


  • The third part the rift of the warlord problem and it resolve .

    第三部分, 军阀问题上的分歧及其解决。

  • The Yuan government had made an effort to resume authority and the govern ability but at last the struggles among warlord blocs had disintegrated the Yuan 's governance in fact .

    尽管元廷为恢复权威与控制能力进行过努力,但最终 军阀集团的斗争在事实上瓦解了元朝的统治。

  • But the political power of Guangzhou is placed in the warlord surrounds in very unsteady .

    但是,广州政权处在 军阀包围之中,极不稳定。

  • This was too much for the Supreme warlord .

    这对最高 统帅 打击实在太大了。

  • Under the pressure of the nation-wide anti-imperialist patriotic struggle the Northern Warlord government had to set fee the students it had arrested .

    在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下, 北洋 军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生。

  • The warlord treated his concubines as graceful playthings .

    那个 军阀把他的小妾当作美丽的玩物。

  • He also sent a Chinese warlord to kill Phileas fogg !

    他还派了一个中国 军阀去杀害菲利亚斯福格!

  • One of Lu 's important allies in Guangdong was the local warlord Cen Chunxuan .

    在广东,陆氏重要盟友之一,是当地的 军阀岑春煊。

  • A Study of the Northern Warlords Before and After the Revolution of 1911 ; He later became Vice-President and then President of the Republic under the regime of the Northern warlord clique .

    辛亥革命前后的北洋 集团嬗变研究在 北洋 军阀 统治 时期曾任副总统和总统。

  • After the overthrow of the Qing dynasty Shanxi was held by warlord Yan Xishan .

    清朝被推翻后,山西被 军阀阎锡山占领。

  • 1928-Chinese warlord Zhang Zuolin assassinated by Japanese agents .

    1928年的今天,中国的 军阀张作霖被日本特务暗杀。

  • Hunger and cold are creating great unrest among the soldiers of the warlord armies .

    军阀军队中的士兵因饥寒而 酝酿着很大的不安。

  • He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South .

    他既独裁又 好战,压迫侮辱南方人。

  • Was there ever a cat that did not love fish or a warlord who was not a counter-revolutionary ?

    哪有猫儿不吃油,哪有 军阀不是反革命?

  • But when its power failed Japan 's greatest and most roughness warlord no longer be contained .

    但当它瓦解,日本有史以来最强大也是最粗暴的 军阀 统治 随之不复存在了。

  • Warlord and Cabinet : Analysis of the Member of Cabinet of Northern Warlords Government ( 1916-1928 )


  • She looks like an evil Chinese warlord to me .

    对我来说,她象是一个邪恶的中国 军阀

  • The hero Koba took four Phoenix swords in the Dark Age to assassinate a warlord named Scaren Li said .

    英雄,科巴,采取四个“凤凰剑在”黑暗时代“刺杀名为Scaren,李一 军阀”之称。

  • The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous scorched earth directive .

    这位最高 统帅公布了他那臭名昭著的实行焦土政策的指示。

  • He points out deep in sorrowly in resign switch on electricity warlord south and north such as birds of a feather .

    他在辞职通电中沉痛地指出, 军阀“南与北如一丘之貉”。

  • It 's not Lord of war . it 's warlord .

    不是战争之王,应该叫 军阀

  • The election of Anfu Congress in1918 was regarded as a battle between different warlord cliques .

    1918年的“安福国会”选举被看做是披着宪政外衣的 军阀派系斗争。

  • The greatest warlord of a clan acts as a general to all war affairs .

    氏族 强大的 军阀是所有战事的统帅。

  • The Constitution of National China was the product of warlord cultural spirit in that period .

    《中华民国宪法》就是我国这一时期 军阀文化精神的产物和 集中体现。

  • He is the man put the war back into warlord .

    他是挑起战争的 军阀

  • But Mohammed was a warlord a mass murderer a pedophile and had several marriages-at the same time .

    但是,历史上的穆罕默德却是一个 军阀,一个大规模屠杀的凶手,一个伪君子和同时拥有几段婚姻的人。

  • Then he was still our all masterful leader : a remote demanding difficult warlord .

    那时候,他是我们至高无上的领袖:一个高高在上、令重如山、 不可一世 军事 首脑

  • To this soldier who despite his fanatical devotion to the Fuehrer whom he had served so well still retained some sense of military tradition the Supreme Warlord was deserting the command of his troops and shirking his responsibility for them at a moment of disaster .

    这个军人虽然对元首忠心耿耿,替他卖了不少力气,但仍保留了一些军事传统的观念,在他看来,最高 统帅这样做是在大难临头的时候放弃对军队的领导,逃避对他们的责任。

  • Later Tang encountered the patriotic warlord Feng Yuxiang who supported his work and became board chairman of the school .

    后来,他遇到了爱国将领 冯玉祥,冯玉祥对他的工作给予了大力的支持,并成为学校的董事会主席。