welding technology


  • Excavator Boom Welding Technology Analysis and Fixture Design

    挖掘机动臂 焊接 工艺分析与夹具设计

  • In this paper the hardware of digital CO2 welding machine is designed and the software is developed according to the characteristic of CO2 welding technology .

    设计了数字化CO2焊机的硬件结构,并根据CO2 焊接 工艺的特点,编写了相应的控制软件,实现了整个焊接系统的数字化。

  • Described are the welding technology and its technology evaluation inspection result of the semi-permanent couplers on multiple units .

    介绍了动车组半永久车钩的 焊接 工艺及其工艺评定检测结果。

  • A welding technology used for assembling an integrated circuit .

    注入沟道-集成电路 工艺用装配集成电路的一种 焊接 工艺

  • The application of laser welding technology in P / M materials and its developing status are systematically introduced .

    系统地介绍了激光 焊接 技术在粉末冶金材料中的应用及其国内外动态。

  • Research on steel structure welding technology in National Aquatics Center Project

    国家游泳中心工程钢结构 焊接 技术的研究

  • With popularization of thick plate welding projects in China three wires submerged arc welding technology has been developing .

    基于国内厚钢板焊接工程大量出现,三丝埋 弧焊 技术逐渐发展。

  • Expert System of Metal Bellows Welding Technology Based on VB

    基于VB开发的金属波纹管 焊接 工艺设计专家系统

  • The application of the vertical steel electroslag pressure welding technology has taken place of join-colligation and manual arc welding method .

    竖向钢筋电渣压力 技术的应用,代替了搭接绑扎和手工电弧焊的方法。

  • Application of laser welding technology in the production of engineering vehicle .

    激光 焊接 技术在工程车辆生产中的应用。

  • Application and research of decision tree algorithm in welding technology design

    决策树算法在 焊接 工艺设计中的应用

  • Integrative Study of Fatigue Design and Welding Technology of Vehicle Welded Structure Based on Standards

    基于标准的车辆焊接结构抗疲劳设计与 焊接 工艺一体化设计

  • With rich strength and fruitful for the modern management of the high-tech electronics manufacturer provides the high quality product and the soldering welding technology services .

    以雄厚的实力和卓有成效之管理,为现代高科技电子制造厂商提供高品质的焊锡产品及 焊接 工艺 技术服务。

  • Study on the Plasma Arc Welding Technology of Austenite Stainless Steel Parts ;

    研究了电场奥氏体 对低 碳钢的淬火组织的影响。

  • Welding Technology Repairing for Heavy Gear & Hydraulic Cylinder

    采用 焊接 工艺修复重型机械齿轮和液压缸

  • Application and analysis of automatic welding technology in nuclear power plant construction

    核电站安装施工中自动化 焊接 技术应用分析

  • New welding technology of embeded parts in the national stadium-submerged arc stud welding

    国家体育场预埋件的 焊接工艺&埋弧螺柱焊

  • This paper analyzed the welding capability of the new type heat resistant steel and discussed its welding technology measures of argon filling and the control points of post weld heat treatment .

    分析了新型耐热钢(T/P92)焊接性能,并对其 焊接 工艺、充氩措施及焊后热处理控制要点进行论述。

  • Which promoted the application of automatic or semi-automatic welding technology in steel construction welding .

    促进了自动或半自 技术在钢结构焊接中的应用。

  • Welding technology and microstructure of MIG welded magnesium alloy

    镁合金MIG 焊接 工艺及焊接接头组织性能分析

  • Application of EB Welding Technology in Machining Gears

    电子束 焊接 技术在齿轮加工中的应用

  • Polar selection is one of the most important parameters of welding technology which will influence the welding quality .

    极性选择是 焊接 工艺中最为基础的参数之一,对焊接质量有着重要的影响。

  • Plasma spray welding power source which gives energy to plasma arc welding involves welding technology power electricals control theory computer science and technology and so on .

    等离子喷焊电源是为等离子弧提供能量的电源,涉及到 焊接 工艺学、电力电子学、控制理论和计算机科学与技术等众多领域。

  • Discussion of applicability of explosive welding technology to equipment rush-repairing

    爆炸 焊接 技术在装备抢修中的应用性分析

  • The ultra-narrow-gap welding is a high efficient welding technology in which I groove is used .

    超窄间隙焊接是采用间隙尽量小的I形坡口得到高质量 焊接 接头的一种高效率 焊接 技术

  • Also this Paper introduces the equipment including its principles of mechanical structure electrical control principle and automatic welding technology .

    并介绍了该设备的机械结构原理和电气控制原理以及自动 焊接 工艺

  • CO_2 Gas Shielded Arc Welding Technology Applied in Highrise Steel Structure Installation

    CO2气体保护 技术在高层建筑钢结构安装工程中的应用

  • Narrow gap welding is a new welding technology in which unusual welding technique and narrow gap are integrated with the special equipment and control technology .

    窄间隙焊接是将常规的焊接工艺与窄间隙坡口结合在一起,通过专门的装置和控制技术而集成的一种新型 焊接 技术

  • Research on the Welding Technology of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel

    2205双相不锈钢的 焊接 工艺研究