


  • This article analyses the affecting factors of the separation effectiveness and points out the relation of quantity efficiency and washability .

    分析了洗煤效果的影响因素,给出了数量效率与 可选 的关系。

  • It is investigated the influence of base Stocks and additives on lubricity washability and reserved time of film the semi-synthetic knitting oil for computerized flat machine is developed .

    考察了基础油和添加剂对润滑性, 清洗 和油膜保留时间的影响,研制出了半合成电脑横机针织油。

  • Affect factors of washability of Jixi coal

    鸡西煤 可选 的影响因素

  • Washability curve is a basis on which coal quality analysis and design of coal preparation plant can be well performed therefore it is quite important to plot washability curve correctly with simple method .

    可选 曲线是煤质分析和选煤厂设计的基础,因此,如何既简单又准确地画出可选性曲线显得尤为重要。

  • Coal washability is determined by the specific gravity consist the near-density content and the contaminator ( specific gravity 1.3-1.8 ) are the major factors which affect on its value .

    煤的 可选 是由其比重组成所决定的,±0.1含量和污染物(1.30&1.80比重级)是主要影响因素。

  • The distribution characteristics and its washability evaluation of pyrite in coal in Wuda coalfield

    乌达矿区煤中黄铁矿的赋存特点及其 可选 评价

  • By predicting density composition of raw coal and drawing washability curves theory yield and quantity efficiency of clean coal can be calculated .

    通过预测原煤密度组成,并绘制 可选 曲线,计算精煤理论产率和数量效率。

  • The mixture of those monomers with additives could be cured quickly to give a film with excellent antistatic property and washability .

    合成的 铵盐单体为低黏度液体,所得 铵盐经复配后光固化速度快,固化膜具有优良的抗静电性及 擦洗性。

  • Using EXCEL to Plot Raw Coal Washability Curve

    采用EXCEL绘制原煤 可选 曲线

  • Remark on the Application to the Study of Coal Petrology in the Washability of Coal

    煤岩学在煤 可选 研究中的应用评述

  • Raw coal washability curves provide essential basic data for management and design of coal preparation plants .

    原煤 可选 曲线是选煤厂管理和设计的必不可少的基础资料。

  • A new method for coal washability evaluation

    煤的 可选 评价方法的一种途径

  • The study on distribution of selenium in Chinese coals and its washability

    中国煤中硒的分布特征及其 可选 研究

  • The Effect of Crease Resist Finish with Citric Acid on the Washability of Real Silk Fabric

    柠檬酸抗皱整理对真丝织物 影响研究

  • It is shown that incorporation of the new type of hydrophobe can improve the latex paint 's dirt-pick-up property washability and weather resistance .

    结果表明,将该疏水剂作为一种功能性组分加入到乳胶漆体系中,能够大大地提高乳胶漆的 沾污性、 洗刷 和耐候性。

  • Improvement of Raw Coal Washability Curves Coal system

    原煤 可选 曲线绘制方法的改进

  • Testing method for resistance of fabrics to soil redeposition : washability tester method

    纺织品耐再污染试验法: 洗涤度测定法

  • Coal washability study with coal core samples

    用煤芯煤样进行煤炭 可选 研究

  • The coal washability is controlled by coal accumulating area .

    煤的 可选 受控于煤的聚积环境。

  • The washability of coal deposited in high peat bogs is better than that deposited in low peat moors .

    高位泥炭沼泽形成的煤 可选 好,而低位泥炭沼泽形成的煤 可选

  • This article has described the preparation of nano TiO2-based exterior wall paint and discussed the properties of weatherability alkali and water resistance and washability .

    研究了二氧化钛纳米材料制备外墙乳胶漆的方法。考察了涂料的耐候性、耐碱性、耐水性、 洗刷 等性能。

  • Application of HM cyclone for coal slime in the process of cleaning high-sulfur coal with difficult washability

    煤泥重介质旋流器在高硫难 选煤分选工艺中的应用

  • Washability of the treated fabrics was also tested indicating that the finished fabrics has good fire retardant washable .

    课题还对整理织物的 进行了测试,结果表明所制阻燃剂整理的棉织物具有良好的耐洗

  • The features of talc ore in Henan Province are large reserves and low grade ore but easy washability .

    河南滑石矿的特点是大而贫,但 可选

  • Zijinshan Gold Mine is an extraordinarily large one with huge ore reserve low grade but much better washability .

    紫金山金矿是一个储量大、品位低,但 可选 极佳的特大型黄金矿山。

  • The results show that the compound is excellent in yellowing resistance but poor in washability .

    结果表明这类化合物是一种防泛黄效果好、但不耐 泛黄 抗氧剂

  • Discussion on optimization of slime water system and realization of washing coal with clear water in dense medium Application of HM cyclone for coal slime in the process of cleaning high-sulfur coal with difficult washability

    优化煤泥水系统实现重介清水洗煤煤泥重介质旋流器在高硫难 选煤分选工艺中的应用

  • During the optimization of data washability curves were drawn by detailing the float-sink test data .

    在数据优化过程中,对各分选系统的浮沉试验数据采用拟合的方法进行加密处理,并绘制出 可选 曲线。

  • In this text the author analysed and discussed the solubility stabilization washability and compatibility of the dyes .

    本文从染料的溶解性、稳定性、 水洗 ,配伍性等方面分别作了分析讨论。

  • The present state and prospect of evaluating coal washability method

    煤炭 可选 评定方法的现状与展望