Well begun is half done


  • As the saying goes well begun is half done sincerely hope we each university life will be able to have a good beginning .

    俗话说得好,“ 良好 开端 成功 一半”,真诚的希望我们每个人的大学生活都能有一个良好的开端。

  • Well Begun is Half Done & My practice in regulating the behaviors of students who are lagging behind in their first year in senior middle schools

    良好 开端 成功 一半&对高一后进学生行为规范培养的实践

  • It is similar to the saying @ Well begun is half done .

    它和这句谚语很相似: 开始 成功 一半

  • Well begun is half done .

    谚语 开始 等于 成功 一半

  • Applicant : As the saying goes Well begun is half done .

    应聘者:俗话说“ 良好 开端 成功 一半”。

  • Mother told her son Well begun is half done .

    母亲跟儿子说:“ 开端 等于 成功 一半。”

  • I think we have made a good start in our business and well begun is half done .

    :我认为我们的贸易开端不错, 开端 成功 一半

  • Well begun is half done only persistence can make our dreams become a reality .

    良好 开端 成功 一半,唯有坚持才能让梦飞翔。

  • Well begun is half done as the saying goes .

    常言道, 开端 成功 一半