warm to

[wɔrm tu][wɔ:m tu:]


  • Hong Kong is fast efficient in every way and easy to get around but is too small too money minded and cold ( people are not warm to each other ) .

    香港的节奏很快,地方很小,人们爱讲钱,很势利,人与人之间的关系很 冷漠

  • They gave her some warm milk to drink but she refused it .

    他们给了她一些 温暖的牛奶喝,但她拒绝了。

  • They even gave him warm water to wash with .

    他们甚至送 温水 给他洗。

  • Warm to the flesh that warms you still .

    结伴回家,温暖那些仍给你 温暖的人。

  • Its fun playing in the snow . But its even more fun when you have something big and warm to snuggle up to .

    在雪地里玩耍固然有趣,不过有个又大又 暖和的东西 你可以依偎时,那就更有趣了。

  • It 's too warm to wear woollen sweaters now .


  • It 's warm enough to swim .

    天气 暖和 可以游泳了。

  • Great moms fix you something warm to eat and pay attention .

    伟大的母亲会为你准备一些 温馨的食物,并给予你关注。

  • On behalf of the organizing committee I would like to express our warm welcome to all participants .

    我谨代表组委会 所有参加者表示 热烈的欢迎!

  • Sometimes we would even throw a bath towel into the dryer just before a shower so it would be nice and warm to wrap around our bodies .

    甚至有时候在洗澡前,我们会提前把浴巾烘一下,因为这样裹在身上觉得十分柔然而且 烘烘的。

  • It 's warm enough to bring out the garden chairs .

    天气很 暖和,可以 花园里用的椅子搬出来了。

  • Politicians persist in imagining that ' the people ' warm to their cheesy slogans .

    政客们还在想象着“人民” 他们的空洞口号会越来越感 兴趣呢。

  • We will warm to the service attitude to meet you .

    我们将会 热情的服务态度迎接您的光临。

  • Mature men will take you to a warm place to celebrate you only you two people .

    成熟的男人会带你到一个 温馨的地方 你庆祝,只有你们两个人。

  • Welcome to the new and old customers to call to consult we will warm to serve you .

    欢迎新老客户来电咨询、我们会 热情 您服务。

  • It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon

    天气很 暖和,整个下午都可以呆在户外。

  • FOR some children to warm up to strangers .

    有些孩子需要个把钟头 才能和陌生人 亲热起来。

  • Low humidity in warm to hot temperatures will act to cause liquids to evaporate and dry more quickly .

    湿度小的话,在 温暖或高温下,会导致液体蒸发并且干得更快。

  • No matter how hard he tried he just couldn 't warm up to that proposal .

    无论他怎样努力地想热心一些,他 那项计划就是 热心不起来。

  • But we each do need a functional name for this indescribability and God is the name that feels the most warm to me so thats what I use .

    不过我们每个人都需要一个功能性的名称,来指称这无可名状之对象。而神这个名称, 我觉得最 温暖,于是我用它。

  • He also knows that as our pre-budget opinion poll demonstrates ( see article ) voters are yet to warm to him .

    同时他清楚的知道,正如《经济学家》在预算公布前开展的民意测验所显示的那样,选民们 他还是不 感冒

  • He 'd do anything to get warm walk miles to find somewhere warm to sit even walking through the rain in his pumps to find somewhere .

    他想尽办法暖和自己,走上好几英里找个 暖和地方坐下,甚至穿着帆布鞋在雨里走着找地方。

  • And people always warm to the one with a happy and a smiling face .

    和人民始终 温暖的一个幸福笑脸。

  • Americans accustomed to more straightforward spirits and beer were slow to warm to wine 's complexities .

    习惯于喝更直接的 烈酒或啤酒的美国人花了很长时间才 开始 喜欢葡萄酒复杂的味道。

  • It was nice and warm to sit by the fire .

    坐在火边好 暖和

  • But I still need to thank everyone around me because they always give warm to me so that I will not get confused I am sincerely pleased for their existence .

    但我仍需 感谢身边的每一个人,因为他们时常帮助我,才会是我变得不困惑,我由衷的为他们的存在感到欣慰。

  • My warm congratulations to you on your election as president of your company .


  • The bet is that emerging-markets investors eventually will warm to equities assuming of course that Asian and Latin American exchanges can boost investor confidence by adopting stricter listing requirements .

    相信新兴市场投资者会逐渐 热衷 股票,前提当然是亚洲和拉美的一些证交所能实施更严格的上市要求来提高投资者信心。