
[ˈwɔtɚ, ˈwɑtɚ][ˈwɔ:tə(r)]



  • Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins

    五金店内 水泵和防水油布已经卖光了。

  • The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters .

    这艘船将继续呆在中国 领海之外。

  • This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe .


  • This substance has an affinity for water .

    这物质和 有亲和力。

  • The pump doesn 't work and we have no running water

    水泵坏了,我们没有 自来水

  • A water main burst and the street was flooded .


  • You certainly seem to be in deep water

    你看起来无疑是陷入了 困境

  • We are running low on drinking water

    我们的饮用 不多了。

  • City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun .

    伦敦金融城的经济学家给经济开始复苏的说法泼了 冷水

  • Get me a glass of water .


  • The system wastes a large amount of water .


  • His eyes watered from cigarette smoke .

    他的眼睛 香烟 熏得 直流

  • Just add water milk and butter

    只要 加水、牛奶和黄油就行了。

  • The water squirted all over me .


  • You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself .

    参与其中时一定要小心谨慎, 表态之前最好试探一下。

  • My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born .

    我是凌晨6 点破 的,不到4个小时杰米就出生了。

  • The water is boiling .


  • The water had soaked his jacket and shirt


  • I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water .

    我觉得我们在跑题并已陷入尴尬 境地

  • He went out to water the plants .

    他出去给植物 浇水

  • I ran some hot water and washed up

    我放了一些 热水把餐具洗了。

  • A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies

    泄漏的煤油污染了 水源

  • The water is evaporated by the sun .


  • He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge .

    他为服刑期满而感到 如释重负,而且觉得既已无可更改,过去的就让它过去吧。

  • Trees and bushes grew down to the water 's edge .

    树和灌木丛一直长到了 水边

  • The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year .

    这家公司今年由于价格过高已经陷入 困境

  • I was just hit by a wall of water .

    我刚撞上了一堵 墙。

  • A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir .


  • The British Government may be in stormy economic waters .

    英国政府可能陷入了动荡的经济 困境中。

  • Oil and water don 't mix

    油和 不相溶。