


  • This is a dreadful comment on the past decade of welfarism .

    这对过去十年中 贯彻 福利 主义是个糟糕的评论。

  • Developments of the British Welfarism : From Adam Smith to Keynes

    从亚当·斯密到凯恩斯& 简评英国 福利 思想的发展

  • With the spread of financial crisis many European welfare countries are facing sovereign debt crisis and the pressure of social security is increasing which welfarism brings .

    随着金融危机的蔓延,欧洲一些福利型国家均出现了主权债务危机。 福利 主义带来的社会保障压力越来越大。

  • Small-sum Loan Development Superiority Equilibrium : Welfarism Aim and Institutionalism

    小额信贷发展的占优均衡: 福利 主义宗旨与制度主义机制的 有机 融合

  • The government should carry out the maximization of the public health interest the welfarism of public health services and the equalization of public health level .

    政府应该实现公共健康利益的最大化、公共健康服务的 福利化和公共健康水平的均等化。

  • Four reasons can be referred to account for the replacement of welfarism by non-welfarism . Arrow 's Impossibility Theorem defects in the Pareto Criterion theoretical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness and practical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness .

    福利 主义被非福利主义取代的原因有四:阿罗不可能性定理、帕累托标准的缺陷、理论上对效率和公平问题的重新思考,以及实践中对效率和公平问题的重新思考。

  • The Rise of Non - Welfarism in Welfare Economics

    福利经济学中非 福利 主义的兴起