与尿钠排泄的作用

  • Simultaneously also proposed the establishment volume expansion rate and the intensity loss factor relations .

    同时还提出了建立 体积 膨胀率和强度损失率的关系。