warning system

[ˈwɔrnɪŋ ˈsɪstəm][ˈwɔ:nɪŋ ˈsistəm]


  • Global Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources

    全球植物遗传资源信息和 预警 系统

  • Research on the Key Technologies of Vehicle 's Overspeed Warning System in Highway

    高速公路车辆超速 警示 系统关键技术研究

  • Research on China 's Petrochemical Companies ' Financial Early Warning System

    我国石化类上市公司财务 预警 系统研究

  • Design and implementation of network content monitoring and warning system

    网络内容监控与 预警 系统的设计与实现

  • Early warning system includes method and quota of early warning system arrangement and management information system etc.

    失业 预警 系统主要包括预警方法、预警指标、制度安排和管理信息系统等几个方面。

  • Study on the Mid-Long Term Energy Forecasting and Early Warning System

    中长期能源预测 预警 体系研究与应用

  • Warning system counld assure the safety of worker .

    报警 系统,保证人员安全。

  • Application research of microcomputer in marine failure warning system

    微电脑在船舶故障 报警 系统的应用研究

  • In essence you can think of JUnitPerf as an early warning system .

    在本质上,可以认为JUnitPerf是一个早期的 警告 系统

  • Based on Mine Ventilation Information Early Warning System

    基于矿井通风信息处理 系统 预警 系统 研究

  • Drought Monitoring and Evaluation of Integrated Services and Early Warning System Development in Inner Mongolia

    内蒙古地区综合干旱监测评估和 预警服务 系统开发

  • Setting up a civil air defense communications and warning system ;

    建立人民防空通信和 警报 系统

  • Europe is not without a tsunami warning system and this can be enhanced with additional buoys .

    欧洲不是没有海啸 预警 系统,而这可以被增加的浮标所加强。

  • The study on forecast warning system and terminal based on GPRS

    基于GPRS的 预警 系统和预警终端的研究

  • Study on Early Warning System of Crisis Management in China CBA Court

    我国CBA赛场危机管理 预警 系统研究

  • This method is applicable to constellation design for space-based radar global and territorial early warning system .

    该方法适用于天基雷达全球和区域 预警 系统的星座设计。

  • We call this scientific prediction a geological warning system he said .

    “我们把这种科学预计称为一个地质 预警 系统。”他说。

  • Research and Application of Early Warning System for Bank Risk

    银行风险早期 预警 系统的研究与实现

  • Design and development of the monitoring and warning system for urban circulating vegetable pollution

    城市流通蔬菜污染监测 预警 系统的设计和开发

  • Auto Safety early warning system Monitor Warning ;

    汽车;安全 预警 系统;监测;报警;

  • The application of3D moving sound in the warning system in fighter is studied in this dissertation .

    本文主要研究了三维运动声音在机载 告警 系统中应用的相关问题。

  • A radar that is part of an early warning system .

    是早期 警告 系统的一部分的雷达。

  • This paper analyzes the composing of the testing and warning system of combustible gases and method of overhaul and gives examples of analysis and overhaul on the grounds of phenomenon of breakdown .

    分析可燃气体检测 报警 系统的组成和检修方法,并列举了根据故障现象进行分析和检修的实例。

  • We will improve the early warning system for disturbances to social stability and the emergency response mechanism .

    完善社会稳定 预警 体系和应急处理机制。

  • The part of the fire-fighting mainly including : the design of the warning system and linked system etc.

    消防部分主要 报警 系统、联动系统的设计等。

  • Aircraft control and warning system

    飞机控制和 警报 系统

  • The data collection and transaction of the laser warning system is integrated in a single chip .

    实现了激光 告警 系统的采集与处理的单片集成。

  • I suspect this was designed primarily as an early warning system .

    我想这个是设计用来作为早期 预警 系统的。

  • The navigation system 's traffic avoidance feature works well and we like the new lane departure warning system .

    该导航系统的交通避税功能运作良好,而我们喜欢新的车道偏离 警告 系统