welding tip


  • Welding current and voltage tip displacement and tip pressure are selected as the characteristic signals to measure and estimate the quality of the nuggets .

    本文工作中构建了以电极压力、 电极位移、 焊接电流及电压作为铝合金点焊质量评定特征信息的铝合金点焊质量在线监测系统。

  • Welding of Rivets on the Tip of Blade for Turbine

    汽轮机叶片 铆钉的 焊接修复

  • The results show that during welding process the contact radius increases gradually the highest temperature is always located at the center of the electrode tip surface while the electrode stress and current density both concentrate at the edge of contact region .

    结果表明:所考察的 焊接条件下,接触半径在 焊接过程中逐渐增大,电极 端面的中部温度最高,而电极压力和电流密度均在接触区边缘集中。

  • The results show that electrode degradation mechanism was basically caused by wear due to fracture of local welding between the electrode tip surface and zinc coated sheet steel happen at electrode surface and alloying between electrode and zinc on zinc coated steel during resistance spot welding zinc coated steel .

    结果表明:点焊镀锌钢板时电极的失效机制主要是电极和镀锌板之间局部 焊接的断裂发生在 电极表面而导致的电极磨损以及电极和镀锌板表面的锌之间的合金化。

  • The repairing welding process of the main wearing plate for the tip truck has been described in this article .

    介绍了 矿山 自卸重型卡车主要磨损件的 焊接修复过程。

  • A computation program has been developed using a two dimension boundary element method for calculation of stress strength factor at the welding crackle tip .

    开发了二维边界元计算程序,用于计算 焊接裂纹 尖端应力强度因子。

  • Considering the structure of welding tool the kinematic equations of the welding wire tip of this robot are obtained in the first time .

    考虑焊枪结构,首次建立了 SK6 弧焊机器人 焊枪 末端的运动学方程。