Don 't forget when you are exercising to always warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury .
别忘了锻炼时必须进行合理的 热身和冷却以避免受伤。
Warm up the goulash in budapest .
在布达佩斯把菜炖牛肉 热 好 了。
They would always come out and warm up the audience
他们总是会 出来 调动观众情绪。
The crowd began to warm up .
人群开始 活跃 起来。
Next we did a voice warm up in preparation for learning proper breathing .
接着,我们做了一个 热声训练, 让孩子们学会正确的呼吸。
The consensus amongst the world 's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades
世界各国科学家一致认为在未来几十年里地球有可能 变暖。
When will the weather warm up ?
何时天气会 转暖和?
Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up .
First let 's do some warm up stretches .
首先,让我们做一些伸展动作 来 热身。
The fire can be compared with the sun and both all give out light and warm up .
火可以与太阳相比,两者都发光和 热。
Larry : I think I hurt my shoulder too . I definitely need to warm up next time .
赖利:我觉得我的肩膀也受伤了。我下次一定得先 暖身。
Don 't forget to warm up and cool down for intervals .
别忘了间歇训练的 热身 跑和冷身跑。
Let 's warm up first .
让我们先 热 热身。
Those heaters can warm up these classrooms in the winter and provide hot water in other seasons .
这些加热器可以在 温暖的冬季,这些教室和其它季节提供热水。
I need to warm up my dance steps before I go out tonight .
我今晚出去前得先 热 热身我的舞步。
He waited for his car to warm up
他等着汽车 预热 。
This will help to warm up the grate and stabilize the temperature of the grill environment .
这将有助于 热身的壁炉和稳定的环境温度烧烤。
Ready to exercise ? Let 's warm up first .
准备好运动了吗?让我们先来 热身吧!
Good I have time to warm up Liz said as we walked into the school .
“还好,我还有时间 热 热身,”莉斯一边说着一边和我一起走进了学校。
We spent a frustrating five minutes while the pilot warmed up the engines .
我们沮丧地等了5分钟,让飞行员 预热引擎。
Warm up the dish before you eat it .
把菜 热 热再吃。
All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding
她所需要做的就是 把布丁 加热。
Please get ready to warm up and take off .
准备 发动和起飞。
The weather had warmed up .
天气已经 转暖。
No matter how hard he tried he just couldn 't warm up to that proposal .
无论他怎样努力地想热心一些,他对那项计划就是 热心不 起来。
Let me warm up the soup for you it won 't take a minute .
我来为你 把汤 热 一下吧,用不了多长时间。
You know these last few months when we 've been expecting it to warm up a little bit ?
你知道最近这几个月我们一直盼望着天能 暖和一点吧?
In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event
一个小时后车手们将 做好 准备参加这项重要的赛事。
Tommy : But you should warm up first & and stretch too .
汤米?可是你应该先做 暖身&和伸展运动。
You can shed your outer layers of clothing as you begin to warm up .
你可以摆脱你的衣服外层为你开始 升温。
美[wɔrm ʌp]英[wɔ:m ʌp]