


  • Speaking at a war memorial ceremony Mr Abe was heckled with shouts of Warmonger !

    当时,在一个战争纪念仪式上发表讲话的安倍,遭到一些人的大声诘难, 这些 高呼 战争 贩子

  • Voters rejected Labour 's tactic of labeling Mr Churchill as a warmonger and instead embraced the Conservatives election promise that they would now create a strong and free Britain .

    投票者拒绝劳动党指认丘吉尔是 好战 的策略,相反他们拥护保守党当选,选举承诺他们现在将建立一个“强大而自由”的英国。

  • The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it .

    总统发现他一方面因为 参与战争被指责为战争 贩子方面因为战争 执行 不力称作窝囊废。

  • The socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger .

    工党企图诽谤丘吉尔 先生 战争 贩子

  • He was no warmonger but he did believe in nuclear weapons .

    他不是 战争 贩子,但他相信核武器。

  • Their proposal is a further signal ( sign ) of falling support for warmonger ( war among ) Republicans but is last ( less ) than opposition Democrats ( are ) demanding .

    他们这一提议也是近来由于共和 党内战支持率的下降的 体现

  • We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill .

    我们斥责 战争 贩子丘吉尔的狂妄声明。