volume table

[ˈvɑljum ˈtebəl][ˈvɔlju:m ˈteibl]


  • Actuality and Countermeasures of Using Single Entry Volume Table in Cases Involving Forestry

    谈涉林案件中一元 材积 使用的现状和对策

  • A standard volume table and a local volume table were compiled for Acacia mangium in Guangzhou .

    对广州地区马占相思进行了二元立木材积 和一 元立木材积表的编制。

  • All the results show that biomass models established in this paper not only realize compatibility with volume table but also get remarkable improvement in estimate effect and prediction precision comparing with previous model CAR .

    研究结果表明,所建的生物量模型不仅实现了与 材积 的兼容,而且估计效果和预估精度较以往的CAR模型都有显著提高。

  • Using high class volume table combining with the best taper equation the individual timber 's percentage of assortment table was compiled which obtained high precision and can be applied in practice .

    本文利用白桦的 样木,结合最优的削度方程,编制了白桦树高级单木材种出材率表,精度较高,可在生产实践中加以应用。

  • For translating the oil level into volume that the oil tank contains in this level methods are studied that identify an oil tank level - volume table ( printed on paper ) and then import it into database in this paper .

    为了能在计算机中实现储油液位和容积的自动换算,本文研究油罐 容积 自动识别并导入数据库的方法。

  • Ground Diameter Volume Table and Reasonable Density Management of Larix gmelinii Stand

    落叶松人工林根径 材积 和合理经营密度研究

  • The Best Way to Solve the Problem of Oil Tank Volume Table in Gas Station

    当前解决加油站油罐 容积 问题的有效途径

  • Volume table of chinese firtree poles

    GB4815-1984杉原条 材积

  • In this way several samples for volume table construction can be obtained from one sample tree .

    一株样木可获得龄阶数个 样本。

  • System Suggestions are also given to improve the Volume Table System presently used in China .

    结合该系统的特点,对改进我国 材积 体系提出了一些建议。

  • The sample plot survey data were used to establish the relative height curve models of Pinus massoniana plantations to guess and estimate the sample plot stocking in combination with the binary volume table .

    利用标准地调查数据,建立马尾松人工林相对树高曲线模型,结合二元 材积 测算标准地蓄积量。

  • The volume table for oil storage tank will lose efficacy after a period of usage due to factors like foundation deformation .

    由于地基变形等原因,地下储油罐使用一段时间后罐体的变位会导致原标定的罐 失效。

  • Through the analysis processing for the massive amount asked volume table connected by the level analytic method the minute value of the appraisal factor about each level has been counted . It is based on the questionnaire result which is done from November to December .

    以2006年11月~12月间所作的问卷调查结果为第一手资料,通过层次分析法对收集到的大量 问卷进行分析与处理,统计出各层评价因子的 分值

  • Discussion on the Problems in Examination of Standing Volume Table in Technical Guidelines of Forest Resource Inventory

    浅谈森林资源调查技术规定中立木材 检验问题

  • The theory of digital orthophoto map and its making technological process It is proof that the volume table has practical value in production .

    数字正射影像图的原理及生产流程 材积 经过检验,证明在生产上有实用价值。

  • Volume was calculated with storage manage software by gauged volume table of oil tank .

    库存管理软件据油罐标定后的油罐 容积 计算出产品体积。

  • Analysis of Arrangement Method for Capacity and Volume Table of Tank Cars

    铁路罐车容量 容积 编制方法解析

  • In addition the discussion was made on the selection of standard volume table the organization and application method of local volume table in the calculation of unlawfully felled tree volume .

    探讨了盗伐立木材积测算工作中二元立木材 选用和地径一元材积表的编制与应用方法。

  • Offset to the local volume table .

    本地 的偏移量。

  • Research on Establishment of Dual Volume Table and Timber Volume Table of Pinus Massoniana and Cunninghamia Lanceolata Plantations in Guizhou Province

    贵州马尾松、杉木人工林二元 材积 及出材率表编制研究

  • The methods can automatically import oil tank level - volume table and more it improve the efficiency of translation and import .

    该方法可方便地将 容积 自动输入 数据库,提高了 容积 的转换效率。

  • Study of Applying the Taper Equation to Compile Pinus elliottii Volume Table and Timber-Produced Rate Table

    应用削度方程编制湿地松材 和出材率表的研究

  • Construction the volume table with the normal form factor the breast height form factor and the experimental regression formula

    用正形数胸高形数和经验回归方程编制 人工 林立 木材

  • Summarized this text expound the basic concept of The tree volume table basic theories the basic step on this foundation auther put forward some improved methods .

    综上所述,本文对 材积 编制的基本概念,基本理论,基本步骤进行了详细阐述,在此基础上又提出了编制的一些改进方法。

  • To find the filename of the file on the network you need to combine the share name in the network volume table with the final path string .

    要找到网络上文件的文件名,你必须组合网络 的共享名和最终路径字符串。

  • Some statistical problems in the construction of log volume table s

    原木材 编制中的几个统计问题

  • Using the Method of Measurement Error Model to Compile the Compatible Growth Table and Volume Table

    用度量误差模型方法编制相容的生长过程表和 材积

  • It is proof that the volume table has practical value in production .

    材积 经过检验,证明在生产上有实用价值。

  • In the fell task design and cumulation calculation the same calculation method should be taken and a one way volume table with regionality should be workouted so as to reduce the errors .

    在采伐作业设计和伐后验收的蓄积计算上应采用相同的计算方法或编制区域性根径一元 材积 ,以减少误差。