


  • Early Saturday a warplane belonging to rebel forces was shot down over Benghazi crashing in a ball of smoke and flames .

    星期六一早,叛军的一 战机在班加西上空被击落,在一团浓烟和火焰中坠毁。

  • ABC News reported that coalition forces shot down a Libyan warplane that was defying the U.N. - imposed no-fly zone .

    ABC新闻报道称,联合部队击落了一 无视联合国设立的禁飞区的利比亚 战斗机

  • HF Scattering Cross section of the Stealth Warplane

    具有 隐身 结构 飞机短波散射截面

  • Libyan rebels rescued the pilot after he ejected from the warplane which came down near the eastern city of Benghazi Britain 's Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on its website .

    英国每日电讯报道说,驾驶员在弹射出 机舱后,降落到 班加西港口附近,随后被利比亚反对派武装救走。

  • Earlier an American warplane taking part in the operation crashed in the desert near the rebel stronghold of Benghazi .

    更早之前,一 参加 战斗的美国 战机坠毁在班加西叛军据点附近的沙漠里。

  • French fighter jets shot down a Libyan government warplane over the city of Misrata on Thursday .

    法国战斗机星期四在米苏拉塔击落了一架利比亚政府的 战机

  • Some Theses on the Shadow Detection of the Diffraction Image of the Electromagnetic Wave with the Stealth Warplane Against the Clutter Background

    对杂波背景上 隐身 目标电磁波衍射象黑化探测的几个问题

  • At the conclusion of this paper we discuss the optical simulation about the diffraction image of the electromag - netic wave with the F-117A and the B-2 warplane .

    本文最后讨论了对F-117A、B-2 隐身 飞机电磁波衍射象的光学仿真问题。