waste heat oven

[west hit ˈʌvən][weist hi:t ˈʌvən]


  • Application of Waste Heat Boiler on Heat Recovery Coke Oven

    余热锅炉在热回收 焦炉上的应用

  • A New Way for Using of Uprising-tube Waste Heat or 66 - ⅳ Type Coke Oven

    66&Ⅳ型 焦炉上升管 余热利用新途径

  • The feasibility and design process of recovering waste heat from gas out of heat recovery coke oven with waste heat boiler technology for steam production is described and also both economic and environmental protection effects after application of waste heat boiler are analyzed .

    介绍了用余热锅炉技术从热回收 焦炉烟气中回收 余热生产蒸汽的可行性与设计过程,分析了应用余热锅炉后的经济和环保效益。